Rahlf--Arlan Wayne (Class of 1952)

Displaying 1 - 24 of 24 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Drama Dept. news
College Eye 43:39, p.4
Richard Arnold has new son.
2 "The Rivals," an eighteenth century comedy by Richard Brinsley Sheridan, will be presented April 24, 25, and 26 by the department of English and speec
Public Relations News Release 1951:557, p.1
A matinee will be presented Saturday, April 26, as part of the annual drama conference at the college. Hazel strayer is director of the production and Richard Arnold is designer and technical director. The cast is listed.
3 Special To: Bremer County Independent
Public Relations News Release 1951:103, p.1
Arlan Rahlf, Waverly, has been selected a scenery crew head for the fall play entitled, "The Enchanted," by Jean Giradoux. It will be presented by the department of English and speech and directed by Hazel B. Strayer, professor of speech.
4 Special to: Waverly Democrat
Public Relations News Release 1951:103, p.1
Arlan Rahlf, Waverly, has been selected as scenery crew head for the fall play entitled, "The Enchanted," by Jean Giradoux. It will be presented by the department of English and speech and directed by Hazel B. Strayer, professor of speech.
5 Special to: Waverly Democrat
Public Relations News Release 1951:75, p.1
Arlan Rahlf, Waverly, has been elected vice president of Lambda Gamma Nu, local social fraternity at the college.
6 Special to: Bremer County Independent
Public Relations News Release 1951:75, p.1
Arlan Rahlf, Waverly, has been elected vice president of Lambda Gamma Nu, local social fraternity at the college.
7 Waverly Democrat - Arlan Rahlf
Public Relations News Release 1951:54, p.1
Arlan Rahlf, senior student from Waverly, has been elected president of College Players at the college. College players is an organization for students interestedin drama. Other officers elected this week were Mary Lou Brandt and Susie Phelps.
8 Bremer County News - ArlanRahlf
Public Relations News Release 1951:53, p.1
Arlan Rahlf, senior student from Waverly, has been elected president of College Players at the college. College Players is an organization for students interested in Drama. Other officers elected this week were Mary Lou Brandt, and Susie Phelps.
9 Dramatics group elects officers
College Eye 43:2, p.6
List of officers of College Players.
10 The fashions and the old-style telephone date this picture to the early 1900s.
Public Relations News Release 1950:429, p.1
Actually, it's a scene from "The Winslow Boy," which will be presented Thursday and Friday evenings. Shown are Liana Burbridge, who plays the boy's mother, and Arlan Rahlf, who plays the father.
11 Off-campus life private, homey
College Eye 42:38, p.3
Arlan Rahlf tells what he likes about living off campus.
12 Tickets for "The Winslow Boy," summer play will go on sale Monday
Public Relations News Release 1950:436, p.1
Written by Terence Rattigan, the drama is based on the real life English story of a boy expelled from the government Naval college because officials thought him guilty of a $1.25 theft. Students listed.
13 John Allen, Iowa State Teachers college freshman from Algona, will play the title role in "The Winslow Boy," July 26 - 27 in the auditorium
Public Relations News Release 1950:409, p.1
First produced in London, the drama centers around an English boy who is expelled from school because of a theft charge, and the long struggle to vindicate him. The New York Drama Critics circle cited it the best foreign play of the 1947 season.
14 College Players
Old Gold 0:0, p.182
List of members; photo.
15 Theta Alpha phi
Old Gold 0:0, p.174
Brief description of the group; photo.
16 Thirteen graduates received Purple and Old Gold awards, presented annually for outstanding scholarship and achievement
Public Relations News Release 1950:388, p.1
President J. W. Maucker presented the awards and also presented ten other awards or scholarships, five of them endowed. Students listed.
17 Next fall's men's senior counselors at Iowa State Teachers college have been announced by Don Peters, Marcus
Public Relations News Release 1950:374, p.1
They are Jim Coffin, Roscoe Crickenberger, DeWayne Cuthbertson, Clyde Dilley, Ernie Doeringsfald, Joe Holdiman, Lavern Miller, Dale Moss, Dick Munster, and Dean Myhr.
18 Untitled
College Eye 42:26, p.1
Students work on play set; photo.
19 A dank prison setting is in store for 18 men and three women at the college
Public Relations News Release 1950:301, p.1
That many "prisoners and party workers' are cast in the spring play, "Darkness at Noon," a current Broadway hit about political refugees imprisoned behind the iron curtain.
20 Modern techniques spark present production
College Eye 42:19, p.1
Lengthy preview of the play; list of cast; photo.
21 Stage hit of early '20's to be presented at ISTC
Public Relations News Release 1950:179, p.1
Elmer Rice's "The Adding Maching," a popular but biting stage hit of the e1920's will be presented. Professor Hazel Strayer will design the costumes and Assistant Professor Stanley Wood will be in charge of scenery and lighting.
22 Vaudeville Program opens TC Homecoming
Public Relations News Release 1950:68, p.1
Seven high-steppin' girls will be in the chorus line. Hit songs of bygone days will be sung by the barber shop quartet of Instructor Alfred Moon. A tumbling and gymnastic act will be given by the Waterloo YMCA gymnastic team.
23 Vaudeville program opens TC Homecoming
Public Relations News Release 1950:67, p.1
A one-hour show, "1850-1950 Varieties," will begin the 29th annual Homecoming program. Arlan Rahlf is director of the show and John Bardach will be the master of ceremonies.
24 Teachers College drama fraternity initiates candidates
Public Relations News Release 1950:40, p.1
Eight candidates for membership in Theta Alpha Phi were initiated Friday night into the fraternity's Iowa Beta chapter at the College. Students listed.