Ralston--Edgar A. (Class of 1923; Extension Faculty)
Displaying 1 - 50 of 70 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Jessie M. Parker, state superintendent of public instruction, will be chairman of the discussion panel April 28 Public Relations News Release 1950:323, p. |
Hew Roberts, originator of the now-famous Marengo (Iowa) experiment of adult atomic education, will be the main speaker at the Industrial Arts Education conference. Workshop sessions in nine industrial arts areas will be supervised in the afternoon. | |
2 | Kappa Delta Pi's hear Ed Ralston College Eye 40:39, p.6 |
3 | Ralston to speak at F. T. A. meet College Eye 37:3, p.1 |
4 | Edgar A. Ralston Alumnus 29:2, p.21 |
Is business manager of the schools in Waterloo, where he resides. | |
5 | F. T. A. conduct panel College Eye 36:17, p.1 |
Will discuss problems of inexperienced teachers. | |
6 | Air command cites I. S. T. C. for good job College Eye 35:37, p.1 |
Commendation cites good work of faculty. | |
7 | Why be professionally minded? College Eye 35:36, p.2 |
E. A. Ralston talks about education and teaching. | |
8 | Four years is teacher minimum requirement Ralston tells F. T. A. College Eye 35:36, p.1 |
Believes in strong professional preparation. | |
9 | Faculty appear in play Alumnus 28:1, p.9 |
"Papa is All" presented; photo. | |
10 | Teacher Takes the Spotlight Public Relations News Release 1943:124, p.1 |
For the first time in many years, a teacher will take the main role of a play produces by the College Players. This is due to a lack of male students. Harald Holst will take the part of Papa in "Papa is All." | |
11 | Faculty members relieve shortage for "Papa is All" College Eye 35:7, p.1 |
Several faculty members are cast members. | |
12 | Army instructor speaks at men's union dinner College Eye 35:2, p.6 |
Men's Union held dinner for all college men. | |
13 | Professionalizing of teaching aired at all-college assembly College Eye 34:40, p.1 |
Hear about professional education associations. | |
14 | Education's war problems is theme of convocation College Eye 34:39, p.1 |
Will give students an opportunity to learn about educational associations; photo. | |
15 | Future teachers hold convocation August 4 College Eye 34:38, p.3 |
16 | Civilian soldiers Alumnus 27:3, p.11 |
Quick look at alumni and former students who are contributing to the war effort outside of military service. | |
17 | E. A. Ralston Alumnus 24:1, p.24 |
Is superintendent of schools in Washington. Two new school buildings, Stewart and Lincoln, are being used for the first time this year in Washington. He was president of the Iowa State Teachers College Alumni Association in 1934-1935. | |
18 | Meet the new alumni officers Alumnus 20:1, p.8 |
Roster of officers and brief biographical sketches. | |
19 | Over 400 alumni attend luncheon College Eye 27:18, p.1 |
Program highlights. | |
20 | New events on the Homecoming program are still being scheduled Public Relations News Release 1935:150, p.2 |
Schedule of events. | |
21 | Returning alumni will find the sixteenth annual Homecoming a busy one Public Relations News Release 1935:130, p.3 |
Schedule of events. | |
22 | E. A. Ralston Alumnus 19:3, p.21 |
Superintendent of the schools in Washington, Iowa. | |
23 | Graduates of the Teachers College class of 1910 will be honored at the alumni reunion luncheon Public Relations News Release 1934:1091, p.1 |
Special guests and program for the luncheon. | |
24 | Edgar A. Ralston will preside at the annual alumni luncheon Public Relations News Release 1934:1090, p.2 |
Special guests and program for the luncheon. | |
25 | Graduates face crowded week as year closes; receptions, dances, honor services on calendar of activities College Eye 26:44, p.133 |
Graduates have much to enjoy as their last days approach. | |
26 | Alumni--faculty active in Iowa school conventions; preside, give talks, lead discussions in three district meetings Alumnus 19:1, p.7 |
List of those participating in state regional teacher association meetings. | |
27 | E. A. Ralston Alumnus 15:4, p.9 |
Orange Township superintendent visits campus. | |
28 | Inter-sorority tea and college dance are the social events of the season College Eye 22:16, p.5 |
Campus social calendar. |
29 | Alumni talk at state conference Alumnus 15:1, p.4 |
Roster of ISTC alumni and faculty participating in Iowa State Teachers Convention. | |
30 | Fourteenth conference attracts alumni Alumnus 15:1, p.9 |
List of those who participated in Problems in Elementary Education Conference | |
31 | Mr. and Mrs. Edgar A. Ralston Alumnus 14:3, p.32 |
Dorothy M. Ralston, daughter of Edgar A. Ralston, died in April at age 4. Mr. Ralston is now superintendent of schools at Renwick, Iowa. | |
32 | Placement Bureau secures positions College Eye 20:37, p.1 |
Roster of those who have found positions. |
33 | Theta Alpha Phi College Eye 16:8, p.5 |
Entertained at Professor Samuel Lynch's home; roster of alumni members who attended. | |
34 | E. A. Ralston College Eye 14:49, p.4 |
Accepted position as superintendent in Renwick. | |
35 | The remains of Dr. Gist College Eye 14:48, p.4 |
Sent by train to Marion for burial; faculty members present as pall bearers and representatives of the Veterans Club. | |
36 | News and comments College Eye 14:47, p.1 |
News from campus and off-campus. | |
37 | Delta Sigma Rho College Eye 14:47, p.3 |
Held annual meeting; roster of pledges and officers. | |
38 | Minnesinger Glee Club Old Gold 0:0, p.213 |
Members, officers, and program; photo. | |
39 | Theta Alpha Phi Old Gold 0:0, p.274 |
Chapter members; photo. | |
40 | Alpha Philo Old Gold 0:0, p.238 |
Members of the Alpha and Philomathean Literary Societies; photo. | |
41 | Philomathean Old Gold 0:0, p.235 |
Motto, colors, flower, officers, and members. | |
42 | Alpha-Philo Honor Roll Old Gold 0:0, p.233 |
Members of the roll. | |
43 | Vet Club Old Gold 0:0, p.224 |
Club members; photo. | |
44 | Morningside-Teachers College debate Old Gold 0:0, p.200 |
Team members; photo. | |
45 | Mid-winter and Commencement plays Old Gold 0:0, p.196 |
Casts of the plays; photo. | |
46 | Senior B. A. Old Gold 0:0, p.60 |
Photos of graduates; photo. | |
47 | Memorial Day observed by special chapel services College Eye 15:1, p.3 |
Chapel exercises will have patriotic theme. | |
48 | Jeanne D'Arc to be given Thursday and Friday; over sixty players in the craft College Eye 15:1, p.1 |
Preview of the play; roster of cast members. | |
49 | "Honor Bright" College Eye 14:45, p.1 |
TCHS presents play under direction of ISTC students. | |
50 | Faculty men entertain debaters College Eye 14:42, p.8 |
Hold dinner for them. |