
Displaying 1 - 50 of 277 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Sexual assault reported
Northern Iowan 115:36, p.2
A sexual assault was reported on campus on February 17.
2 Sexual assault reported
Northern Iowan 115:29, p.2
A sexual assault was reported on campus on January 20.
3 Sexual assault reported
Northern Iowan 115:14, p.2
A email sent by the Office of Public Safety reported the second sexual assault of the semester, which occurred on October 8.
4 Speaking up amidst allegations
Northern Iowan 114:25, p.3
Columnist Wolfe discusses rape culture and how it relates to UNI's campus. She also shares her experiences with sexual harassment; photo.
5 Clothesline Project brings awareness
Northern Iowan 114:15, p.2
UNI's Women and Gender Studies (WGS) Program hosted the Clothesline Project to raise awareness of violence against women as a part of the Relationship Violence Awareness Month. People who have been effected by violence could write anonymous messages on the t-shirts that would be hung up around the Union; photo.
6 Sexual assault awareness call to action on campus
Northern Iowan 112:48, p.3

Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) president Katie Evans writes a column on sexual assault awareness; in her opinion, the university and Iowa need to implement stronger policies. Evans also discusses the Mentors in Violence Prevention training and commends the Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity; photo.

7 Students pledge to be the change
Northern Iowan 112:22, p.4

The national campaign "It's On Us" to raise awareness about sexual assault comes to UNI; photos.

8 VP op-ed: It's on us to stop campus sexual assault
Northern Iowan 112:21, p.4

An op-ed from Vice President Joe Biden discusses sexual violence on college campuses and strategies for prevention and accountability; photo.

9 Clinton 'deals in' on gender card
Northern Iowan 112:6, p.1

Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton spoke in Maucker Union on September 14, addressing women's and economic issues; photos.

10 Eat, sleep, rape, repeat
Northern Iowan 111:50, p.3
Amber Rouse and Amanda Wagner take a look at the recent controversy over a music festival goers t-shirt.
11 All staff column; How can UNI make campus intolerant of assault cases?
Northern Iowan 111:17, p.3
Northern Iowan staff share their opinion on how UNI and its students should deal with sexual assault on campus; photo.
12 Alcohol affects verbal consent
Northern Iowan 110:50, p.4
The author reminds readers of the astounding number of rapes that occur on college campuses. The best way to prevent this is to clearly define consent. College students should know that one cannot give consent while under the influence of alcohol.
13 Men in high heels: students walk to promote sexual consent
Northern Iowan 110:50, p.1
The men of UNI walked around campus in red high heels to spread awareness of rape, gender violence, and sexual assault. The sixth annual Walk a Mile in Her Shoes event was hosted by UNI fraternities for Greek Week; photo.
14 Assault education triggers painful memories
Northern Iowan 110:49, p.4
Says that Sexual Assault Awareness Month brings the agony of abuse memories back to victims of sexual assault. Says we need to address all sexual violence, not just some of it.
15 Prevention programs help reduce assaults on campus
Northern Iowan 110:47, p.3
According to the report generated by the Clery Act, there were five forcible sex offenses and one non-forcible sex offense on campus in 2013. The Center for Violence Prevention helps infuse bystander-based prevention education.
16 Heisman doesn't mean success
Northern Iowan 110:28, p.8
The author thinks that many players who receive the Heisman Memorial Trophy don't exhibit the mission statement of the Heisman Trust. The most recent winner as well as many others have been involved in scandals throughout their careers.
17 Taylor discusses abortion
Northern Iowan 110:24, p.1
Sunsara Taylor spoke to the UNI community about abortion and other women's rights issues. Taylor explained that having an abortion is a safe and confidential process that should be available to all women as a choice; photo.
18 Sexual assault sparks controversy
Northern Iowan 110:21, p.1
Sexual assault is becoming increasingly prevalent on college campuses. Many of these crimes are happening in social places, so there is a possibility for intervention. It is estimated that one in four college women will be sexually assaulted; photo.
19 Student who reported sexual assault faces false filing charges
Northern Iowan 110:17, p.1
A sexual assault was reported in ROTH residence hall on September 15. Since then, the police have uncovered that the sexual activity was consensual. Elizabeth Richmann, the woman that reported the assault, is facing false filing charges.
20 Bonnie Campbell speaks on Violence Against Women Act
Northern Iowan 109:52, p.1
Bonnie Campbell, the Iowa Attorney General, came to UNI to speak about domestic violence, sexual abuse, and the Violence Against Women Act; photo.
21 'Invisible War' screening at UNI brings to light the struggle of military sexual assault victims
Northern Iowan 109:19, p.1
Documentary film about victims of rape in the military was shown at Lang Hall. Nearly two hundred people in attendance for screening of film and panel discussion; photo.
22 Safe Date Tailgate provides fun, food and facts
Northern Iowan 109:17, p.7
Groups use tailgating event as means to combat violence and rape and to provide education on safe sex.
23 Just another awareness month?
Northern Iowan 108:49, p.5
One in five women in the United States have reported being raped in their lifetime. Sexual assault month, therefore, is not just another awareness month. Gender, power, violence, and sexuality all play a role in this terrible act.
24 Victims of our society
Northern Iowan 108:15, p.4
Domestic violence has been around since Biblical times. The rapist should be the one harassed, asked all the embarrassing questions, and have family and friends asked about his mental state.
25 To Write Love on Her Arms event brings students together to heal
Northern Iowan 108:14, p.4
Students share real life experiences with rape, depression, suicide attempts, and eating disorders. A nation-wide non-profit organization hosted the event.
26 Don't let emotion trump reason in sexual assault case
Northern Iowan 108:12, p.4
Lawsuit against the University by rape victim requires analysis. Take emotion out of the equation to find real justice.
27 Sexual awareness
Northern Iowan 107:53, p.12
A roommate's personal experience with sexual assault is shared. The emotions and hurt that go along with the attack are mind boggling. Students urged to contact Public Safety and report the crime.
28 Seeds of Hope Clothing Drive provides support for abuse victims
Northern Iowan 107:53, p.6
Seeds of Hope, a non-profit organization, helps prevent domestic violence and provides support during transitional periods. Students are helping with a clothing drive.
29 UNI STAND presents movies on sexual violence in the Congo
Northern Iowan 107:49, p.1
Students Taking Action Now in Darfur presented documentaries showing the lives of Congolese women and men and their views on sexual violence; photo.
30 Rethinking rape
Northern Iowan 107:45, p.9
Seventy-three per cent of rapes are committed by non-strangers. The victim, whether male or female, must move on and not let the event rule his or her life.
31 Don't drink your way to danger
Northern Iowan 107:15, p.9
Homecoming weekend is often filled with fun and alcohol. Students urged to be careful of consuming too much alcohol. Being arrested, having your stomach pumped, or being raped are not positive things to remember from the Homecoming weekend.
32 UNI professor's DVD teaches students about sexual consent
Public Relations News Release 2010:42, p.1
Harry Brod, professor of philosophy and humanities, has been teaching courses in ethics and gender studies for many years. His latest project a DVD, "Asking For It: The Ethics and Erotics of Sexual Consent" was just released by Media Education Foundation.
33 Breaking the cycle by breaking the silence
Northern Iowan 106:51, p.5
Believes that attitudes need to change in order for there to be a decrease in sexual violence.
34 "Walk a Mile in Her Shoes" raises gender violence awareness
Northern Iowan 106:39, p.4
UNI Greek Life is sponsoring an upcoming project to aid in stopping rape, sexual assault, and gender violence. A group of men will walk a mile in four inch heels around campus to draw awareness to the cause.
35 Adult porn: a victimless crime
Northern Iowan 106:33, p.4
Porn star and producer serving forty-six months in a federal jail on obscenity charges. Two studies cited that indicate a reduction in rape due to access to porn and the Internet. Audience being asked to tolerate porn; not approve of it.
36 UNI hosts 'Train the Trainers' institute for violence prevention
Public Relations News Release 2009:261, p.1
Thirty-one faculty and staff from Iowa's Regents Universities are on their way to becoming certified trainers in the Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP) program. Annette Lynch, professor of textiles and apparel is project director for the project.
37 No excuses for high society
Northern Iowan 106:10, p.3
Considers the Roman Polanski rape case of 1977.
38 'Cycle of Violence' lecture, two others at UNI Wednesday, Sept. 30
Public Relations News Release 2009:84, p.1
David Lisak, an associate professor of psychology at the University of Massachusetts-Boston, will deliver the lecture, which is designed to offer cross disciplinary training to campus and community personnel who are working with student victims.
39 Letter to the Editor
Northern Iowan 106:7, p.4
Response to Trevor Boeckmann's article on Tucker Max. Violations of several rules of conduct at UNI cited.
40 Pointless protests
Northern Iowan 106:5, p.8
Challenges protests against the book and movie "I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell".. Demonstrators have determined that the book and movie are part of the "rape culture" and should be banned. The author asks that people support awareness.
41 Ambassador apologizes for alleged rape of teen by U. S. serviceman
Northern Iowan 104:37, p.4
Japan receives apology from U. S. ambassador and the commander of US forces in Japan.
42 Assailant still not identified
Northern Iowan 104:8, p.1
A woman student was assaulted on campus on September 9; no suspect has been named; photo.
43 Rape defense class teaches safety
Northern Iowan 104:3, p.3
Rape Aggression Defense class shows students how to protect themselves and avoid dangerous situations.
44 Cooper covers rape issues
Northern Iowan 103:21, p.11
Andrea Cooper travels the country telling the story of her daughter, who committed suicide following her rape in 1995; photo.
45 Untitled
Northern Iowan 102:52, p.8
Response to Drew Lietzow's column on the reported attack on a woman by members of the lacrosse team at Duke University.
46 V-Week speaker addresses issues with rape
Northern Iowan 102:36, p.11
Speaker Angela Rose talks about assault and how to help oneself or other people who are victims; photo.
47 V-Day still sounds sexist
Northern Iowan 102:34, p.6
Tara Bolson believes there is a better way to raise awareness about violence against women.
48 V-Day activities create awareness of women's issues
Northern Iowan 102:32, p.9
February 6-11 is designated as V-Day Week; photo.
49 Bring sex offender to justice
Northern Iowan 102:32, p.5
Hopes trial will spark new legislation to punish sex offenders more harshly.
50 Rape defense class is 'RAD'
Northern Iowan 102:29, p.6
Taylor Schaa believes Rape Aggression Defense class is helpful; recommends that other women take the class.