Rasmussen--James L. (Class of 1952)
Displaying 1 - 44 of 44 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Bachelor of Arts Old Gold 0:0, p.262 |
Bachelor of Arts recipients, names Niebuhr through Zickefoose; photos. |
2 | Lambda Gamma Nu Old Gold 0:0, p.206 |
Fraternity roster; photo. | |
3 | Inter-sorority and fraternity councils Old Gold 0:0, p.202 |
Council rosters; photo. | |
4 | College players Old Gold 0:0, p.171 |
Kenneth Butzier, Elwyn Webster, Dolores Beckmann, Linda Lee, and Bob Geuder serve as officers in the College Players; photo. | |
5 | Theta alpha phi Old Gold 0:0, p.163 |
Kenneth Butzier serves as president and Jean Stolle serves as secretary-treasurer of the Theta Alpha Phi national aramatics fraternity; photo. | |
6 | Student counselors Old Gold 0:0, p.122 |
Student counselors; photo. | |
7 | Who are they? College Eye 44:8, p.3 |
Winners of Casper's Masquerade show off their costumes. | |
8 | Lamda Gamma Nu Old Gold 0:0, p.226 |
Description of the fraternity and a list of the events that the fraternity took part in over the school year; photo. |
9 | College Players Old Gold 0:0, p.192 |
Description of the drama interest group with a photo of the members; photo. | |
10 | Theta Alpha Phi Old Gold 0:0, p.184 |
Description of the national honorary dramatics fraternity with a list of officers; photo. | |
11 | English and Speech Old Gold 0:0, p.141 |
Brief description of the department with photos; photo. | |
12 | Saving a life College Eye 43:28, p.2 |
Thanks everyone involved in the recent drive. | |
13 | 'Rivals' shocked early England College Eye 43:27, p.1 |
Reviews the recent production of 'The Rivals;' photo . | |
14 | Special To: Waterloo Daily Courier Public Relations News Release 1951:699, p.1 |
A photo caption of a scene from Richard B. Sheridan's "The Rivals". | |
15 | "The Rivals," an eighteenth century comedy by Richard Brinsley Sheridan, will be presented April 24, 25, and 26 by the department of English and speec Public Relations News Release 1951:557, p.1 |
A matinee will be presented Saturday, April 26, as part of the annual drama conference at the college. Hazel strayer is director of the production and Richard Arnold is designer and technical director. The cast is listed. | |
16 | Special To: Waterloo Courier and Cedar Falls Record Public Relations News Release 1952:437, p.1 |
Twenty-seven students from Waterloo and twenty-three students from Cedar falls were listed on the fall honor roll, which included a total of 221 students, according to M. J. Nelson, dean of faculty. Students listed. | |
17 | Henrik Ibsen's four-act play, "Hedda Gabler," will be presented Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights, February 14 - 16 Public Relations News Release 1952:435, p.1 |
George Tesman, is played by James Rasmussen, Waterloo, Hedda Gabler is played by Gresdna Doty. Curtain time each night for the play, presented by the college English and speech department, is 8:15 in the college auditorium. | |
18 | The cast for "Hedda Gabbler," winter quarter play at the college, has been announced by Hazel B. Strayer, director of the production Public Relations News Release 1951:333, p.1 |
The play a character drama by Henrik Ibsen, will be presented by the department of English and speech, Feb. 14, 15, and 16. Gresdna Doty, Oelwein, will play the title role of Hedda; Jim Rasmussen, Waterloo, will play tesman; Ken Butzier - Eilert Lovborg. | |
19 | The cast for "Hedda Gabbler," has been announced by Hazel B. Strayer, director of the production Public Relations News Release 1951:332, p.1 |
Scenery for the play will imitate the late 19th century home of Norway. This will entail an elegant setting with rich background colors and white woodwork to see off the walls. The scenery was designed by Richard Arnold, instructor of English and Speech. | |
20 | The cast for "Hedda Gabbler," winter quarter play at the college, has been announced by Hazel B. Strayer, director of the production Public Relations News Release 1951:331, p.1 |
Gresdna Doty will play the title role of Hedda; Jim Rasmussen will play Tesman; Ken Butzier - Eilert Lovborg; Gordon Mesley - Judge Brack; Katherine Reninger - Aunt Julia; Betty Parsons - Berta; and Carolyn Phelps - Thea Elvsted. | |
21 | Special To: Waterloo Daily Courier Public Relations News Release 1951:318, p.1 |
Jim Rasmussen, Waterloo, has been elected to the Interfraternity Council. He will represent Lambda Gamma Nu, local social fraternity. The council coordinates the activities of the four social fraternities on campus. Rasmussen is a senior student. | |
22 | Save a man's life; give your blood College Eye 43:12, p.2 |
Encourages participation in the upcoming blood drive. | |
23 | The curtain will go up at 8:15 tonight (Thursday, Nov. 8) on the college production of "The Enchanted" Public Relations News Release 1951:112, p.1 |
"The Enchanted" is the biography of a moment in the life of a young girl, the moment when she turns from girlhood to womanhood. In this moment, the girl's belief in the life of the spirit is so strong that it is sufficient to evoke a real phantom. | |
24 | "The Enchanted" will be presented Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights, November 8, 9, and 10 Public Relations News Release 1951:108, p.1 |
Hazel B. Strayer is the director of the play. In this scene from the play Kenneth Butzier, as the supervisor of weights and measures; Paul DeKock as the doctor, and James Rasmussen, as the inspector, gaze at Jean Stolle, as Isabel, who has fainted. | |
25 | "The Enchanted," a comedy by Jean Giraudoux, will be presented by the Department of English and Speech on Nov. 8, 9, 10 Public Relations News Release 1951:91, p.1 |
Hazel Strayer, professor of speech, will direct the play. It is the biography of a moment in the life of a young girl when she turns from girlhood to womanhood. Richard Arnold and Elaine McDavitt will design the production and costumes. Students listed. | |
26 | Waterloo Courier - Jim Rasmussen Public Relations News Release 1951:52, p.1 |
Jim Rasmussen, Waterloo, has been appointed to the Board of Control of Student Publications at the College. The Board of Control is the policy making body for student publications. Also appointed to the board was Beth Smalley. | |
27 | Cedar Valley Times - Beth Smalley Public Relations News Release 1951:50, p.1 |
Beth Smalley, Vinton, has been appointed to the Board of Control of Student Publications at the College. The appointment was made by the Student League Board, student governing body at the college. Also appointed to the board was Jim Rassmussen, Waterloo. | |
28 | Reunion in Service Alumnus 35:3, p.18 |
Four former students met at the Army's Information School; photo. | |
29 | Drama Old Gold 0:0, p.120 |
Brief description of the activity; photo. | |
30 | Who's Who Old Gold 0:0, p.112 |
Brief description of nominees; photo. | |
31 | Thirty TC Students in 1950-51 "Who's Who" Public Relations News Release 1950:99, p.1 |
The announcement was made by Editor H. Pettus Randall,Tuscaloosa, Ala. The editor said the volume, the 17th annual "Students' Who's Who," will be published next summer. The 1949-50 edition included 122 Iowans and 14 Iowa Universities and colleges. | |
32 | Teachers College drama fraternity initiates candidates Public Relations News Release 1950:40, p.1 |
Eight candidates for membership in Theta Alpha Phi were initiated Friday night into the fraternity's Iowa Beta chapter at the College. Students listed. | |
33 | Seerley president leaves for army College Eye 42:3, p.5 |
Profile of James Rasmussen. | |
34 | Lambda gamma nu Old Gold 0:0, p.197 |
Brief description of the group; photo. | |
35 | College players Old Gold 0:0, p.155 |
Brief description of the group; photo. | |
36 | Drama Old Gold 0:0, p.94 |
Brief description of the activity; photo. | |
37 | Leaders attend All-Iowa confab College Eye 41:30, p.8 |
Take part in collegiate conference. | |
38 | Rasmussen will preside over ITF College Eye 41:27, p.7 |
A newsletter is being sent to all alumni of the organization. | |
39 | Humanist Club meets Sunday at Commons College Eye 41:22, p.7 |
A panel discussion on "What is the greatest problem facing the world today?" will be held at the meeting. | |
40 | All occupants of one room make Honor Roll College Eye 41:19, p.8 |
Three residents of Seerley Hall, all roommates, make the honor roll. | |
41 | Slow social life--need fast carnival College Eye 41:19, p.2 |
Believes campus should have an all-college carnival. | |
42 | Comic, tragic life of big city reproduced in "Street Scene" College Eye 41:6, p.1 |
Review of the production of "Street Scene"; various cast members are listed. | |
43 | Interest Clubs Old Gold 0:0, p.168 |
Brief description of the group; photo. | |
44 | Debaters win T. C. scholarships Alumnus 30:2, p.2 |
Three high school debaters win four-year tuition scholarships. |