Read--Allen Walker (Classes of 1925 and 1926)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 67 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 UNI considers offer of honorary degree
Northern Iowan 83:45, p.1
Apparently approve degree, though the information cannot yet be made public; list of those who have received honorary degrees from UNI; considers policy regarding posthumous degrees.
2 Alumni Read, Roskens receive doctorates at spring commencement
Alumnus 70:2, p.5
Brief sketches; photo.
3 Alumni receive awards at graduation
Northern Iowa Today 13:3, p.6
Allen Walker Reed and Ronald William Roskens awarded honorary degrees.
4 Allen Walker Read, B.A. '25 and Charlotte Schuchardt
Alumnus 38:1, p.17
Charlotte Schuchardt and Allen Walker Read were married Nov. 1, 1953; they reside in New York, NY where Mr. Read is teaching English at Colombia University
5 National Honor society names officers
Public Relations News Release 1946:67, p.1
Boyd Mast named president of Teachers College high school chapter.
6 Allen Walker Read
Alumnus 28:3, p.22
Assistant editor in the staff that wrote a Dictionary of American English on Historical Principles; now in military service.
7 Pvt. Allen Walker Read
Alumnus 27:1, p.7
Works with the Army Military Intelligence Service in New York.
8 Allen Walker Read
Alumnus 26:1, p.18
Associated with the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago; published article on the derivation of the term OK; was Rhodes Scholar at Oxford University.
9 Allen Walker Read
Alumnus 24:1, p.24
The son of Professor O. B. Read of the College Science Department, living in New York City, has returned to the United States this fall from London, England.
10 Alumnus Read wins award
College Eye 29:27, p.2
Allen Walker Read wins Guggenheim Fellowship.
11 Rhodes Scholarship applications are due from seniors, grads
College Eye 28:7, p.1
Allen Walker Read, who began study at Oxford University in 1928, was the last successful ISTC applicant.
12 Chicago alumni dine a plan November get together
Alumnus 20:3, p.15
Group still rounding up Chicago area alumni.
13 Student "Sketch Book" issued
Alumnus 19:4, p.14
Sigma Tau Delta publishes companion piece to Student Book of Verse; features student literary compositions.
14 Allen Read
Alumnus 16:4, p.23
Research assistant on the American dictionary at the University of Chicago.
15 Allen W. Read
Alumnus 16:2, p.23
Instructor in English at the University of Missouri; wrote many articles.
16 Allen W. Read
Alumnus 16:1, p.26
Professor of English at the University of Missouri.
17 Two Teachers alumni have stories published in O'Brien's 1931 collection
College Eye 23:19, p.4
Work by William Morrissey and Allen Read published in national publication.
18 Behind the story of literary distinction
Public Relations News Release 1931:84, p.1
William Patrick Morrissey and Allen Walker Read have their short stories published.
19 Allen W. Read
Alumnus 15:3, p.24
Read has been a Rhodes scholar at Oxford University for the past three years, will return to the United States this fall to teach in the English Department at the University of Missouri. He is the son of O. B. Read, professor of chemistry at the College.
20 Spring number of "Purple Pen" will be on sale today
College Eye 22:30, p.1
Quick survey of contents.
21 Spring number of Purple Pen will go on sale Friday
College Eye 22:29, p.6
Will feature work by Allen Read, Stanley Wood, and others.
22 The Rhodes Scholar, a mood sketch
Public Relations News Release 1930:365, p.1
Allan Read, Rhodes Scholar, is published in the Purple Pen.
23 Allen W. Read
Alumnus 14:1, p.26
Son of Professor and Mrs. O. B. Read, Cedar Falls, who is attending the Oxford University on a Rhodes Scholarship; spent the summer vacation by taking a 1400 mile bicycle trip through England and Ireland.
24 Kappa Delta Pi
Old Gold 0:0, p.194

Members and honorary members of the Psi Chapter; purpose; photos.

25 T. C. graduate wins scholarship; Allan Read receives honor
College Eye 19:19, p.1
Allen Walker Read wins Rhodes Scholarship.
26 Allen Read
College Eye 19:2, p.4
Allen Walker Read is instructor at University of Missouri.
27 Honor Society annual dinner
College Eye 18:43, p.1
Will honor NHS members from TCHS Class of 1927.
28 Allen Walker Read
College Eye 18:24, p.1
Allen Walker Read visited his parents.
29 Allen Read
College Eye 18:10, p.1
Allen Read will teach at University of Missouri.
30 Hamilton Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.153
Brief description, officers; group established May 18, 1925.
31 English Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.150
Members, officers; group established in 1910 by Professor Lillian Lambert; photo.
32 Allen Read, former T. C. student, is poet
College Eye 17:46, p.1
Has had poem published in Double Dealer.
33 Allen Read attending law school at the University of Iowa
College Eye 17:14, p.5
Allen Read accepted into the law school at Iowa.
34 Senior B. A. graduates
College Eye 17:12, p.2
Graduates for the summer Class of 1925.
35 Hamilton Club meets
College Eye 17:12, p.1
Met for dinner; roster of officers.
36 Newly organized Hamilton Club has enjoyable banquet; students show the value of speech training
College Eye 17:3, p.1
Lengthy description of first meeting of the club; included speeches and toasts.
37 Summer glee club
College Eye 17:3, p.1
Roster of Minnesingers for the summer.
38 Kappa Delta Pi: Psi Chapter
Old Gold 0:0, p.189
National honorary scholastic fraternity purpose; members; photos.
39 Philomathean
Old Gold 0:0, p.247
Officer roll; members; club motto, colors and flower.
40 Minnesinger Glee Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.176
Club officers; director; members; photo.
41 Men's Fall Debate
Old Gold 0:0, p.163
Upper Iowa was the opponent on January 30, 1925. Debate question; decision; photos.
42 Junior B. A.
Old Gold 0:0, p.101
Junior class office roster; class motto; brief history; photo; candid; class roll.
43 Photos of graduates
Old Gold 0:0, p.94
1925 graduates; photo.
44 Hamilton Club for orators organized; E. J. McCreary elected president at meeting Monday
College Eye 16:35, p.1

Hamilton Club organized; roster of charter members.

45 16 men receive "A" 3 successive terms; honored by Men's Faculty Club at banquet yesterday
College Eye 16:34, p.1
Roster of students earning high grades.
46 No debate with Coe
College Eye 16:23, p.8
Could not find mutually acceptable date.
47 Debaters getting in stride for clash with Coe College; will occur latter part of month on same question argued with Upper Iowa
College Eye 16:21, p.1
48 Fish's arguers defeat Peacocks; Upper Iowa tries to trick Pedagogs here
College Eye 16:20, p.1
An account of the match.
49 Tutor arguers will clash with Peacocks in near future; men have developed into a powerful debating unit since beginning of year
College Eye 16:17, p.1
Team has been working hard.
50 Members are now announced for Dramatic Club; nearly two hundred competed for places
College Eye 16:16, p.1

Roster of members; fifty-one selected from over two hundred who competed.