Reed--Jack Charles (Class of 1955; Business Education Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 48 of 48 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 There's no age limit on learning
Public Relations News Release 1999:2, p.1
Elderhostel is a program offering college classes to persons over 55. Jack Reed is co-coordinator of the program.
2 Wanted: students, must be 55 or older
Public Relations News Release 1997:393, p.1
Older individuals can take courses in religion, history, music, and other areas through Elderhostel.
3 For the 50+
Public Relations News Release 1995:345, p.1
Slide presentation covering the Grand Canyon Rim to Rim Run to be shown as part of the Senior Scholars Program.
4 University of Northern Iowa and Black Hawk Elementary School to have career education and prairie day
Public Relations News Release 1992:469, p.1
A Career Education and Prairie Day will allow students at Black Hawk Elementary School to explore career opportunities and nature at UNI.
5 Long-term employees to be recognized at University of Northern Iowa April 21
Public Relations News Release 1989:538, p.1
Twenty-four university retirees are honored at the annual Recognition Breakfast in the Commons. Those honored have spent at least ten years of service to the University. Tickets are made available through the Controller's Office.
6 Vocational and technical education course to be offered at Des Moines Area Community College by University of northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1989:319, p.1
Professor Jack Reed instructs a course at the Des Moines Area Community College titled "The History and Philosophy of Vocational-Technical Education". Reed will cover the principles and practice of adult schooling.
7 Technical course teaching seminar to be offered on Kirkwood campus by University of Northern Iowa.
Public Relations News Release 1989:32, p.1
"Method of Teaching Trade and Technical Courses," will be offered as an undergraduate or graduate class, focuses on the basic principles of instruction, organization, methods of presentation, lesson planning and application of audio-visual media.
8 Technical course teaching seminar to be offered at DMACC by University of Northern Iowa.
Public Relations News Release 1989:30, p.1
"Method of Teaching Trade and Technical Courses," will be offered as an undergraduate or graduate class, focuses on the basic principles of instruction, organization, methods of presentation, lesson planning and application of audio-visual media.
9 University of Northern Iowa to offer business and vocational education course and literature workshop in Cedar Rapids.
Public Relations News Release 1988:503, p.1
Kirkwood will be the site of two business and vocational education courses, and a literature workshop, offered this summer.
10 Five telecourses to provide long distance learning opportunities at Northern Iowa.
Public Relations News Release 1988:214, p.1
Subjects covered in the 1989 spring telecourses will be business, child development, American poetry and astronomy.Courses feature televison broadcasts on Iowa Public Televison.
11 University of Northern Iowa to offer a course in Bettendorf.
Public Relations News Release 1988:38, p.1
Scott Community College will be the site of a course, "Methods of Teaching Trade and Technical Courses" offer this fall. Presents the basic principles of instruction for trade and technical courses.
12 Northern Iowa to offer an industrial technology course in Ankeny
Public Relations News Release 1987:219, p.1
Professor Jack Reed instructs a course on organizing instructional content for vocational trade programs at The Des Moines Area Community College. Interested persons must register through the Office of Continuing Education and Special Programs.
13 Northern Iowa course for industrial tech teachers offered in Ankeny
Public Relations News Release 1987:19, p.1
Professor Jack Reed instructs a course on the principles of instructing industrial technology at the Des Moines Area Community College. The course is worth two hours of graduate or undergraduate credit.
14 Northern Iowa course for industrial tech teachers offered in Cedar Rapids
Public Relations News Release 1987:5, p.1
Kirkwood Community College hosts a course on the principles of lesson planning for industrial technology instructors, instructed by Professor Jack Reed.
15 UNI information management department honors students
Public Relations News Release 1987:354, p.1
Five business teaching students are presented with scholarships by the Department of Information Management's annual recognition dinner. The ceremony was presided by Shelby Cosner, with Sara Bates as guest speaker.
16 Industrial tech course to be offered in Ankeny
Public Relations News Release 1986:161, p.1
A course on the development, principles, and practices of adult education was held in the Des Moines Area Community College. The course was instructed by Professor Jack Reed, and was sponsored by the Office of Continuing Education and Special Programs.
17 Off-campus learners can take advantage of UNI telecourse offerings
Public Relations News Release 1986:501, p.1
Telecourses are offered through Office of Continuing Education. Eight courses were broadcast in thirty to sixty minute seminars over Iowa Public Television; covering philosophy, history, psychology, business, writing, sociology, and cultural studies.
18 Local business education teachers learn to teach special needs children at UNI workshop
Public Relations News Release 1986:444, p.1
Teaching keyboarding to special needs children was the topic of a year-long project that area teachers recently completed; the business educators were paired with special education teachers; it was the fifth year of the program.
19 Department helps student/computer relations
Northern Iowan 81:11, p.11
Department of Business Education and Administrative Management becomes Department of Information Management; Linda Gammill talks about the curriculum.
20 Jack Reed
UNI Century 12:4, p.6
Elected to board of business education group.
21 Business professors win honors
Northern Iowan 80:59, p.3
Jack Reed elected to national board; Jim Handorf receives distinguished service award; photo.
22 Reed named top business educator in Iowa for 1983
Alumnus 67:4, p.7
Professor Jack Reed honored.
23 Reed named Outstanding Educator
Northern Iowan 80:19, p.4
Jack Reed honored by state business education group; photo.
24 News Notes
Northern Iowan 79:37, p.10
Deena Sigel wins debate honors; Ken Jacobsen offers short course on career selection; CHNA will offer CPR classes; Jack Reed talks about changes in the Office Education Association; Dennis Marks will talk about the beginning and end of the universe.
25 More Than One Career Option For Graduates
Old Gold 0:0, p.14
The Department of Business Education and Administrative Management gives students the opportunity to prepare for more than one career; photo.
26 Office Education Association
Northern Iowan 78:26, p.5
Will have party at Jack Reed's house.
27 UNI business prof (Reed) to direct workshop in Des Moines
Public Relations News Release 1981:106, p.1
Jack Reed is directing a workshop on mainstreaming handicapped students. Seventy five business education and special education teachers from secondary and post-secondary schools are expected to attend.
28 UNI sponsors industrial technology course in Council Bluffs
Public Relations News Release 1980:392, p.1
The Division of Extension and Continuing Education will offer the course "Evaluation of Vocational-Technical Education" in Council Bluffs, Iowa.
29 UNI prof (Reed) to head Iowa Business Education teachers
Public Relations News Release 1980:187, p.1
Professor Jack Reed was recently elected president of the Iowa Business Education Association.
30 UNI professor (Reed) receives handicapped education grant
Public Relations News Release 1980:103, p.1
Professor Jack Reed receives an $18,575 grant to help teachers who work with handicap students by providing two workshops focused on strategies and curriculum materials.
31 UNI to offer extension courses in Spencer
Public Relations News Release 1980:38, p.1
The courses, 'Group Evaluation Techniques' and 'Trade and Technical Course Construction', will be offered as undergraduate or graduate credit.
32 Office Education Association
Northern Iowan 76:42, p.4
Dr. Reed will speak at meeting.
33 Business Education and Office Administration
Old Gold 0:0, p.12
Many students who are undecided between teaching or working directly in Business and Industry are attracted to the department of Business and Office Administration where they learn to use typwriters, duplicating machines, calculators; photo.
34 Regents approve business
Northern Iowan 71:39, p.1
Approve fourteen PDLs; Professor Rhum resigns as Dean of the Graduate College; department re-named Department of Industrial Technology; Dome seats approved; change in interior design contracts for Speech/Art Complex.
35 UNI Extension Course on Vocational Education to be Offered at NIACC
Public Relations News Release 1972:181, p.1
"Organization and Adminstration of Vocational Programs" course to offered at Northern Iowa Area Community College by the UNI Extension Service.
36 UNI Professor to Attend American Vocational Association Convention
Public Relations News Release 1972:184, p.1
Jack Reed will be attending the convention being held in Portland, Oregon Dec. 3-8.
37 UNI Prof to Participate in Seminar
Public Relations News Release 1972:80, p.1
Jack C. Reed will participate in the 5th annual National Vocational-Technical Teacher Education Seminar Oct. 25-28 in Atlanta, GA.
38 Post-Secondary Business Teachers Conference to be Held at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1970:127, p.1
UNI will host the third annual Post-Secondary Business Teachers Conference. Sponsored by the Department of Business Education.
39 UNI professor elected to National Board of Trustees of Office Education Association
Public Relations News Release 1969:550, p.1
Professor Jack Reed was elected to a three-year term as a representative of vocational education teachers.
40 Business workshop to be at SCI
College Eye 63:56, p.8
Four week summer workshop organized.
41 Women office workers to attend workshop at SCI
College Eye 60:42, p.4
600 expected to attend; SCI staff will speak.
42 TC grads have research work in magazine
College Eye 50:11, p.8
Research described in business education magazine.
43 Sunset Village Houses Married Students
Old Gold 0:0, p.114
Description of the Village and what the Sunset Village Council does; photos.
44 FBLA Sponsors Iowa High School Chapters
Old Gold 0:0, p.208
Description of Future Business Leaders of America; photos.
45 Bachelor of Arts
Old Gold 0:0, p.261
Photos of the Class of 1955; photos.
46 FBLA hosts state meeting
College Eye 46:24, p.1
Program highlights; photo.
47 FBLA installs two chapters
College Eye 46:21, p.3
In Ft. Madison and Nevada.
48 Future business leaders of America
Old Gold 0:0, p.189

Brief description of the group; photo.