Regan--F. Scott (Speech Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 19 of 19 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Children explore death
Northern Iowan 78:19, p.9
The Theatre UNI young people's production of "The Arkansaw Bear" allows children to deal with the subject of death.
2 Production of 'Arkansaw Bear' explains dying to young children
Northern Iowan 78:14, p.15
Theatre UNI will perform "Arkansaw Bear" as its young people's production.
3 Auditions announced for UNI production of "The Arkansas Bear"
Public Relations News Release 1981:20, p.1
Two youngsters needed for the roles of a 10 year old girl and the young dancing bear.
4 CBS education director in C. F.
Northern Iowan 77:45, p.4
Jack Blessington will speak at ICTE meeting; program highlights; many UNI faculty participate.
5 Learn to make children's puppets
Northern Iowan 77:42, p.10
Scott Regan will offer course.
6 Fairy tales: fantasy and fear
Northern Iowan 77:25, p.7
Panelists talk about fairy tales.
7 Take an in-depth look at play
Northern Iowan 77:24, p.17
Will hold symposium on "Beauty and the Beast"; photo.
8 Cast announced for 'Beauty'
Northern Iowan 77:21, p.9
9 Touring 'Poetry Players' heighten children's interest in poetry
Northern Iowan 76:51, p.11
Scott Regan has organized the 'Poetry Players', a touring troupe of UNI students that visits local grade schools and etches about poetry; photo.
10 Dramatics class still available
Northern Iowan 76:26, p.10
Openings are still available in the Creative Dramatics course.
11 'Quixote:' the Don is alive at Theatre UNI
Northern Iowan 76:12, p.14

From the play 'Quixote"; photo.

12 Regan's 'Quixote' is rich, deep, provocative
Northern Iowan 76:11, p.8

F. Scott Regan's adaptation of "Don Quixote" was a success.

13 Theatre UNI opens season with 'Quixote'; 'world premier of original play'
Northern Iowan 76:9, p.12
Theatre UNI will be performing for the first time an original play and opening its season with the Young People's Production.
14 Conference focuses on children's theater
Northern Iowan 76:7, p.6
Events are planned for the conference "Dramatic Arts and the Child."
15 Creativity stressed at UNI Price Lab School program for gifted and talented
Northern Iowan 75:61, p.1
Classes for students involved in the talented and gifted program have been held at Price Lab.
16 Children's theatre rep
Northern Iowan 75:1, p.8
F. Scott Regan has been selected to represent the Children's Theatre Association of America.
17 Learn, teach naturally with creative drama
UNI Century 6:1, p.2
Professor Charlotte Eilers outlines the possibilities of teaching through drama; photo.
18 "The Rude Mechanicals" to open this weekend
Northern Iowan 73:51, p.7
Brief preview of young people's production.
19 Young People's shows being cast
Northern Iowan 73:39, p.9
Scott Regan is casting young people's plays; Steve Palmquist is casting "Waiting for Godot".