Religious Emphasis Week

Displaying 1 - 44 of 44 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 "Religion in Life" week at ISTC is January 28-31
Public Relations News Release 1950:180, p.1
Three religious leaders, representing Jewish, Catholic and Protestant faiths, will keynote this year's four-day program. The theme is "What Religion Means to Me." The leaders are: Harold E. Bernhard, Rabbi Joseph Buchler, and Father James A. Vanderpool.
2 Campus Religious Life
Old Gold 0:0, p.101
Religious life has not been forgotten, Coffee Hour is held every Wednesday, one week in November is set aside for Religious Emphasis Week, and special programs for Easter and Christmas.
3 Religious Life
Old Gold 0:0, p.27
Religious activities on campus are carried on by the Student Christian Association, with Dr. Bodein's direction. Various activities are carried out during the week, including "Coffee Hours" on Wednesdays and a Religious Emphasis week; photo.
4 Religious Emphasis Week
Old Gold 0:0, p.216
Brief description of the week; photo.
5 Religious Emphasis Week and Brotherhood Week
Old Gold 0:0, p.179
During Religious Emphasis Week and Brotherhood Week students learn about different religions.
6 Student Christian Association sponsors Religious Emphasis week
Public Relations News Release 1946:2, p.1
David E. Roberts will be the main speaker. Activities for the week noted.
7 Religious emphasis week
Old Gold 0:0, p.119
Brief description of the week; photo.
8 Rev. Sittler addressed the assembly during the Religiious Emphasis Week
Public Relations News Release 1945:13, p.1
Undergraduates are bombarded with many kinds of knowledge often graduate with a degree, but remains an uneducated person.
9 Grinnell College professor to be keynote speaker at faculty dinner
Public Relations News Release 1945:9, p.1
Dr. Neal W. Klausner will address the faculty during dinner and speak to serveral classes during Religious Emphasis Week.
10 Rev. Joseph Sittler will be the opening speaker during Religious Emphasis Week
Public Relations News Release 1945:6, p.1
Opening speaker announced.
11 Speaker announced for Religious Emphasis Week
Public Relations News Release 1945:7, p.1
Rev. Fr. Arthur J. Breen will speak to classes and lead several discussion groups.
12 Peoria, Illinois minister to speak
Public Relations News Release 1945:8, p.1
Rev. Ralph Grieser will lead discussion groups and speak to several classes during Religious Emphasis Week.
13 Dr. Sittler to speak at Sunday morning chapel service
Public Relations News Release 1945:10, p.1
Religious Empahsis Week opens with Sunday morning and evening services.
14 Religious emphasis week
Old Gold 0:0, p.50
Brief description of the event; photo.
15 Emphasis with emphasis
College Eye 31:23, p.2
Professor Grant offers both praise and criticism of the events of Religious Emphasis Week; photo.
16 Student centers attempt to continue the spirit of Religious Emphasis
College Eye 31:22, p.3
Groups attempt to build on the recent events on campus.
17 A Social 'I'
College Eye 31:21, p.3
Comments on Religious Emphasis Week, the upcoming play night, and the Women's League leap year celebration.
18 Crowd responsive to Koo's address
College Eye 31:21, p.5
Excerpts from T. Z. Koo's address.
19 Leaders, students retreat at Fredsville
College Eye 31:21, p.5
Students at the Religious Emphasis Week retreat at a church in Fredsville; photo.
20 Dr. Koo will make address at Religious Emphasis dinner
College Eye 31:21, p.3
21 Large attendance at six seminars pleases Knoff
College Eye 31:21, p.1
Cites attendance figures of about one thousand for each day; photo.
22 League will fete women
College Eye 31:20, p.5
Two women will be featured during Religious Emphasis Week.
23 Notice
College Eye 31:20, p.6
Play night and mixed swimming cancelled.
24 Many faiths to be represented
College Eye 31:20, p.4
Will include representatives of Catholicism, Judaism, and Presbyterianism.
25 A Social 'I'
College Eye 31:20, p.3
Briefly comments on Religious Emphasis Week, the inter-fraternity dance, and upcoming student elections.
26 Prepare for Emphasis Week; Knoff gives purpose, final suggestions on religious meetings
College Eye 31:20, p.1
Gerald Knoff talks about the upcoming program.
27 Three guests from abroad
College Eye 31:20, p.4
Will include speakers from India, China, and Czechoslovakia.
28 Dr. Koo to make address at all-college stag party
College Eye 31:20, p.3
Hope to promote contact between fraternity and non-fraternity men.
29 A Social 'I'
College Eye 31:19, p.3
Comments on Religious Emphasis Week, leap year celebrations, and intramural basketball.
30 Speaker from India to be here
College Eye 31:19, p.2
Daniel T. Niles will speak; photo.
31 To hold six seminars during Emphasis Week
College Eye 31:19, p.2
Seminar topics.
32 Dr. T. Z. Koo will speak at dinner
College Eye 31:19, p.3
During Religious Emphasis Week.
33 Craig Fullerton leads vespers
College Eye 31:19, p.3
During Religious Emphasis Week.
34 Social activities planned for Religious Emphasis Week
College Eye 31:18, p.3
Schedule of activities.
35 Eastern pastor to speak here
College Eye 31:18, p.1
Theodore F. Adams will speak during Religious Emphasis Week; photo.
36 Untitled
College Eye 31:17, p.1
Grace Sloan Overton will speak during Religious Emphasis Week; photo.
37 Koo will spend a busy week here
College Eye 31:16, p.4
T. Z. Koo will speak; photo.
38 Plan vespers for Sunday afternoon
College Eye 31:15, p.2
Will consist largely of meditations and music.
39 Emphasis week seminars arranged
College Eye 31:15, p.1
Questions relating to happiness, relations between men and women, and moral codes will be considered during Religious Emphasis Week.
40 Giffen will plan emphasis week
College Eye 31:11, p.1
Profile of Robert B. Giffen; photo.
41 Emphasis week is expected success
College Eye 31:10, p.4
Professor Knoff attended a conference on religious emphasis weeks across the country.
42 Knoff outlines emphasis week to guide committee
College Eye 31:3, p.1
Group is setting up committees to schedule events.
43 Committee will invite group of leaders to campus
College Eye 31:2, p.1
Will bring group of Christian religious leaders to campus in February.
44 United Student Movement
Old Gold 0:0, p.104
Activities, officers, and members; photo.