Religious Services

Displaying 1 - 50 of 256 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Celebrating religion
Northern Iowan 111:32, p.4
Students will get a chance to learn about the Catholic religion during Panther Catholic Week.
2 UNI Easter Sunrise Worship
Northern Iowan 79:45, p.5
Service to be held on top of the Union.
3 Students celebrate Easter inside
Northern Iowan 78:48, p.8
Religious service held inside Union because of bad weather.
4 Sunrise service set
Northern Iowan 78:45, p.6
Ecumenical service on Union.
5 Easter thank you
Northern Iowan 76:49, p.2
A special thanks to everyone who met from the Campus Ministry Association to get the service going.
6 Up at dawn
Northern Iowan 76:46, p.1
Students gathered on the top of Maucker Union for the annual Sunrise Service Wednesday morning; photo.
7 Rise early for sunrise service
Northern Iowan 76:45, p.4
College religious organizations will hold an ecumenical Easter service on top of the Union.
8 Rev. Matsuda will lecture
College Eye 53:19, p.7

Ichiro Matsuda will speak.

9 Senior chapel Sunday morning
College Eye 51:31, p.1
Will conduct services.
10 Morning meditations held every Wednesday
College Eye 48:9, p.6
11 Students lead chapel, morning meditations
College Eye 48:6, p.6
Meditation begin in Auditorium at 7:30.
12 Holy Communion
College Eye 43:24, p.7
13 Dr. Allen G. Wehrli, professor of Old Testament, language and literature at Eden Theological seminary of St. Louis, will be the guest at chapel
Public Relations News Release 1951:67, p.1
Wehrli will be the guest at chapel services Sunday, Oct. 7, at 10:30 a.m. in the college auditorium. He has served at the Eden Theological seminary since 1922. Prior to that time, he was a pastor in Portland, Oregon, from 1916-1920.
14 Paul F. Bender, general chairman of the Homecoming committee, announced the program for the three-day Homecoming weekend
Public Relations News Release 1951:64, p.1
The theme for Homecoming will be "Seventy-Five Years of Teacher Education." It will be the second in a series of five all-college events in commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the college. After the game there will be informal dancing in the ballroom
15 Bush to speak: 'Yearning for God'
College Eye 42:40, p.1
Benjamin Bush will speak at CHIC.
16 'Great Temptation' is Sunday chapel sermon
College Eye 42:39, p.1
17 'Failing God's Intention'
College Eye 42:38, p.1
Sermon topic for CHIC.
18 Vespers planned for Sunday eve
College Eye 42:37, p.1
Protestant group will hold united service.
19 Chapel service Sunday
College Eye 42:37, p.5
Sermon topic.
20 Holy Communion set for Sunday
College Eye 42:36, p.1
21 Chapel service
College Eye 42:35, p.3
CHIC sermon topic.
22 Summer chapel begins
College Eye 42:33, p.2
23 Chapel sermon topic
College Eye 42:31, p.3
Professor Bernhard will speak on "Making the Road Safe".
24 Bernhard to address Sunday Chapel service
College Eye 42:30, p.1
Will speak on "A Closer Walk with God".
25 Chapel service Sunday
College Eye 42:26, p.7
Professor Bernhard will speak on "Truth's Instrument".
26 Race Relations Conference Starts Sunday at TC
Public Relations News Release 1950:114, p.1
A famous Negro social worker will be the main speaker at the annual 2-day Race Relations conference at the college. The social worker is Whitney M. Young, executive secretary of the Uran League, Omaha, Nebraska.
27 Sunday chapel services to have special music
College Eye 42:5, p.9
For Homecoming service.
28 Chapel services start Sunday
College Eye 42:1, p.2
CHIC will begin services.
29 Plan sunrise service for 7:30 a.m. Sunday
College Eye 41:25, p.1
The annual Eastern sunrise service will be held.
30 Day of prayer to be observed here
College Eye 40:20, p.3
31 Religious groups plan Christmas activities
College Eye 40:12, p.8
32 Jo Chase is Bartlett meditation chairman
College Eye 40:1, p.7
Will hold weekly sessions.
33 Religious Life
Old Gold 0:0, p.27
Religious activities on campus are carried on by the Student Christian Association, with Dr. Bodein's direction. Various activities are carried out during the week, including "Coffee Hours" on Wednesdays and a Religious Emphasis week; photo.
34 Will hold communion service in Commons
College Eye 39:19, p.3
In honor of World Student Christian Federation.
35 Mid-week meditations to begin Wednesday
College Eye 39:15, p.3
36 Wednesday meditations
Old Gold 38:3, p.5
Brief, inspirational service held.
37 McCoy leads singing at outdoor vespers
College Eye 36:35, p.1
38 Need felt for mid-week services
College Eye 36:32, p.2
Wonders if other students would like a brief religious service in Wednesday mornings.
39 Lukes resume service
College Eye 36:4, p.4
40 Easter services climax Holy Week
College Eye 35:26, p.1
Survey of religious services held on or around campus.
41 Dr. Gerald Knoff conducts Sunday service for Waves
College Eye 35:11, p.5
Die to absence of chaplain.
42 Religious activity
Old Gold 0:0, p.48
Brief description of the group activities; photo.
43 Early morning services held weekly; 'power' is pre-Lenten theme
College Eye 29:25, p.1
Will culminate with daily services in week before Easter; photo.
44 Hang around!
College Eye 28:2, p.2
Eleven good reasons to stay on campus.
45 Students worship during Holy Week
College Eye 27:38, p.3
Will be held daily in Gilchrist Chapel.
46 Reverend Moore will be guest speaker
Public Relations News Release 1934:454, p.1
Pastor of the Westminster Presbyterian church, Reverend Harry Moore, will be the guest speaker at the Interdenominational church services in the college auditorium today at 10:30 a. m.
47 Internationally famous lecturer and religious leader
Public Relations News Release 1932:280, p.1
Dr. Charles W. Gilkey, is the principle speaker during the city and campus wide Passion week, April 9 through April 16. Approximately eight-thousand people are expected to take part in the weeks various services.
48 At the Sunday vespers in the auditorium
Public Relations News Release 1930:382, p.1
Bel Canto Glee club to sing at vespers.
49 Mother will put away the dishes
Public Relations News Release 1929:429, p.1
Students forgo Sneak Day and celebrate Mother's Day instead; weekend activities discussed.
50 The tenth anniversary of the Prohibition
Public Relations News Release 1929:147, p.1
Activities commemorating the anniversary of Prohibition are planned.