Religious Services
Displaying 1 - 50 of 256 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Celebrating religion Northern Iowan 111:32, p.4 |
Students will get a chance to learn about the Catholic religion during Panther Catholic Week. | |
2 | UNI Easter Sunrise Worship Northern Iowan 79:45, p.5 |
Service to be held on top of the Union. | |
3 | Students celebrate Easter inside Northern Iowan 78:48, p.8 |
Religious service held inside Union because of bad weather. | |
4 | Sunrise service set Northern Iowan 78:45, p.6 |
Ecumenical service on Union. | |
5 | Easter thank you Northern Iowan 76:49, p.2 |
A special thanks to everyone who met from the Campus Ministry Association to get the service going. | |
6 | Up at dawn Northern Iowan 76:46, p.1 |
Students gathered on the top of Maucker Union for the annual Sunrise Service Wednesday morning; photo. | |
7 | Rise early for sunrise service Northern Iowan 76:45, p.4 |
College religious organizations will hold an ecumenical Easter service on top of the Union. | |
8 | Rev. Matsuda will lecture College Eye 53:19, p.7 |
Ichiro Matsuda will speak. |
9 | Senior chapel Sunday morning College Eye 51:31, p.1 |
Will conduct services. | |
10 | Morning meditations held every Wednesday College Eye 48:9, p.6 |
11 | Students lead chapel, morning meditations College Eye 48:6, p.6 |
Meditation begin in Auditorium at 7:30. | |
12 | Holy Communion College Eye 43:24, p.7 |
13 | Dr. Allen G. Wehrli, professor of Old Testament, language and literature at Eden Theological seminary of St. Louis, will be the guest at chapel Public Relations News Release 1951:67, p.1 |
Wehrli will be the guest at chapel services Sunday, Oct. 7, at 10:30 a.m. in the college auditorium. He has served at the Eden Theological seminary since 1922. Prior to that time, he was a pastor in Portland, Oregon, from 1916-1920. | |
14 | Paul F. Bender, general chairman of the Homecoming committee, announced the program for the three-day Homecoming weekend Public Relations News Release 1951:64, p.1 |
The theme for Homecoming will be "Seventy-Five Years of Teacher Education." It will be the second in a series of five all-college events in commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the college. After the game there will be informal dancing in the ballroom | |
15 | Bush to speak: 'Yearning for God' College Eye 42:40, p.1 |
Benjamin Bush will speak at CHIC. | |
16 | 'Great Temptation' is Sunday chapel sermon College Eye 42:39, p.1 |
17 | 'Failing God's Intention' College Eye 42:38, p.1 |
Sermon topic for CHIC. | |
18 | Vespers planned for Sunday eve College Eye 42:37, p.1 |
Protestant group will hold united service. | |
19 | Chapel service Sunday College Eye 42:37, p.5 |
Sermon topic. | |
20 | Holy Communion set for Sunday College Eye 42:36, p.1 |
At CHIC. | |
21 | Chapel service College Eye 42:35, p.3 |
CHIC sermon topic. | |
22 | Summer chapel begins College Eye 42:33, p.2 |
23 | Chapel sermon topic College Eye 42:31, p.3 |
Professor Bernhard will speak on "Making the Road Safe". | |
24 | Bernhard to address Sunday Chapel service College Eye 42:30, p.1 |
Will speak on "A Closer Walk with God". | |
25 | Chapel service Sunday College Eye 42:26, p.7 |
Professor Bernhard will speak on "Truth's Instrument". | |
26 | Race Relations Conference Starts Sunday at TC Public Relations News Release 1950:114, p.1 |
A famous Negro social worker will be the main speaker at the annual 2-day Race Relations conference at the college. The social worker is Whitney M. Young, executive secretary of the Uran League, Omaha, Nebraska. | |
27 | Sunday chapel services to have special music College Eye 42:5, p.9 |
For Homecoming service. | |
28 | Chapel services start Sunday College Eye 42:1, p.2 |
CHIC will begin services. | |
29 | Plan sunrise service for 7:30 a.m. Sunday College Eye 41:25, p.1 |
The annual Eastern sunrise service will be held. | |
30 | Day of prayer to be observed here College Eye 40:20, p.3 |
31 | Religious groups plan Christmas activities College Eye 40:12, p.8 |
32 | Jo Chase is Bartlett meditation chairman College Eye 40:1, p.7 |
Will hold weekly sessions. | |
33 | Religious Life Old Gold 0:0, p.27 |
Religious activities on campus are carried on by the Student Christian Association, with Dr. Bodein's direction. Various activities are carried out during the week, including "Coffee Hours" on Wednesdays and a Religious Emphasis week; photo. | |
34 | Will hold communion service in Commons College Eye 39:19, p.3 |
In honor of World Student Christian Federation. | |
35 | Mid-week meditations to begin Wednesday College Eye 39:15, p.3 |
36 | Wednesday meditations Old Gold 38:3, p.5 |
Brief, inspirational service held. | |
37 | McCoy leads singing at outdoor vespers College Eye 36:35, p.1 |
38 | Need felt for mid-week services College Eye 36:32, p.2 |
Wonders if other students would like a brief religious service in Wednesday mornings. | |
39 | Lukes resume service College Eye 36:4, p.4 |
40 | Easter services climax Holy Week College Eye 35:26, p.1 |
Survey of religious services held on or around campus. | |
41 | Dr. Gerald Knoff conducts Sunday service for Waves College Eye 35:11, p.5 |
Die to absence of chaplain. | |
42 | Religious activity Old Gold 0:0, p.48 |
Brief description of the group activities; photo. | |
43 | Early morning services held weekly; 'power' is pre-Lenten theme College Eye 29:25, p.1 |
Will culminate with daily services in week before Easter; photo. | |
44 | Hang around! College Eye 28:2, p.2 |
Eleven good reasons to stay on campus. | |
45 | Students worship during Holy Week College Eye 27:38, p.3 |
Will be held daily in Gilchrist Chapel. | |
46 | Reverend Moore will be guest speaker Public Relations News Release 1934:454, p.1 |
Pastor of the Westminster Presbyterian church, Reverend Harry Moore, will be the guest speaker at the Interdenominational church services in the college auditorium today at 10:30 a. m. | |
47 | Internationally famous lecturer and religious leader Public Relations News Release 1932:280, p.1 |
Dr. Charles W. Gilkey, is the principle speaker during the city and campus wide Passion week, April 9 through April 16. Approximately eight-thousand people are expected to take part in the weeks various services. | |
48 | At the Sunday vespers in the auditorium Public Relations News Release 1930:382, p.1 |
Bel Canto Glee club to sing at vespers. | |
49 | Mother will put away the dishes Public Relations News Release 1929:429, p.1 |
Students forgo Sneak Day and celebrate Mother's Day instead; weekend activities discussed. | |
50 | The tenth anniversary of the Prohibition Public Relations News Release 1929:147, p.1 |
Activities commemorating the anniversary of Prohibition are planned. |