Resident Assistants

Displaying 1 - 50 of 157 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 A resident assistant takeover: UNI's 32nd Annual Midwest RA Conference
Northern Iowan 119:32, p.1
UNI hosted this year's Midwest Resident Assistant Conference. This conference provided sessions, team-building, and fun experiences for over 500 RAs from 10 different midwestern states; photo.
2 Being a Black resident assistant
Northern Iowan 118:41, p.7
Diamond Stonetree discusses their experience as one of the only Black Resident Assistants on campus; photo.
3 (RA)eality of being an RA
Northern Iowan 118:39, p.1
Resident Assistants anonymously responded to the Northern Iowan about their overwhelming responsibilities as an RA, many saying they hope the university changes its RA program; photo.
4 NISG holds presidential elections: Boeding and Greene
Northern Iowan 116:35, p.1
Elle Boeding and Rachel Greene are running, currently unopposed, for Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) student body president and vice president. They discuss their backgrounds and platform. NISCO elections will be held February 25-26; photos.
5 Students discuss micro aggressions
Northern Iowan 112:47, p.2

The Inclusive Communities Team, part of the Department of Residence (DOR), held the event March Against Micro Aggressions on March 29 in Maucker Union.

6 Bad Roommates
Northern Iowan 112:44, p.1

Students, staff, and landlords reflect on roommate issues and solutions; photos.

7 Can faculty keep students safe?
Northern Iowan 111:5, p.3
Student Eric Boisen asks if the safety measures taken by teachers are enough, and if there is anything the university could do differently to better protect students.
8 Can faculty keep students safe?
Northern Iowan 111:5, p.3
Student Eric Boisen asks if the safety measures taken by teachers are enough, and if there is anything the university could do differently to better protect students.
9 A welcome from your NISG president and vice president
Northern Iowan 110:55, p.
Paul Andersen and Kevin Gartman welcome new students.
10 Future president and vice president push involvement
Northern Iowan 110:45, p.5
The future UNI NISG president and vice president push for student involvement in their letter to the editor; photo.
11 Students cope with mid-semester stress
Northern Iowan 110:21, p.4
Students have many different ways of dealing with mid-semester stress. Many students are involved in activities outside of the classroom, which only adds to their stress level. There are many resources on campus to help students deal with stress; photo.
12 Three UNI graduates receive Lux Service Award
Public Relations News Release 2012:298, p.1
Karl Baresel of Davenport; Darvel Givens of Waterloo; and Theresa Luensmann of Aspinwall received the university's most prestigious award for undergraduates during the 2013 spring commencement ceremony.
13 RA's unite
Northern Iowa Today 95:1, p.29
Resident assistants from the 1980s get back together on campus; photo.
14 Department of Residence seeks applicants for RA positions
Northern Iowan 109:27, p.7
Department of Residence accepting applications for Resident Assistant positions. Includes details on application process and responsibilities.
15 Hagemann transitioning to coed hall next year
Northern Iowan 109:17, p.1
Women's hall will go co-ed; Lawther Hall will remain a women's hall; response to demand for more co-ed housing; most Hageman Hall residents seem to favor the change; photo.
16 Stewart and Anderson receive Lux Service Award
Northern Iowan 108:54, p.1
Ashley Stewart and Joel Anderson received the Lux Service Award, the highest honor bestowed on undergraduates at UNI. The award recognizes those who have outstanding records of service to the university; photo.
17 A farewell to Bartlett Hall
Northern Iowan 108:54, p.1
The upcoming revitalization of Bartlett Hall into faculty offices allowed Adreinne Applier to conduct tours of the fourth and fifth floors. These floors have been closed since 1983 due to fire code restrictions; photo.
18 RA behavior policy is ineffectual
Northern Iowan 108:54, p.5
Believes that the policy prohibiting RA's from being in the company of underage persons where alcohol is being consumed is unreasonable and unfair; photo.
19 Student Profile: T. J. Warren
Northern Iowan 107:56, p.2
Received his master's degree in postsecondary education--student affairs last month and ended a colorful college career; served as a resident assistant, Student Admissions Ambassador, and as TC this past year; among other activities; photo.
20 UNI student named Iowa Student Employee of the Year
Northern Iowan 107:54, p.1
Darion Watson, a senior communication major, is the first UNI student to be so honored. Mr. Watson is a resident assistant in Dancer Hall. Amy Mesirow, Dancer Hall RLC, says Watson's personal integrity and drive are unparalleled; photo.
21 UNI student selected as State of Iowa Student Employee of the Year
Public Relations News Release 2010:344, p.1
Darion Watson received the Sate of Iowa Student Employee of the year from his work as a Resident Assistant is Dance Hall.
22 Batman and Rabin
Northern Iowan 107:51, p.6
Video production takes the life of a resident assistant to a new level. Batman and Rabin enforce policy around campus in the video; photo.
23 DOR begins RA recruitment
Northern Iowan 107:18, p.1
Free room and board plus a salary of $1200 awaits Resident Assistants with the Department of Residence. Applications are being accepted between November 8 and January 15; photo.
24 RAs to perform safety inspections throughout winter break
Northern Iowan 106:27, p.1
Dorm rooms are inspected for energy and safety concerns during winter break. Policy violations will also be checked. Two RAs must be present at all inspections. Nothing can be removed except candles with wicks; photo.
25 A day to appreciate and thank RAs to be held Wednesday
Northern Iowan 106:22, p.10
Resident Assistant role is friend, counselor, resource person, and advisor. RAs do more than unlock doors, offer programs, and keep order on their floors.
26 Thank an RA this week
Northern Iowan 105:34, p.1
This week is Resident Assistant Appreciation Week; resident assistants talk about their experiences; photo.
27 Extra money, be an RA
Northern Iowan 105:22, p.5
Resident Assistant applications are available and due by January 16, 2009. Applicants need to be well-rounded, involved, and outgoing. Free room and board plus a $1200 stipend are available.
28 UNI Homecoming Weedend reunions
Public Relations News Release 2008:124, p.1
Several organizations will hold their alumni reunions and socials during the weekend of Oct. 10 - 11. List follows.
29 Local student takes leadership role at University of Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 2007:770, p.1
Resident assistants are Department of Residence staff members who serve as student advisers to approximately 45 students in a residence hall. As advisers, RAs assist students with personal, interpersonal and academic topics. (List included).
30 Alert system put into action shortly after being implemented
Northern Iowan 104:43, p.
Newly installed Alert system works well; photo.
31 High schooler cause for Tuesday's campus threat
Northern Iowan 104:43, p.
Text messages sent by Todd Younk to a UNI freshman student contained threats, which resulted in the dormitories being locked down; photo.
32 Student receives award
Northern Iowan 104:21, p.3
Paul Waterman receives the Graduate Student Rising Star Award from the Iowa Student Personnel Association; photo.
33 News Brief/Calendar of Events
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
The Resident Assistant Conference will be taking place January 26-28.
34 Suicide prevention a joint issue on campus
Northern Iowan 103:27, p.4
Wellness and Recreation Services and UNI Counseling Center work together to spread the word about suicide prevention.
35 RA's work is never done, but fulfilling
Northern Iowan 102:22, p.9
Resident assistants receive free room and board, but also make a large time commitment to the students on their floor.
36 Gleason awarded for service, excellence in scholarship
Northern Iowan 102:16, p.9
Lux Service Award winner Michael Gleason has been active in many organizations at UNI including Camp Adventure, Student Alumni Ambassadors, and being a resident assistant; photo.
37 Renee Maurer wins UNI's 'Gold Star Award' for outstanding contributions to on-campus
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
Receives highest residential leadership award for on-campus students.
38 Paul Waterman wins UNI's 'Gold Star Award' for outstanding contributions to on-campus living
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
Waterman receives highest residential leadership award for on-campus students.
39 Ashley Kockler wins UNI's 'Gold Star Award' for outstanding contributions to on-campus living
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
Receives highest residential leadership award for on-campus students.
40 Local student takes leadership role at University of Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
Approximately 88 students have been selected to be resident assistants for the 2005-2006 school year; list included.
41 Vacancies leave some students without RAs; Department of Residence searches for last minute replacements
Northern Iowan 101:30, p.1
Due to the resignation of several resident assistants at the end of the fall semester, the Department of Residence is looking for new Resident Assistant applications.
42 Adjusting to life at UNI; move from high schools, community colleges can be difficult
Northern Iowan 101:6, p.11
Explores some resources available for helping freshmen and transfer students acclimate themselves to life on campus; photo.
43 Resident assistants, named for 2003-2004 in UNI residence halls
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
44 Resident assistants, community advisors named for 2003-2004 in UNI residence halls
Public Relations News Release 2002:578, p.1
Resident and community advisors listed.
45 Towers top floors get trimmed for next fall
Northern Iowan 99:53, p.1
In response to lower occupancy levels in the Towers, floors 9-12 in Bender and Dancer Halls will be closed for the 2003-2004 academic year.
46 Series held to talk about 'tough stuff'
Northern Iowan 99:21, p.11
Hagemann Hall resident assistants are offering helpful programs for residents about sex, finance, alcohol, and more.
47 UNI resident assistants serving for 2001-2002 academic year
Public Relations News Release 2001:208, p.1
Ninety students will be serving as resident assistants for the 2001-2002 academic year; students are listed.
48 Sanders balances classes, commitment as R. A. in Shull
Northern Iowan 98:15, p.11
Profile of resident assistant Emily Sanders; photo.
49 Process underway for R. A. selection
Northern Iowan 97:26, p.5
Department of Residence is using the theme of "Successories" to recruit new residence assistants.
50 RA takes 'hard-nosed' approach, gets results
Northern Iowan 96:54, p.11
Blake Hammond has had a successful career as a Resident Assistant in Rider Hall; photo.