Richey--R. Wayne (Regents Staff)
Displaying 1 - 25 of 25 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | University of Northern Iowa Commencement to take place at four locations and be broadcast on television Saturday, May 9 Public Relations News Release 1997:334, p.1 |
Graduation will be held at four separate ceremonies in the West Gym and Price Lab School's Nielsen Fieldhouse because of UN-Dome construction. List of speakers and presenters given. R. Wayne Richey will receive Doctor of Humane Letters. | |
2 | Regents approve University of Northern Iowa request to award honorary degree to R. Wayne Richey Public Relations News Release 1997:310, p.1 |
R. Wayne Richey to receive honorary degree, Doctorate of Humane Letters, during commencement May 9. | |
3 | Financial concerns, 1970-1976 A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.389 |
UNI administrators battle in the General Assembly and with the Regents for adequate funds; questions about the future of the Laboratory School. | |
4 | UNI seeks to implement its mission A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.441 |
UNI attempts to expand its curriculum on undergraduate and graduate levels; photo. |
5 | Student forum to discuss four-year graduation issues to be held on University of Northern Iowa campus Wednesday, March 1 Public Relations News Release 1994:298, p.1 |
Student government to discuss issues with four-year graduation. | |
6 | How the search begins Campus News Network 5:10, p.1 |
Professor Grace Ann Hovet is presidential search committee chair. | |
7 | UNI lags behind in university salaries; Curris only person in $100,000 club Northern Iowan 87:31, p.3 |
More faculty members at Iowa State University and the University of Iowa take home over $100, 000 in salaries. | |
8 | Regents to review tuition increase for 1991: '. . .not fair to students' Northern Iowan 87:4, p.1 |
Students are opposed to the proposed 3.8% increase in tuition and fees. | |
9 | Validity of tuition hike questioned Northern Iowan 86:29, p.1 |
Believes Regents may have acted in error. | |
10 | UNI projects record spring enrollment Public Relations News Release 1986:230, p.1 |
The official count is expected to be around 10,700 which is a 1.5% increase from last spring; this fall also had record enrollment numbers. | |
11 | Regents approve UNI enrollment limit concept Public Relations News Release 1986:204, p.1 |
The approval basically allows UNI to explore different options for limiting enrollment levels. | |
12 | Untitled Northern Iowan 82:16, p.1 |
Doy Kaasa, Shirley Eliason Haupt, R. Wayne Richey, and Constantine Curris sit at the dedication of the new Art Building; photo. | |
13 | Tuition increase above inflation rate Northern Iowan 82:14, p.1 |
Pass 6.5% increase; approve capital request for Business Building; endorse Center for Decision-Making Research; photo. | |
14 | Regents to vote tomorrow Northern Iowan 80:14, p.1 |
Will vote on tuition increase. | |
15 | Regents OK doctorate in education UNI Century 11:1, p.1 |
Regents approve Ed. D. on November 18, despite opposition from Wayne Richey; several M. A. programs may be dropped. | |
16 | Ed. doctorate considered Northern Iowan 79:9, p.4 |
Regents staff maintains the Ed. D. duplicates existing programs; UNI officials make case that it is special. | |
17 | Regents postpone final action on tuition increase, approve contracts Public Relations News Release 1981:40, p.1 |
Regents elect to wait until a later meeting to decide on a possible tuition increase at Iowa's universities; Professor Thompson named acting dean of CHFA; Professor Crownfield named interim head of Department of Philosophty and Religion. | |
18 | Regents assures UNI inclusion in any state faculty pay raise Northern Iowan 76:37, p.1 |
Wayne Richey met with Elaine Kalmar of the United Faculty. | |
19 | Richey denies politics involved in delay of KUNI service to Clinton Northern Iowan 75:62, p.1 |
The Board of Regents deferred approval of a 10-watt radio translator in Clinton for KUNI. | |
20 | Regents turn down UNI request for Ed. D. degree Northern Iowan 75:59, p.1 |
The Board of Regents denied UNI's request for a doctorate in education; reasons for denial; will be submitted again in the future. | |
21 | A sunny ground breaking; Speech-Art underway Northern Iowan 72:12, p.1 |
Brief description of the ceremony and preview of the facilities; photo. | |
22 | AFT petitions mail rights Northern Iowan 71:59, p.1 |
Attempts to regain use of mail system, following Public Employee Relations Board ruling.. | |
23 | House OK's fund return Northern Iowan 68:41, p.1 |
House votes to take money from Iowa and Iowa State and give it to UNI. | |
24 | 'Like a Mafia funeral'; Regents analogy Northern Iowan 67:59, p.1 |
Interview with Board's executive director on budget matter; photo. | |
25 | Regents here to discuss presidents Northern Iowan 66:45, p.1 |
Stanley Redeker and Wayne Richey meet with evaluation committee. |