Robinette--Jane E. (Class of 1982)

Displaying 1 - 18 of 18 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Goodbye to Moore
Northern Iowan 78:62, p.2
Fond tribute to Michael Moore.
2 ERA has just begun
Northern Iowan 78:59, p.3
Women talk about drive for passage of ERA; photo.
3 Student Social Work Association
Old Gold 0:0, p.103
As a member of the Student Social Work Association, one could get acquainted with issues that affect the social work profession; photo.
4 We're in the Army now . . . .
Alumnus 66:2, p.21
Department of Military Science established in fall 1981; reactions from faculty and students; prospects and benefits of program; photo.
5 ERA votes cited
Northern Iowan 78:37, p.2
The candidates' Equal Rights Amendment voting record is shown.
6 Students to protest cuts in Des Moines
Northern Iowan 78:32, p.1
Group will protest at speech by President Reagan; photo.
7 Says 'Taps' reviewer unfair to actors, film
Northern Iowan 78:31, p.2
Student believes Leigh Rigby's review of the movie 'Taps' was inaccurate.
8 Public opposition to draft urged
Northern Iowan 78:26, p.2
Jane Robinette encourages others to resist the peace time draft.
9 Students and faculty react to ROTC decision
Northern Iowan 77:52, p.6
Faculty and students express opinions.
10 Challenges wisdom of senate vote
Northern Iowan 77:52, p.2
Feels that the Faculty Senate cared little about student reaction to ROTC.
11 Controversy surrounds ROTC vote
Northern Iowan 77:52, p.1
Faculty Senate votes 11-9 to establish ROTC unit.
12 Cites problems with ROTC
Northern Iowan 77:50, p.2
Believes that the ROTC is inconsistent with UNI's academic goals.
13 UNISA officers and senators assume offices
Public Relations News Release 1980:521, p.1
The University of Northern Iowa Student Association will take their offices and serve the student body.
14 Object to UNISA action
Northern Iowan 77:40, p.2
UNISA senators question speaker's decision not to fill appointed positions.
15 Seriously consider the consequences
Northern Iowan 77:25, p.2
Wants people to know it has been declared illegal for Selective Service to record social security numbers; if this has already been done, one can write and request his number be deleted.
16 Panthers 'address concerns'
Northern Iowan 77:10, p.2
The new Panther Party outlines their stance on some issues.
17 Panther party organized
Northern Iowan 77:8, p.2
Have formed the Panther Party, a group that cares about student needs and wishes to reform UNISA.
18 Ida M. Robinson
Normal Eyte 7:12, p.142
Principal in Alta Vista.