Robinson--James Leland (Class of 1953)
Displaying 1 - 10 of 10 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | UNI Black Hawk County Alumni chapter chartered; officers elected Public Relations News Release 1986:310, p.1 |
There are six thousand UNI alumni living in Black Hawk County; this is the second alumni chapter created in Iowa; the first was created in Des Moines in 1985. | |
2 | UNI Alumni to celebrate honors Northern Iowan 81:9, p.8 |
A list of Alumni Association achievement and service award winners. | |
3 | Association rewards achievement and service UNI Century 12:4, p.3 |
Brief biographical sketches of award winners. | |
4 | "The Merits of Teaching" Northern Iowan 78:19, p.6 |
Speakers include Cedar Falls Mayor Doug Sharp and superintendent Jim Robinson. | |
5 | Baker Hall House Council Old Gold 0:0, p.104 |
Baker Hall, the oldest men's dormitory on campus, is governed by the House Council; photo. | |
6 | Student counselors Old Gold 0:0, p.122 |
Student counselors; photo. | |
7 | Social science honors Old Gold 0:0, p.162 |
Norman Huse, Larry Lein, and Patricia Allen serve as officers in the Social Science Honor Society; photo. | |
8 | Alpha Chi Epsilon Old Gold 0:0, p.203 |
Fraternity roster; photo. | |
9 | Bachelor of Arts Old Gold 0:0, p.262 |
Bachelor of Arts recipients, names Niebuhr through Zickefoose; photos. |
10 | Alpha Chi Epsilon Old Gold 0:0, p.223 |
Description of the fraternity and some of the activities that they held during the year; photo. |