Ross--Loretta Fay (Class of 1968)

Displaying 1 - 15 of 15 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Four receive Merchant funds
UNI Century 8:3, p.1
Ann Brenden, Loretta Gotta, Susan McDonald, and David Schneider win Merchant Scholarship.
2 Summer play production, romantic comedy by Fry
College Eye 63:61, p.1
Lengthy preview of "The Lady's Not for Burning"; photo.
3 Women's Day theme is 'how lovely to be a woman'
College Eye 63:52, p.8
Lengthy description of programs.
4 SCI's queen to compete in national college contest
College Eye 63:51, p.1
Loretta Ross will compete; photo.
5 Look who's in the national college queen contest
College Eye 63:49, p.4
A ballot for the four finalists for the state of Iowa.
6 Studio 4 presents three plays
College Eye 63:46, p.5
Harryette Lucas, Jenny Boller, and Loretta Ross will direct plays.
7 Charges queen was misquoted
College Eye 63:37, p.2
Scorns the paper for its errors.
8 Loretta Ross hangs crown, memories on thorn bush
College Eye 63:36, p.1
Profile of Miss SCI; photo.
9 Why not a picture?
College Eye 63:31, p.3
Asks why a recent beauty pageant queen's picture wasn't run with the article.
10 Loretta Ross chosen as Miss SCI pageant queen
College Eye 63:29, p.8
Profile of Loretta Ross; list of attendants.
11 Untitled
College Eye 63:14, p.4
Loretta Ross and Dave Adamson perform on stage; photo.
12 SCI Theatre will present play 'The Servant of two Masters'
College Eye 60:54, p.1

Lengthy preview of the play; list of cast members; photo.

13 SCI's winter play 'Mother Courage' starts tomorrow
College Eye 60:41, p.1
Lengthy preview with list of cast and crew members; photo.
14 'Courage' sales start Thursday
College Eye 60:39, p.1
Tickets available for "Mother Courage"; photo.
15 Turmoil, success of humanity depicted in "Skin of Our Teeth"
College Eye 59:40, p.1
Review of the play; photo.