Ross--Myrna (Classes of 1919 and 1921)

Displaying 1 - 13 of 13 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Myrna Ross
Alumnus 32:1, p.21
Married John Dempster on October 11, 1947.
2 V. O. V. Sigma Phi
College Eye 18:7, p.8
News about members.
3 Nu Omicron Nu Sigma Phi
Old Gold 0:0, p.290
Sorority members; sorority colors and flower; photo.
4 V. O. V. Sigma Phi Fall dance
College Eye 16:11, p.5
Details of the dance and roster of alumni members present.
5 Nu Omicron Nu Sigma Phi
Old Gold 0:0, p.318
Names of members.
6 Miss Myrna Ross
College Eye 13:26, p.8
Visited parents; principal of Dike schools.
7 Miss Myrna Ross
College Eye 13:15, p.8
Principal at Dike.
8 Myrna Ross
College Eye 13:3, p.8
Principal at Dike.
9 Juniors
Old Gold 0:0, p.78

Class roll; formal and informal photographs; student quotes and jokes; photo.

10 Juniors
Old Gold 0:0, p.115
Roster of officers and junior students; poem; humorous comments about the students; formal and informal photos; photo.
11 Shake-Aristo
Old Gold 0:0, p.205
Illustration of a woman in a kimono; roster of presidents and members; poem by Inez Samuels; brief overview of the societies; formal and informal photograph collections; photo.
12 Freshmen
Old Gold 0:0, p.113
Class roster; class officers provided; photos.
13 Shake Aristo
Old Gold 0:0, p.215
Illustration of an owl in a dark forest; Shake presidents and roster provided; Aristo roster provided; description of the two societies; memorial page for Arnold Arends; photos.