Ross--Robert Leslie (Class of 1950; Political Science Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 140 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 UNI alum discusses foreign policy
Northern Iowan 116:18, p.2
John Dinger, alum and former U.S. Ambassador to Mongolia, held the forum "When Politics Trumps Expertise: Ukraine, Turkey, Syria, and Foreign Policy Making in the Trump White House" at UNI on October 28. Dinger spoke about the inner workings of foreign policy and how ambassadors work together with the government; photo.
2 Facebook: UNI professors you loved
Northern Iowa Today 95:2, p.2
Excerpts from Facebook comments about favorite faculty members; photo.
3 Profile: the retirement "Class of '95-'96"
Campus News Network 6:17, p.3
Retirees share memories of their years at UNI; photo.
4 Conference on the presidency and public policy to be held at University of Northern Iowa on Wednesday, April 10
Public Relations News Release 1995:288, p.1
George Edwards, Dan Thomas, and Cary Covington will address a conference at UNI.
5 Watching the election trends.
Public Relations News Release 1994:135, p.1
Robert Ross believes Iowa's visit from the President will aid the Democratic Party in the upcoming election.
6 Northern Iowa sources for this week's topics in the news:
Public Relations News Release 1992:356, p.1
The Clinton economic policy, getting in shape for a marathon, and president's day are the topics for discussion this week.
7 Northern Iowa sources for this week's topics in the news
Public Relations News Release 1992:164, p.1
The electoral college and truth in labeling are the topics for discussion this week.
8 Mating season for elephants and donkeys.
Public Relations News Release 1991:717, p.1
Robert Ross shares his views on the effect running mates will have in the upcoming presidential election.
9 Northern Iowa sources for this week's topics in the news.
Public Relations News Release 1991:707, p.1
Faculty and staff named to aid in providing further information on this week's topics.
10 "Golden Class" celebrates with special reunion events on campus
Public Relations News Release 1991:650, p.1
60 class members from the Class of 1942 celebrated during commencement weekend. Attendees listed.
11 Northern Iowa sources for this week/s topics in the news
Public Relations News Release 1991:320, p.1
Faculty members available to give more information on current news topics are listed.
12 "How can you take away my day job? I'm not involved in any scandals."
Public Relations News Release 1991:241, p.1
Robert Ross states that there are various factors that could make limiting terms of Congress next to impossible.
13 Sources listed for timely information on current news topics
Public Relations News Release 1991:229, p.1
Faculty and staff listed as sources of timely information on current news topics.
14 UNI faculty and staff serve as resources for information on current news topics
Public Relations News Release 1991:217, p.1
Faculty and staff are listed in areas of expertise on current news topics. Contact information is provided.
15 Can one handle the work of two?
Public Relations News Release 1991:197, p.1
Robert Ross airs his concerns about the proposed reduction at the state level to a one house system.
16 The Duke is no fluke.
Public Relations News Release 1991:176, p.1
Research by Robert Ross on David Duke, a candidate for President, gives insights into why Mr. Duke is a product of our times.
17 The Harkin Presidential bid--what will it take to win the White House
Public Relations News Release 1991:60, p.1
To do well in the early primaries, Senator Harkin will need to rally support and finances.
18 Is American ready for President Harkin?
Public Relations News Release 1990:610, p.1
Iowa Senator Tom Harkin is testing the presidential political waters.
19 Tax deadline approaches--did you contribute to the presidential fund?
Public Relations News Release 1990:468, p.1
Few people opt to contribute to the presidential election campaign fund when filing taxes.
20 Postwar effects--economy, elections & political fallout
Public Relations News Release 1990:352, p.1
Now that the Gulf War has ended, other news issues will be covered.
21 Politicians use negative ads during final moments of campaigns.
Public Relations News Release 1990:164, p.1
Negative political ads are here to stay.
22 The battle for your vote--political styles of Harkin & Tauke
Public Relations News Release 1990:96, p.1
Close race is seen between candidates Harkin and Tauke. Both have solid records.
23 All eyes are on V-P--Quayle. The man who could be president.
Public Relations News Release 1989:459, p.1
Professor Robert Ross tracks Dan Quayle's popularity with Iowan media outlets, and how political advisors are affecting the presidential candidate's campaign.
24 Sidestepping political issues--the ramifications of addressing abortion
Public Relations News Release 1989:339, p.1
Professor Robert Ross discusses political candidates' avoidance of abortion while campaigning. Ross states that such sensitive issues are not likely to be addressed until late in the election.
25 The politics of abortion-- a major campaign issue.
Public Relations News Release 1988:558, p.1
Recent Supreme Court decision allowing states to regulate abortions has become a hot political topic. Robert Ross, says how the candidates feel about the issue will be a major factor in the outcome of the '90 elections.
26 Presidential mistakes most likely to be made in first 100 days.
Public Relations News Release 1988:272, p.1
Robert Ross says, the Bush administration has some difficult days ahead, and will need to deal with some "left-overs" from the Reagan era.
27 Iowa's first in the nation caucuses in jeopardy?
Public Relations News Release 1988:218, p.1
Robert Ross says the loss of a first in the nation ranking could have a dramatic effect on the state. Media attention paid, plus candidates' availability to Iowans is a benefit that goes to help the state financially.
28 The election is over isn't it? ¿ Not according to the constitution.
Public Relations News Release 1988:193, p.1
Robert Ross says the electoiral process is an antique remnant of the American political system. The electorial vote will probably not be discarded until the popular vote and the electorial vote don't "jive."
29 The loss of a president 23 years later¿ JFK remembered.
Public Relations News Release 1988:177, p.1
Robert Ross says the Kennedy administration was glorified after the President was assassinated in Dallas.The Kennedy style has been copied by many president after the Kennedy era.
30 The right to vote-why 1/2 of those eligible won't make it to the polls.
Public Relations News Release 1988:102, p.1
Robert Ross says that Americans have lost faith in the government's ability to solve problems. One way to get more people into the voting booths could be a revision of voter registration laws.
31 Preparing for the presidental debates¿candidates urged to rest up.
Public Relations News Release 1988:46, p.1
First presidental debate has been scheduled for Sept. 25. Robert Ross says the debates will be extermely important, since be believes most voters have not made their final decisions.
32 GOP convention opens today; what will they do and who's running with Bush?
Public Relations News Release 1988:534, p.1
GOP National Convention begins in the Superdome. Robert Ross speculates about the potential GOP VP nominees.
33 Campaigns into full swing; Bush, Dukakis after 'fence straddlers.'
Public Relations News Release 1988:534, p.1
Candidates will try woo voters who could vote either way. Ross indicates what groups of voters each campaign will try to win and why.
34 Dukakis should ride momentum's wave to new heights in polls.
Public Relations News Release 1988:506, p.1
Polls show a upward movement for Dukakis and Bentsen, after Democratic National Convention in Atlanta. Professor Ross asserts that after any media blitz either party can expect a five to ten per cent boost in the polls.
35 UNI Prof: Jackson no troublemaker at this week's Democratic Convention
Public Relations News Release 1988:493, p.1
Professor Robert Ross does not think Jesse Jackson will cause problems at convention.
36 Bush with an edge in the vice presidential sweepstakes?
Public Relations News Release 1988:486, p.1
Clear choice as vice president for Republican presidential nominee George Bush. Democratic nominee Michael Dukakis, may struggle to enlist even one noteworthy running mate.
37 Road from Iowa's caucuses ends anti-climactically in California today.
Public Relations News Release 1988:457, p.1
Robert Ross says despite its huge delegate prize, today's event in the Golden State will likely prove an anti-climactic end to what has otherwise been a colorful 1988 campaign.
38 UNI survey: 75 percent of college students believe congress would lie.
Public Relations News Release 1988:427, p.1
75 percent of college students believe that members of Congress would lie of they thought telling the truth might be politically damaging.
39 New York primary today: A surprise for Jackson, last gasp for Gore?
Public Relations News Release 1987:369, p.1
Professor Robert Ross determines that the New York primary may be Senator Al Gore's last chance for the election, but the state's high level of voter diversity makes the conclusion difficult to predict.
40 Biggest prize of '88 campaign? Democrats choose 'super delegates' today
Public Relations News Release 1987:369, p.1
Professor Robert Ross discusses Jesse Jackson's chance of being selected as a Democratic super delegate.
41 Collapse of Iowa winners Gephardt, Dole to raise opposition to caucuses?
Public Relations News Release 1987:305, p.1
Professor Robert Ross discusses the impact of the dropping out of caucus winners Dick Gephardt and Bob Dole from the presidential election.
42 Paul Simon: Going with a whimper or a bang in today's Illinois primary?
Public Relations News Release 1987:305, p.1
Professor Robert Ross predicts the fate of Senator Paul Simon in the Illinois primary, where he will have to face off with Jesse Jackson and Michael Dukakis.
43 Northern Iowa political analyst previews Super Tuesday primary
Public Relations News Release 1987:297, p.1
Professor Robert Ross analyzes presidential candidates for their chances of victory at the Primary.
44 New poll shows shift in students' political affiliations in last decade
Public Relations News Release 1987:258, p.1
Professor Robert Ross relays the results of a poll showing a shift in political views of students. Republicans lead by two percent, as opposed to the Democrats' ten percent lead from the last decade.
45 Is there life after the caucuses?
Public Relations News Release 1987:251, p.1
Professor Robert Ross explains the importance of Iowans supporting their preferred presidential candidate after the conclusion of the caucuses.
46 New Poll: Iowa college students favor Dole, Gephardt in '88 campaign
Public Relations News Release 1987:251, p.1
Professor Robert Ross analyzes a poll of one-thousand students, which indicates that students favor Bob Dole over all Democratic candidates but Dick Gephardt.
47 Radio News Network Broadcast Briefs
Public Relations News Release 1987:145, p.1
Ivan Eland gives winter driving tips. Robert Ross analyzes the presidential election. Presidential candidate Governor Bruce Babbit visits the UNI campus. Ronald Chung explains the Thanksgiving restaurant trend. Nancy McGraw shares dieting strategies.
48 Radio News Network Broadcast Briefs
Public Relations News Release 1987:124, p.1
Robert Ross speaks on the importance of Midwestern caucuses and primaries in presidential elections. Tolu Honary examines wind power as an alternative power source. Ching Woo discusses the dangers of burning leaves.
49 Radio News Network Broadcast Briefs
Public Relations News Release 1987:111, p.1
Robert Clark explains the importance of cafes in small town economies. Robert Ross speaks on how the poor economy affects the presidential election. Paul Tenney expresses concern over adolescent hearing loss. Vince Faherty looks at poverty in Iowa.
50 Radio News Network Broadcast Briefs
Public Relations News Release 1987:42, p.1
Michael Sonnleitner analyzes Robert Bork's chance of being rejected by the Supreme Court. Tom Ryan discusses reasons for Iowa's population drop. Robert Ross explains the role of mudslinging in political campaigning.