Russell Hall
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | UNI School of Music to present world premiere opera: "The Beehive" Northern Iowan 119:45, p.4 |
The UNI School of Music is performing "The Beehive" an opera written by Jorge Sosa and Melisa Tien on March 30th and 31st in Bengtson Auditorium in Russell Hall. Peyton Guthrie writes more details of the opera; photo. |
2 | Uniting the community with song Northern Iowan 119:29, p.1 |
UNI's Community Music School (CMS) meets in Russell Hall and welcomes anyone from UNI students to Cedar Valley residence to participate in their choirs, bands or private lessons (Camp Musicmania). This community gives UNI music students opportunities to teach and gain connections for their future careers. Bailey Klinkhammer interviews Heather Hamilton; photo. |
3 | A dazzling dance with Orchesis' fall show Northern Iowan 119:17, p.1 |
Orchesis Dance Company performed their annual fall show in Bengtson Auditorium at Russell Hall last Saturday. Mallory Schmitz speaks with a few of the dancers and gives details about the performances; photo. | |
4 | Best places to cry on campus Northern Iowan 119:1, p.7 |
Olivia Brunsting lists some of the best places to cry on campus including Botanical Center, Rod Library, and music practice rooms. | |
5 | Jazz comes to life at UNI Northern Iowan 118:36, p.1 |
UNI hosted the 67th annual Tallcorn Jazz Festival February 17-18 in the Gallagher Bluedorn Performing Arts Center (GBPAC) and Bengston Auditorium in Russell Hall. Performances included 38 Iowa high school bands, the UNI jazz bands, and guest performer Melissa Aldana. Mike Conrad, assistant professor of jazz studies and music education, discusses the history of the festival and its importance; photo. | |
6 | Preview: Love a Donor Week Northern Iowan 116:34, p.4 |
UNI's eighth annual Love a Donor Week is February 10-14 and includes multiple opportunities for students, faculty, and staff to write thank-you notes to university donors at various locations across campus; photo. | |
7 | A very happy jazz performance Northern Iowan 116:30, p.4 |
Christopher's Very Happy Band (CVH.B) preformed in Russell Hall's Bengtson Auditorium on January 24. The concert featured jazz compositions from their second album. CVH.B's band members include UNI faculty members Christopher Merz and Mike Conrad, as well as guest artists Drew Morton and Dave Tiede. UNI senior education major Dakota Anderson and UNI percussion instructor Matthew Andreini also performed; photos. | |
8 | No 'frets' for UNI Ukulele Club Northern Iowan 116:22, p.5 |
The UNI Ukulele Club welcomes students with or without a musical background to learn to play the instrument. It was founded in 2018 and is advised Kevin Droe, associate professor of music. The club meets on Wednesdays and has played formal concerts; photo. | |
9 | Panther Portrait: Orchesis & IDT Show Northern Iowan 116:16, p.5 |
The UNI Dance Program kicked off Family Weekend festivities with its annual fall showcase. The sister dance companies Orchesis and International Dance Theatre (IDT) performed in the Bengtson Auditorium at Russell Hall. The showcase held performances ranging from tap dancing to hip-hop to traditional Russian folk dance. Many of the performances were choreographed by the students themselves. | |
10 | Concert features student compositions Northern Iowan 115:37, p.2 |
The School of Music Jazz Combos Concert on February 19 in Bengston Auditorium featured the combos Combo 1, The Enablers, Uncharted, and Night Mayor. Student composers included Andrew Wiele and Isaac Schwartz. Coaches included Michael Conrad, Robert Dunn, Isaac Schwartz, and Christopher Merz. | |
11 | Orchesis & IDT perform at fall show Northern Iowan 115:18, p.1 |
IDT Dance Company and Orchesis Dance Company presented their fall recital on October 21 in Russell Hall; photos. | |
12 | Jazz Band One celebrates new hall of famer Northern Iowan 114:48, p.5 |
Jeffery Tower is inducted in the Jazz Hall of Fame in Bengston Auditorium in Lang Hall. He is being recognized as a trombonist, music educator, and arts advocate. | |
13 | Orchesis and IDT fall show Northern Iowan 114:17, p.5 |
Orchesis and International Dance Theatre (IDT) hosted their annual fall show. There is an overview of the show; photo. | |
14 | UNI School of Music to present 'The Merry Wives of Windsor' Public Relations News Release 2015:160, p.1 |
The performances will be held on February 6th and 7th in Russell Hall on the UNI campus. These performances will feature the UNI Opera Ensemble and will also feature the Northern Iowa Symphony Orchestra. |
15 | False Alarm Northern Iowan 111:22, p.2 |
Russell Hall was evacuated due to a pulled fire alarm, the alarmed turned out to be false and had been pulled by accident. | |
16 | UNI School of Music to present Opera Sneak Preview: 'The Merry Wives of Windsor' Public Relations News Release 2014:115, p.1 |
UNI School of Music will present a sneak preview of the upcoming Opera Gala performance of "The Merry Wives of Windor." The performance is November 21, in Bengston Auditorium in Russell Hall. Admission to the performance is free. | |
17 | Fun activities planned for UNI's Family Weekend Public Relations News Release 2014:84, p.1 |
UNI will host events and activities for students, parents, and family members of all ages during Family Weekend, October 17 through October 19. Multiple activities are taking place over the span of the weekend. | |
18 | UNI Suzuki School announces beginning classes and parent orientation Public Relations News Release 2014:4, p.1 |
UNI Suzuki School invites parents and beginning music students to learn more about the Suzuki School program this August. The cost of classes is $102 and registration is due by August 1. Students will join the sessions starting August 21. | |
19 | UNI to host inclusion and communication conference Public Relations News Release 2013:268, p.1 |
UNI will host the 2014 Midwest Summer Institute: Inclusion and Communication for All on June 23, and June 24, in Russell Hall. | |
20 | UNI Dept. of Art and Dept. of Music to present the work of Tim Lowly and Karima Walker Public Relations News Release 2013:116, p.1 |
UNI will present an artist lecture and musical performance by Tim Lowly and Karima Walker. Tim Lowly will speak about his paintings. Following the lecture, Loly and Karima Walker will present a musical performance. | |
21 | UNI's dance troupes to host fall performance Public Relations News Release 2013:83, p.1 |
Orchesis and the International Dance theatre will present their annual fall dance concert. The companies will perform a variety of dance styles. The event is free and open to the public. | |
22 | UNI Suzuki School will hold August orientation and pre-instrument sessions Public Relations News Release 2013:5, p.1 |
UNI's Suzuki School will be welcoming parents and new students to learn more about the program. Young students can learn more about string instruments and music. | |
23 | UNI to host international conference on violence and religion Public Relations News Release 2013:3, p.1 |
UNI will host this year's Colloquium on Violence and Religion. This years conference will focus on the impact of industrial agriculture on the ecosystem. Whitney Bauman and Mark Wallace will both speak on how religion has impacted the natural world. | |
24 | I Spy at UNI Northern Iowan 109:37, p.2 |
Mystery photo of the week awaiting identification. No one was able to identify last weeks photo. It was an instrument in Russell Hall; photo. | |
25 | I spy at UNI Northern Iowan 109:29, p.2 |
Mystery photo looks for identification. No one was able to identify the previous photo. The picture was an instrument in a display case in the Russell Hall lobby. | |
26 | UNI Suzuki School fall registration announced Public Relations News Release 2012:28, p.1 |
Interested students and family are asked to stop in Russell Hall. Registration forms will be available. Teachers and staff will be available. Student demonstrations will be performed. | |
27 | Celebrating 50 years of excellence in music education at Russell Hall Northern Iowa Today 95:2, p.20 |
2012 is the fiftieth anniversary of Russell Hall; recently underwent a major renovation program; photo. | |
28 | UNI School of Music celebrates 50 years at Russell Hall Public Relations News Release 2011:305, p.1 |
Russell Hall is still called "the music building", as it was called back in the 1960s. The first concert was held in the building in May of 1962. | |
29 | UNI Children's Choir to perform spring concert Public Relations News Release 2011:296, p.1 |
Bengston Auditorium in Russell Hall will host the Chidren's Choir. The event is free and open to the public. | |
30 | I Spy at UNI Northern Iowan 108:51, p.3 |
Where is this located on campus? The previous photo was not identified, but was of Russell Hall; photo. | |
31 | The tuba is strong with this one Northern Iowan 108:51, p.6 |
UNITuba ensemble performed "Tuba Wars: A Parody with Music" in Davis Hall. A take off on "Star Wars"; the performance was well received; photo. | |
32 | An alumnus' thoughts on UNI budget cuts Northern Iowan 108:41, p.4 |
The thought that his university would have to cut costs brought a harsh reality to Jonathan Hinton. Many statistics are shared, including the doubling of tuition between 1997 and 2007 to make up for lack of funding from Des Moines. | |
33 | New building hours create conflict for music majors Northern Iowan 108:18, p.1 |
Practice time for music majors must be adjusted due to the closure of buildings at 2:00AM. Student and building safety were cited as the reason for the changes. Buildings are open and monitored for 116 hours per week. | |
34 | School of Music's new hours create controversy Northern Iowan 108:12, p.1 |
New building hours have been put into effect with students trained and hired by the Department of Public Safety monitoring each building. Other alternatives are being investigated; photo. | |
35 | I Spy at UNI Northern Iowan 107:52, p.1 |
Faculty, staff, and students challenged to identify to location of the mystery photo. The photo in the previous issue was located in Russell Hall; photo. | |
36 | New artwork to be unveiled at Russell Hall concert. Public Relations News Release 2010:295, p.1 |
World-renowned artist Dale Chihuly designed the piece, entitled "Zephyr Blue Persian Set with Tangerine Lip Wraps." The piece is located in the William and Charlotte Hinson Lobby of Russell Hall. | |
37 | UNI, high school students celebrate Tallcorn Jazz Festival Northern Iowan 107:38, p.5 |
Over one thousand jazz musicians packed Russell Hall during the festival. This was the fifty-sixth annual event. | |
38 | UNI dance troupes to perform Public Relations News Release 2010:66, p.1 |
Orchesis will perform a variety of contemporary pieces, ranging from jazz to modern styles. The International Dance Theatre will perform traditional styles like clogging, ballroom, and Scottish dancing. | |
39 | UNI announces free jazz concerts on Mondays Public Relations News Release 2010:61, p.1 |
The "Four-Letter Word: Jazz" series, organized by Michael Conrad, a music education jazz and composition theory major from Cedar Falls, features various musicians from the School of Music. Anyone who wishes to perform can sign up in Russell Hall. | |
40 | Northern Iowa Junior Orchestra seeking members Public Relations News Release 2010:36, p.1 |
This orchestra is for string students in grades 6 through 8 and meets regularly from 5 to 7 p.m. on Fridays for rehearsals. Students must have the recommendation of their school orchestra or private lesson instructor. Tom Schilke is the music director. | |
41 | U. S. Army Blues to perform at UNI, September 15, in Bengtson Auditorium in Russell Hall Public Relations News Release 2010:32, p.1 |
After beginning informally in 1970, The Army Blues became an official part of the United States Army Band "pershing's Own" in 1972. Over the years it has evolved evolved into the premier jazz band of the U. S. Army. | |
42 | Register now for UNI workshop on managing your boss; Enrolment deadline is March 30 Public Relations News Release 2009:345, p.1 |
Workshop articipants will practice managing expectations and priorities to improve their working relationship with their boss and advance their performance. Jim Hogan, human resources consultant, will facilitate the workshop. | |
43 | UNI School of Music presents 'Riders to the Sea' and 'Prima Donna' Public Relations News Release 2009:329, p.1 |
The Opera and the Symphony Orchestra will perform "Riders to the Sea," a short one-act opera by Ralph Vaughan Williams, based on the play by Irish playwright John Millington Synge. They will also perform the one-act opera, "Prima Donna." | |
44 | University of Northern Iowa Bass Studio holds winter concert Northern Iowan 106:35, p.1 |
Russell Hall hosted the Winter Bass Concert; photo. | |
45 | UNI Suzuki School announces winter and spring class schedule Public Relations News Release 2009:199, p.1 |
The class will start in January for students ages 4 to 7 who are interested in violin lessons. Limited lesson times are available for older students and adults in violin and viola. | |
46 | UNI School of Music welcomes guest artist Richard Sherman for performance and master class Public Relations News Release 2009:113, p.1 |
Sherman, professor of flute at the Michigan State University College of Music, is active as a soloist, orchestral musician and recitalist. He is principal flute with the Chautauqua (New York Symphony Orchestra and the Lansing Symphony Orchestra. | |
47 | Pauline Barrett establishes $1.5 million endowed scholarship fund for UNI students Public Relations News Release 2009:93, p.1 |
Barrett, a well-known Waterloo philanthropist, is continuing her generosity to the college and her gift has established the Pauline R. Barrett Endowed Scholarship Fund to support students from the Cedar Valley who attend the College. | |
48 | UNI School of Music welcomes guest lecturere as part of 'Musically Speaking' lecture series, Oct. 8 Public Relations News Release 2009:87, p.1 |
"Fields of Opportunity: The Musical Performance of 'Trans-local' Identities among the Bosnian Refugee Community of Waterloo, Iowa," is the title of the lecture to be given by guest lecturer Ryan Haynes at the School of Music. | |
49 | UNI Dance Companies to Present Family Weekend Concerts Public Relations News Release 2009:85, p.1 |
Orchesis is one of the oldest student groups on the campus, having been organized during the 1926-1927 academic year. International Dance Theatre is the performing group of the Folk and Ballroom Dancers, which was founded in 1957. Students listed. | |
50 | UNI School of Music welcomes guest artists The Verdehr Trio for performance and master classes Public Relations News Release 2009:73, p.1 |
The Verdehr Trio will be presenting master classes for clarinet, violin, and piano. The Trio has concentrated on molding and defining the personality of the violin-clarinet-piano trio for more than 30 years. |