Ryan--Thomas G. (History Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 74 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 UNI "Lifelong University" announces spring 2007 courses
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
The three courses include "The Seven Deadly Sins," "History of Iowa," and "Representing the Holocaust Through Film: Documentaries, Visual History and Dramatizations."
2 UNI announces curriculum for new 'Lifelong University'
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
Non-credit courses will be offered this fall for members of the community.
3 Who for President?
Public Relations News Release 1995:19, p.1
Tom Ryan says alternative candidates for President do not fair well against the major parties.
4 Black History study important for all because of complex mixture of peoples who have produced our country, says University of Northern Iowa history p
Public Relations News Release 1991:389, p.1
Many people of different races and backgrounds have formed our country. This alone is reason enough for all people to study Black History, according to Tom Ryan.
5 Is Dr. King looking down with pride?
Public Relations News Release 1991:347, p.1
Tom Ryan says Black History Month is an excellent time to examine the racist mistakes we've made as a country, so they are not repeated by the next generation.
6 Top 5 Iowa stories that made news in 1990.
Public Relations News Release 1990:264, p.1
The most encouraging story was economic recovery, according to Professor Tom Ryan. A major surprise was the focus on legalized gambling.
7 Top 10 national stories that made news in 1990
Public Relations News Release 1990:264, p.1
UNI professor releases his major news stories for 1990.
8 The burning issue that refuses to be snuffed- flag burning.
Public Relations News Release 1990:698, p.1
Legislators are getting paperwork ready and lengthy debate is guaranteed to follow as legislators draw up a Constitutional flag protection amendment. Tom Ryan says it will be a major task to get such an amendment tacked on to the Constitution.
9 Congressional terms- how long should congressional members reign?
Public Relations News Release 1989:597, p.1
Some people are proposing a 12 year limit on the number of years a person can serve in Congress. Tom Ryan believes that is not a good idea. Putting a limit in progress would require amending the Constitution, which isn't an easy thing to do.
10 The decade of the '80s--top 10 stories
Public Relations News Release 1989:316, p.1
Professor Tom Ryan recounts the top news stories of the decade. Stories include increased U. S. involvement in Central American affairs, as well as the presidency of Ronald Reagan.
11 Top 10 national stories that made the news in '89
Public Relations News Release 1989:316, p.1
Professor Tom Ryan lists the top national news stories of the year. Stories include the Supreme Court's decision on abortion, the war on drugs, and developments in the Soviet Union.
12 Thinking of running for congress? You'll need at least $250,000.
Public Relations News Release 1989:10, p.1
Tom Ryan says the high cost of campaigns are keeping some individuals from running. The cost of television advertising is one reason why so much money is needed for campaigns.
13 The census cometh -- population changes will affect the south and west.
Public Relations News Release 1988:493, p.1
Tom Ryan says while California, Texas, and Florida are predicted to be the "winners" when it comes to representation, Iowa and other Midwestern states will come up one or more representatives short when political districts are measured.
14 1990 census expected to create hot political battle lines in Iowa.
Public Relations News Release 1988:451, p.1
Both as political district lines are redrawn, and as the candidates fight it out to keep their seats. It's expected that Iowa and many other Midwestern states will lose congressional representation, due to a loss in population.
15 Political changes on the way due to a loss in Iowa's population.
Public Relations News Release 1988:442, p.1
Tom Ryan says the state's declining population will most likely mean that we will lose one congressman after the census results are in.
16 Top five Iowa news stories for 1988 covered politics, drought and economy, says Northern Iowa professor.
Public Relations News Release 1988:227, p.1
Iowa presidential caucuses, the 1988 general election , the drought, the continuation of Iowa's stable economy, were the top five stories headlining Iowa news stories.
17 The top ten national stories that made the news in '88.
Public Relations News Release 1988:217, p.1
Tom Ryan says many of the top stories of the year will have an effect on next year. Such stories include the '88 presidental election, U.S. involment in neotiating with Palestine Liberation Organization.
18 Iowa stories that made the news: campaigns, election drought, recovery.
Public Relations News Release 1988:217, p.1
Tom Ryan says the drought, and an economic recovery for Iowans topped the list of the big stories in '88.
19 'Twenty Years of Historical Prespective' to be topic of Northern Iowa's history lecture series, Wednesday (Nov. 9)
Public Relations News Release 1988:138, p.1
Looking back at the events of the last 20 years will be the focus of the next lecture series. Lecture will use 1968 as a year to view the decade of the 1960s with all of its social, economic and political ramifications.
20 T.G.I. Tuesday?
Public Relations News Release 1988:479, p.1
Twenty years ago today, President Johnson approved a law that shifted the observances of Washington's Birthday, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, and Veterans Day all to Mondays -thus creating a calender year chock-full of three-day holiday weekends.
21 Northern Iowa's Elderhostel offers three courses for 'learning vacation.'
Public Relations News Release 1988:453, p.1
"Two Iowa Poets: Paul Engle and James Hearst," "Music of the Band Era," and "Some Aspects of Iowa History" will be offered June 26 through July 2.
22 Hopkinton, Iowa among the first in the nation to recognize memorial day.
Public Relations News Release 1988:452, p.1
Tom Ryan reveals that the Iowa town of Hopkinton is one of a handful of claimants to that first-in-the-nation status, erecting a Memorial Day monument in 1865.
23 Iowa's Dutch population highest in nation: it's tulip time!
Public Relations News Release 1988:416, p.1
Tulip festivals are just what you would expect from a state with the nation's highest percentage of Dutch inhabitants. Thomas Ryan reveals the Iowa history of this population, and their many contributions to life in Iowa.
24 Falling birth rate not new: Young Iowans have been leaving for 50 years
Public Relations News Release 1987:297, p.1
Tom Ryan reveals that the mass migration of young Iowans is hardly a new problem.
25 Farm economy, school standards among top Iowa stories for 1987
Northern Iowan 84:31, p.10
Tom Ryan speculates on most important stories in 1987.
26 Top five Iowa news stories in 1987 covered politics, farm economy, schools, taxes, population decline, says UNI prof
Public Relations News Release 1987:191, p.1
Professor Thomas Ryan discusses the importance of the Iowa caucuses in presidential nominations. Agricultural exports and income see a significant increase. Low state birthrate and high migration results in a net decrease in Iowa's population.
27 Radio News Network Broadcast Briefs
Public Relations News Release 1987:179, p.1
David Walker outlines Iowa's early attempts at statehood. Donald Whitnah and Tom Ryan list their top five news stories of the year. Dave Whitsett suggests strategies for keeping New Year resolutions. The Radio News Network shuts down for New Year's Day.
28 Radio News Network Broadcast Briefs
Public Relations News Release 1987:42, p.1
Michael Sonnleitner analyzes Robert Bork's chance of being rejected by the Supreme Court. Tom Ryan discusses reasons for Iowa's population drop. Robert Ross explains the role of mudslinging in political campaigning.
29 Radio News Network Broadcast Briefs
Public Relations News Release 1987:31, p.1
Daryl Smith researches some of Iowa's endangered species. Fred Fryman and Tom Ryan examine Iowa's high migration rate. Larry Hensley explains the future of health and wellness in higher education. Donald Whitna discusses the U. S. Constitution.
30 Radio News Network Broadcast Briefs
Public Relations News Release 1987:439, p.1
Ivan Eland explores motorcycle safety. Joan Thompson discusses how Iowans are more susceptible to heat exhaustion. Dennis Clayson discusses left-handedness. Tom Ryan analyzes the origins of the names of Iowa towns. Indianola hosts balloon championship.
31 UNI's first public policy institute considered great success
Public Relations News Release 1986:485, p.1
Thirty-one Iowan high school students participated in a two-week program, which educated them in the importance of establishing their careers within Iowa. Speakers included Senators Tom Harkin and Chuck Grassley, as well as five university professors.
32 Brandstad-Conlin race analyzed
Northern Iowan 80:22, p.6
Professor Ryan offers opinions.
33 Branstad/Conlin race examined
Northern Iowan 80:20, p.9
Tom Ryan will speak on the race.
34 Regents announce faculty development leaves
Northern Iowan 79:37, p.7
List of PDL winners and their topics of research.
35 Student interest in history on the rise
Old Gold 0:0, p.43
An increase of majors and minors in History are increasing, showing marked interest in the field; photo.
36 Humanities I, II--some way of being
Alumnus 66:1, p.4
Celebrate thirtieth year of humanities program with luncheon; original and later faculty express views on importance of humanities; photo.
37 UNI professor Ryan writes on early women's suffrage in Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1980:430, p.1
Professor Thomas Ryan wrote an article on "Male Opponents and Supporters of Woman Suffrage, Iowa in 1916."
38 UNI history prof (Ryan) writes article on 1948 farm vote
Public Relations News Release 1980:75, p.1
Professor Thomas Ryan writes an article in "Agricultural History" explaining the 1948 farm vote and the impact it had on the election of Harry S. Truman.
39 Department of History
Old Gold 0:0, p.15
History Department teaches students American, Asian, European, and Latin American History; photo.
40 History meeting
Northern Iowan 75:13, p.12
Department of History will host meeting of Iowa college history teachers; Professor Ryan will present paper.
41 Ryan present paper
Northern Iowan 71:17, p.11
Professor Ryan presents paper on German-American voters.
42 Ryan views election from historical perspective
Northern Iowan 69:27, p.4
Professor Ryan analyzes the recent elections; notes trends and anomalies.
43 Elections memo: C. F. vote bucks past traditions
Northern Iowan 69:21, p.6
Professor Ryan analyzes Cedar Falls voting patterns.
44 "The Historian and the Computer"
Northern Iowan 69:18, p.8
Professor Ryan will make presentation.
45 Three UNI Students to Study at South Carolina College
Public Relations News Release 1971:509, p.1
This is part of the first exchange program between UNI and a predominantly black college in South Carolina.
46 UNI Historical Association
Northern Iowan 67:10, p.12
Professor Ryan will speak on African-American history.
47 UNI broadens scope of minority programs
Alumnus 55:3, p.10
History of UNI efforts in education for minorities; photo.
48 EMC fund raising projects being planned
Northern Iowan 66:63, p.1
Will undertake efforts in community.
49 Regents Hear Progress Report on UNI Minority Center
Public Relations News Release 1969:688, p.1
Three students assistances are working in the summer and are making plans for initiating fund raising projects for equipment needed for the center. The center will be located in a house formally occupied by the UNI vice president for academic affairs.
50 Seven faculty members to visit S. Carolina college
Northern Iowan 66:57, p.12
Will continue to investigate faculty exchange arrangement.