Sadler--Edyth M. (Class of 1901)

Displaying 1 - 14 of 14 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 The Class
Old Gold 0:0, p.124
Roster of senior class members, poetry, favorite sayings, and candid photos; photo.
2 Kindergarten
Old Gold 0:0, p.160
History of department, roster of students, and funny comments; photo.
3 During the Washington Educational Association
College Eye 1:13, p.6
W. Nelson held a reception for all Iowa teachers present at the event; list of I. S. T. C. alumni.
4 Mrs. Helen (Stout) Finlayson
Normal Eyte 16:28, p.443
Invited a group of Normalites to her Des Moines home.
5 Excellent reports
Normal Eyte 16:12, p.188
Edyth Sadler is doing well in West Des Moines.
6 Edyth Sadler
Normal Eyte 14:35, p.557
Will teach in Des Moines.
7 Edyth Sadler
Normal Eyte 14:1, p.6
Edyth Sadler is teaching at Colfax.
8 Edith Sadler
Normal Eyte 12:13, p.200
Teaching in Colfax.
9 The reception given the Alpha Society
Normal Eyte 11:34, p.836
Jeannette Cushman gives reception.
10 The Misses Wright and Sadler
Normal Eyte 10:12, p.287
Entertained friends at home.
11 Mrs. D. S. Wright
Normal Eyte 10:6, p.130
Group went to wedding.
12 A number of students
Normal Eyte 9:12, p.283
Many former students have enrolled for the winter term.
13 Miss Edyth Sadler
Normal Eyte 9:1, p.12
Teaching near Baxter.
14 Edyth Sadler
Normal Eyte 8:32, p.455
Has the measles.