Sage--Leland Livingston (History Faculty)
Displaying 1 - 50 of 445 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | History research gift honors UNI faculty Northern Iowa Today 95:1, p.23 |
Kevin Boatright gave $5000 to support research by undergraduates in the Department of History; photo. | |
2 | Imagine the impact of 40 years of giving; Bob Beach, a loyal Panther friend and long-time supporter Northern Iowa Today 93:3, p.23 |
Mr. Beach talks about what he learned as a student and how it helped in his life; photo. | |
3 | Chuck and Barbara Grassley establish endowed professorship Northern Iowa Today 92:2, p.25 |
Gift will endow professorship in political science; will be entitled the Chuck and Barbara Grassley Endowed Professorship in Political Science; photo. | |
4 | Chuck and Barbara Grassley to establish endowed professorship at UNI Public Relations News Release 2007:515, p.1 |
UNI has received an endowment for a professorship from Chuck and Barbara Grassley. | |
5 | Enrollment and staffing A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.151 |
Meeting the challenge of post-war enrollment increases; photo. | |
6 | University of Northern Iowa announces history and humanities students awarded scholarships next fall Public Relations News Release 1994:433, p.1 |
Scholarship winners announced. | |
7 | Why I teach Campus News Network 4:10, p.3 |
Roy Sandstrom reflects on why he teaches. | |
8 | Open House to honor deceased professor; autobiography will be sold Northern Iowan 87:19, p.9 |
Open house to honor Leland L. Sage will be held Sunday at Victorian Home; photo. | |
9 | News release Public Relations News Release 1990:163, p.1 |
Open house held to honor the late Dr. Leland Sage. | |
10 | Leland L. Sage dies at age 89 Northern Iowa Today 73:1, p.30 |
Biographical sketch of Professor Sage. | |
11 | Emeritus professor of history, 89, dies Northern Iowan 85:41, p.4 |
Leland Sage died February 16, 1989; photo. | |
12 | Services Saturday (Feb. 18) for Leland L. Sage, emeritus history professor at University of Northern Iowa. Public Relations News Release 1988:305, p.1 |
Sage taught European and Iowa history throughout his 54-years on the Cedar Falls campus. He wrote many books on Iowa and its people. | |
13 | Grassley donates political papers to alma mater Nonpareil 72:3, p.15 |
Senator Charles Grassley presents papers to Rod Library Special Collections; photo. | |
14 | Grassley papers to be housed in Northern Iowa's Rod Library. Public Relations News Release 1988:460, p.1 |
U.S. Senator Charles Grassley designated the UNI's Donald O. Rod Library as the official repository of his public papers. | |
15 | Iowa College Teachers of History to meet on Northern Iowa campus Saturday (Nov. 7) Public Relations News Release 1987:119, p.1 |
The annual conference of the Iowa College Teachers of History is held in the Redeker Center. Historians from various universities speak at the event, including Professors David Walker, Donna Maier, Jay Lees, and Donald Whitnah. | |
16 | UNI considers offer of honorary degree Northern Iowan 83:45, p.1 |
Apparently approve degree, though the information cannot yet be made public; list of those who have received honorary degrees from UNI; considers policy regarding posthumous degrees. | |
17 | Display honors retired professor Northern Iowan 83:3, p.15 |
Sabin Hall display honors Professor Sage; biographical sketch; photo. |
18 | Citations from Governor Branstad Alumnus 70:2, p.6 |
Professor Sage and Mary Logan Sweet honored; photo. | |
19 | Honorary doctorates to Petersen, Sage Alumnus 68:2, p.7 |
Become fourth and fifth recipients of UNI honorary degrees; photo. | |
20 | Mary Louise Peterson and Leland Sage UNI Century 11:3, p.3 |
Receive honorary degrees. | |
21 | Sage marks 50th year of UNI teaching Alumnus 66:4, p.11 |
Professor Sage honored; has continued to teach correspondence courses since his 1967 retirement; tree will be planted in his honor; photo. |
22 | Reception held to honor Sage Northern Iowan 79:22, p.7 |
Will honor 50 years of service to UNI by Professor Sage. | |
23 | Humanities I, II--some way of being Alumnus 66:1, p.4 |
Celebrate thirtieth year of humanities program with luncheon; original and later faculty express views on importance of humanities; photo. | |
24 | Glenda Riley, Leland Sage--interpreters of Iowa history Alumnus 66:4, p.16 |
Descriptions of the research interests of Professors Sage and Riley; photo. | |
25 | Reflect on the ISTC with professors emeritus Northern Iowan 77:26, p.5 |
Feature on Professors Leland Sage, John Cowley, and Willard Poppy; extensive excerpts from their remarks. | |
26 | Sage commendation Northern Iowan 72:23, p.7 |
Commended by AASLH for his "History of Iowa". | |
27 | Sage to speak Northern Iowan 72:17, p.7 |
Professor Sage will talk about Iowa and the Civil War. | |
28 | Becker lecture series opens Northern Iowan 72:8, p.1 |
R. Don Higginbotham will deliver the Becker lecture on the American Revolution; schedule of year's lecture series. | |
29 | Grant aids look at state's past UNI Century 2:4, p.6 |
PLS receives grant to develop and distribute new Iowa history materials. | |
30 | Eight UNI educators are honored Northern Iowan 70:52, p.14 |
Roster of those honored as "outstanding educators of America". | |
31 | Milo Reno and the Farmers Holiday Association Alumnus 59:2, p.10 |
Excerpt from Professor Sage's History of Iowa. | |
32 | University Historical Association Northern Iowan 68:30, p.4 |
Professor Sage will speak on Iowa history. | |
33 | 55 Teachers Complete Social Studies Workshop at UNI Public Relations News Release 1969:684, p.1 |
The workshop concentrates on new trends in social studies education in the elementary school; list of people in attendance | |
34 | Summer research grants to faculty Alumnus 51:4, p.10 |
Three professors receive grants. | |
35 | Three profs receive grants for research College Eye 60:58, p.3 |
Professors Sage, Goss, and Grant receive grants from the SCI Foundation for summer work. | |
36 | Perspective: Von Schuschnigg wrong on German nature of Austria College Eye 60:47, p.3 |
Discusses the lecture given by Dr. Kurt von Schuschnigg. | |
37 | Campus reacts to death of JFK College Eye 58:11, p.5 |
Students offer reactions; college holds memorial service; photo. | |
38 | College mourns death of Kennedy Alumnus 48:4, p.12 |
Special convocation held; photo. | |
39 | Profs refute Chabert letter College Eye 57:29, p.2 |
Disagreement with previous letter. | |
40 | Professors become authors: professors write on China, esthetics, business College Eye 57:16, p.5 |
A look at the research and publications of several faculty; photo. | |
41 | Construction begins for new SCI library College Eye 57:5, p.1 |
Mr. Rod speaks at length about the new facility; photo. | |
42 | Howard Mumford Jones to speak here tonight College Eye 53:17, p.1 |
Professors Sage, Maurer, and Poage talk about Professor Jones; photo. |
43 | Ten alumni given awards for service to the College Alumnus 46:3, p.16 |
List of those honored; photo. | |
44 | ISTC Alumni Reunion to be held June 4 Public Relations News Release 1960:429, p.1 |
Alumni Service Awards are to be presented by the Alumni Association's Ray Sorensen at the annual Alumni Reunion. Ten persons from the staff and alumni are to be recognized at the event. The classes of 1901, 1911, and 1936 are to receive special attention. | |
45 | ISTC to offer extension course(s) here Public Relations News Release 1960:197, p.1 |
Twenty extension courses are offered during the spring semester for credit toward a bachelor's or master's degree and certificate renewal for teachers. Classes and instructors listed. | |
46 | ISTC will host discussion conference College Eye 52:7, p.1 |
One hundred high school students will attend four-round discussion. | |
47 | Local student on ISTC's planning committee Public Relations News Release 1960:91, p.1 |
Students are selected for placement on the Fall High School Discussion Conference committee. Professor Patricia Townsend directs the conference, where Professors Leland Sage, Erma Plaehn, and George Poage will sit on a discussion panel. | |
48 | ISTC to host annual discussion conference Public Relations News Release 1960:86, p.1 |
Professors Erma Plaehn, George Poage, and Leland Sage sit on a discussion panel for the Fall High School Discussion Conference. Professor Patricia Townsend directs the conference, which is sponsored by the department of language, speech, and literature. | |
49 | Pi Gamma Mu Holds Group Discussion Old Gold 0:0, p.181 |
Pi Gamma Mu is the social science fraternity. The organization is sponsored by Dr. H. Thompson. Meetings and "get togethers" were held mostly group discussions between faculty and students. | |
50 | Asian Program By Social Science Department Old Gold 0:0, p.106 |
The Department of Social Science creates programs and attempt to broaden student's horizons. In the Summer of 1960, an Asian program will be provided as a social studies workshop. The Department also sponsors Pi Gamma Mu and joins other departments in supporting the All-College Conference on International Affairs. |