Sandstrom--Roy E. (History Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 46 of 46 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 UNI to recognize retirees Saturday, May 1
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1

Annual recognition breakfast will honor 42 employees; roster of retirees.

2 Ibsen's Ghosts comes to haunt UNI's Theatre
Northern Iowan 100:49, p.7
Ibsen's "Ghosts" to be performed in the Bertha Martin Theatre; cast and crew listed.
3 New Web site offers valuable insights
Northern Iowan 99:47, p.9
ITS staff has created an updated Humanities Web site that provides useful information for UNI students.
4 Today's James Bond
Public Relations News Release 2002:242, p.1
Will be discussing the similarities between real and fictional spies.
5 UNI to host 'Showcase on Educational Technology in Iowa Schools'
Public Relations News Release 2000:258, p.1
UNI to host workshop on educational technology on February 23.
6 Secrets of the KGB: The Mitrokin Archive
Public Relations News Release 1999:150, p.1
Professor Roy Sandstom will discuss the new book released by Vasili Mitrokin on the KGB.
7 Professor Morgan's UNI future in question; insufficient outside research publications, constitutes tenure denial
Northern Iowan 93:53, p.1
Hearing on Carol Morgan's denial of tenure and promotion continues; photo.
8 Twenty-five years at UNI
Campus News Network 5:22, p.2
Thirteen faculty members were honored by Waterloo Chamber of Commerce for twenty-five years in the education field.
9 Lecture focuses on the experience of WW I soldiers
Northern Edition 2:12, p.6
Roy Sandstrom will present lecture based on diary of French officer.
10 Assignment UNI
Public Relations News Release 0:476, p.1
Weekly sampling of activities and events at UNI are listed.
11 World War 1 is topic for University of Northern Iowa History Lecture Wednesday, April 13
Public Relations News Release 0:466, p.1
Roy Sandstrom will present on the topic "World War 1: A Soldier's Diary" during the UNI History Lecture Series.
12 Why I teach
Campus News Network 4:10, p.3
Roy Sandstrom reflects on why he teaches.
13 Professional leaves announced
Campus News Network 3:13, p.1
Roster of those who received leaves and their research topics.
14 Stock market simplification.
Public Relations News Release 1991:594, p.1
Roy Sandstrom's book is designed to help ordinary investors improve their returns in the stock market.
15 Grant to help University internationalize business and liberal arts
Northern Iowa Today 20:1, p.4
American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business awards $10,000.
16 Roy Sandstrom
Campus News Network 2:9, p.2
Publishes book on investing.
17 University of Northern Iowa professor "De-Mystifies Wall Street" in new book for small investors
Public Relations News Release 1991:305, p.1
Roy Sandstrom's book "De-mystifying Wall Street: An Investor's Guide to the Stock Market" will be available in April.
18 University of Northern Iowa awarded grant to internationalize programs in business and liberal arts
Public Relations News Release 1991:283, p.1
$10,000 grant from the American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business and the Association of American Colleges will allow faculty to develop a stronger international focus in their coursework.
19 Bicentennial of French revolution to be observed with panel discussion Oct. 21 at University of Northern Iowa.
Public Relations News Release 1989:152, p.1
Part of the Phi Alpha Theta history honorary, is titled "France Celebrates Its Bicentennial: The French Revolution of 1979 Seen in 1989." It is open to the public and free of charge.
20 Grievance policy passed unanimously by Board
Northern Iowan 85:65, p.1
Roy Sandstrom develops grievance procedure.
21 Northern Iowa to offer class celebrating the bicentennial of the French Revolution.
Public Relations News Release 1988:240, p.1
Department of History is offering a special class this spring titled "Studies in History: The French Revolution- a Bicentennial Perspective." Topics to be studied include the origins of the Revolution, the fall of the Bastille, the Great Fear.
22 Humanities department awarded national grant
Northern Iowan 84:11, p.7
NEH grant will be used to strengthen the Humanities I and II courses.
23 UNI faculty to conduct workshops to strengthen UNI humanities program for new general ed requirements
Public Relations News Release 1987:11, p.1
Professors from the departments of philosophy and English work together to enhance the humanities program to meet new course requirements. The workshop is led by Professors Ken Baughman, Roy Sandstrom, and Ed Amend.
24 M. Phil needs revisions
Northern Iowan 82:39, p.5
Professor Jim Chadney feels the Master of Philosophy degree might not have enough marketability.
25 Phi Alpha Theta winner
Northern Iowan 81:56, p.11
Drew Rose wins essay contest.
26 Early final exams questioned
Northern Iowan 81:11, p.24
Athletic schedule sometimes leads to final examination conflicts; EPC is looking into the matter.
27 Kinships to be explored
Northern Iowan 80:50, p.8
Roy Sandstrom will talk about kinship in a Mediterranean village.
28 Six candidates interview to succeed Kamerick
UNI Century 11:3, p.1
List of candidates; list of search committee members; search committee criteria.
29 Ten "Apples" for some UNI educators
Northern Iowan 79:46, p.10
Faculty talk about the ways that they use the computers in the Curriculum Laboratory; photo.
30 In search of a new president
Alumnus 67:1, p.9
Search committee announced; procedures outlined; controversy over using executive search company; photo.
31 Senate selects searchers
Northern Iowan 79:36, p.4
Faculty Senate names faculty members of presidential search committee; adopts academic ethics statement.
32 Regents head Brownlee explains role of search firm
Northern Iowan 79:33, p.9
Faculty Senate considers presidential search procedures.
33 ROTC enrollment exceeds expectations
Northern Iowan 78:51, p.1
Lengthy report on ROTC activities; may become independent of UI unit by 1983; photo.
34 Captain addresses ROTC Oversight Committee
Northern Iowan 78:32, p.1
Committee getting organized; Captain Anderson talks about program.
35 Senate appoints EOP study committee
Northern Iowan 78:24, p.1
Committee will investigate what procedures are appropriate to evaluate EOP.
36 Controversy surrounds ROTC vote
Northern Iowan 77:52, p.1
Faculty Senate votes 11-9 to establish ROTC unit.
37 ROTC story corrected
Northern Iowan 77:38, p.2
Roy E. Sandstrom puts the record straight on Faculty Senate meeting covering the ROTC program.
38 Faculty Senate says 'no' to ROTC
Northern Iowan 77:37, p.1
Senate votes, 14-10, to defeat a motion to establish an ROTC unit on campus; also votes to require faculty attendance at Commencement; supports motion to change name of Department of Speech to Department of Communication and Theatre.
39 Goodwill strike issues confused
Northern Iowan 77:21, p.2
Corrects errors found in informational sheets being circulated on campus about the strike at Goodwill Industries.
40 Courses offered
Northern Iowan 74:43, p.3
Four correspondence courses have been added or revised.
41 Lecture given
Northern Iowan 74:30, p.4
Roy Sandstrom will speak on Jules Romain.
42 Otto Pflanze highlights Becker Lecture Series
Northern Iowan 74:8, p.9
Schedule of history lectures for the year.
43 Sandstrom submits ideas for new general education system
Northern Iowan 73:35, p.5
Professor Sandstrom's proposal would divide the university into three broad divisions from each of which students would select twelve hours.
44 Why we support UNI/AFT
Northern Iowan 73:21, p.10
Professors offer their opinions.
45 Phi Alpha Theta
Northern Iowan 68:49, p.12
Professor Sandstrom will lecture on a multidisciplinary approach to history.
46 New Faculty and Staff Appointments at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1969:9, p.1
One hundred fourteen appointments to the instructional and administrative staff have been announced by Dr. Lang. Includes list of appointments.