Schaefer--Joseph (Foreign Language Faculty)
Displaying 1 - 50 of 110 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Anna A. Schaefer Alumnus 61:3, p.27 |
Widow of Professor Josef Schaefer died in April 1975. | |
2 | Dr. Schaefer dies Alumnus 54:2, p.10 |
Died March 14, 1969. | |
3 | Schaefer fund established Northern Iowan 65:52, p.8 |
Will honor Professor Schaefer, long-time UNI faculty member. | |
4 | Dr. Schaefer resignation is effective next June College Eye 60:30, p.4 |
Brief profile of Professor Schaefer, who will retire after 40 years at the school. |
5 | Dr. Schaefer retires Alumnus 51:1, p.6 |
Has completed forty years of service. |
6 | Sixteen faculty members submit resignations, retire College Eye 58:32, p.4 |
Roster of changes and assignments. |
7 | Students learn foreign culture in opera production Public Relations News Release 1960:180, p.1 |
The cast of the department of music's production of "The Student Prince" invites the department of language, speech, and literature's Professor Josef Schaefer to discuss German fraternity life. | |
8 | Musical gives true picture College Eye 52:15, p.3 |
Professor Schaefer gives factual background on German student life in relation to "The Student Prince"; photo. | |
9 | Course in Russian offered for first time in ISTC history College Eye 51:37, p.1 |
Will be fifth language offered at ISTC; courses in language, literature, grammar, and civilization will comprise Russian minor. | |
10 | Language exams set for English majors College Eye 51:25, p.3 |
Foreign language examinations scheduled. | |
11 | Interest in Languages Promoted Old Gold 0:0, p.105 |
The Department of Languages, Speech, and Literature offer conversational French or German classes, along with conventional speech and composition; the department sponsored the College Players, Speech Club, and Literary Circle; photo. | |
12 | Interest in Languages Promoted Old Gold 0:0, p.105 |
The Department of Languages, Speech, and Literature has communications classes offering conversational French or German along with the conventional speech and composition. Curriculum include speech correction, forensics, philosopy, religious lit; photo |
13 | Languages, Speech, and Literature Old Gold 0:0, p.105 |
Description of the department; photos. | |
14 | National Foreign Language week celebrated at ISTC College Eye 49:19, p.7 |
Special display will be set up in Library. | |
15 | Department of Languages, Speech, and Literature Old Gold 0:0, p.47 |
Professor Reninger described the purpose of the Department of Language, Speech, and Literature as "an exploration of human values"; the Foreign Language Listening Room was a new addition in the Department of Languages, Speech, and Literature; photo. | |
16 | New listening room opens in language department College Eye 48:2, p.3 |
Opens language laboratory; description of the facility. | |
17 | Languages, Speech and Literature Old Gold 0:0, p.97 |
Brief description of the department; photo. | |
18 | Languages, Speech, and Literature Newly Formed Old Gold 0:0, p.85 |
Description of the newly formed department that incorporates three former departments; photos. | |
19 | Languages Old Gold 0:0, p.238 |
Brief description of the department; photo. | |
20 | Languages Old Gold 0:0, p.47 |
The Department of Languages makes available courses in French, German, Latin, and Spanish. A number of foreign magazines and newspapers are made available to students; photo. | |
21 | Foreign Language Club Old Gold 0:0, p.196 |
Description of the club and photo of the members; photo. | |
22 | Languages Old Gold 0:0, p.146 |
Description of the department and photos of the faculty and some students; photo. | |
23 | Schaefer is new president of Faculty Men's Club College Eye 43:32, p.5 |
Roster of new officers. | |
24 | Extension classes are being held College Eye 43:8, p.5 |
Classes offered in several locations to help with certificate renewal. | |
25 | Language staff attends meeting College Eye 43:6, p.8 |
Will attend language teaching conference in Iowa City. | |
26 | Church night theme to be college religion College Eye 43:1, p.4 |
Speakers will talk about role of religion in college. | |
27 | Languages Old Gold 0:0, p.54 |
Brief description of the department; photo. | |
28 | Professors author many new books College Eye 41:28, p.7 |
A collection of all materials written by Teachers College faculty is kept in the Dean of Faculty's office. | |
29 | Dr. Shaefer to speak about trip to Germany College Eye 41:5, p.8 |
30 | Dr. Schaefer returns from trip to Germany College Eye 40:39, p.1 |
Made two month visit. | |
31 | Language Old Gold 0:0, p.32 |
Brief description of the department; photo. | |
32 | Faculty Senate members chosen College Eye 40:24, p.6 |
Roster of new EPC, Committee on Committees, and Faculty Senate members. | |
33 | Instructional Staff Old Gold 0:0, p.58 |
This page lists and shows some of the Instructional Staff; photo. | |
34 | Lillehei, Schaefer co-editors of two language books College Eye 39:22, p.7 |
35 | Schaefer proposes reunited Germany to insure peace College Eye 39:11, p.3 |
Professor Schaefer expresses his views. | |
36 | Marriage course is considered by committee College Eye 39:3, p.3 |
Drafting prospectus for the course. | |
37 | Dr. Schaefer comes from Germany; believes America best country College Eye 38:37, p.2 |
Profile of Professor Schaefer. | |
38 | Carlquist talks to language group College Eye 38:35, p.5 |
Will speak on Mexico. | |
39 | Faculty Old Gold 0:0, p.112 |
List of faculty; photo. | |
40 | Frenchman records conversation for use of French classes College Eye 37:41, p.4 |
Professor Schaefer will use them in class. | |
41 | Faculty Old Gold 0:0, p.62 |
Photos of the faculty. | |
42 | Faculty men elect Denny president College Eye 37:5, p.1 |
Roster of other officers. | |
43 | Dr. Schaefer heads linguists Alumnus 29:3, p.2 |
Elected to office in Iowa chapter of American Association of Teachers of German. | |
44 | Our faculty--their hobbies and interests Old Gold 0:0, p.57 |
Faculty members discuss their hobbies. | |
45 | Faculty Old Gold 0:0, p.54 |
Faculty listed; photo. | |
46 | German teachers name Schaefer as secretary College Eye 36:32, p.1 |
For Iowa organization. | |
47 | Faculty Old Gold 0:0, p.58 |
Faculty; photo. | |
48 | Campus speaks College Eye 35:26, p.2 |
Survey on question of the value of learning a second language. | |
49 | Branch schools completed six-week session July 13 College Eye 34:37, p.4 |
News from branch summer schools. | |
50 | President Price visits Sheldon branch school College Eye 34:32, p.1 |
Scheduled to speak in Sheldon. |