Schaefer--Joseph (Foreign Language Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 110 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Anna A. Schaefer
Alumnus 61:3, p.27
Widow of Professor Josef Schaefer died in April 1975.
2 Dr. Schaefer dies
Alumnus 54:2, p.10
Died March 14, 1969.
3 Schaefer fund established
Northern Iowan 65:52, p.8
Will honor Professor Schaefer, long-time UNI faculty member.
4 Dr. Schaefer resignation is effective next June
College Eye 60:30, p.4

Brief profile of Professor Schaefer, who will retire after 40 years at the school.

5 Dr. Schaefer retires
Alumnus 51:1, p.6

Has completed forty years of service.

6 Sixteen faculty members submit resignations, retire
College Eye 58:32, p.4

Roster of changes and assignments.

7 Students learn foreign culture in opera production
Public Relations News Release 1960:180, p.1
The cast of the department of music's production of "The Student Prince" invites the department of language, speech, and literature's Professor Josef Schaefer to discuss German fraternity life.
8 Musical gives true picture
College Eye 52:15, p.3
Professor Schaefer gives factual background on German student life in relation to "The Student Prince"; photo.
9 Course in Russian offered for first time in ISTC history
College Eye 51:37, p.1
Will be fifth language offered at ISTC; courses in language, literature, grammar, and civilization will comprise Russian minor.
10 Language exams set for English majors
College Eye 51:25, p.3
Foreign language examinations scheduled.
11 Interest in Languages Promoted
Old Gold 0:0, p.105
The Department of Languages, Speech, and Literature offer conversational French or German classes, along with conventional speech and composition; the department sponsored the College Players, Speech Club, and Literary Circle; photo.
12 Interest in Languages Promoted
Old Gold 0:0, p.105

The Department of Languages, Speech, and Literature has communications classes offering conversational French or German along with the conventional speech and composition. Curriculum include speech correction, forensics, philosopy, religious lit; photo

13 Languages, Speech, and Literature
Old Gold 0:0, p.105
Description of the department; photos.
14 National Foreign Language week celebrated at ISTC
College Eye 49:19, p.7
Special display will be set up in Library.
15 Department of Languages, Speech, and Literature
Old Gold 0:0, p.47
Professor Reninger described the purpose of the Department of Language, Speech, and Literature as "an exploration of human values"; the Foreign Language Listening Room was a new addition in the Department of Languages, Speech, and Literature; photo.
16 New listening room opens in language department
College Eye 48:2, p.3
Opens language laboratory; description of the facility.
17 Languages, Speech and Literature
Old Gold 0:0, p.97
Brief description of the department; photo.
18 Languages, Speech, and Literature Newly Formed
Old Gold 0:0, p.85
Description of the newly formed department that incorporates three former departments; photos.
19 Languages
Old Gold 0:0, p.238
Brief description of the department; photo.
20 Languages
Old Gold 0:0, p.47
The Department of Languages makes available courses in French, German, Latin, and Spanish. A number of foreign magazines and newspapers are made available to students; photo.
21 Foreign Language Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.196
Description of the club and photo of the members; photo.
22 Languages
Old Gold 0:0, p.146
Description of the department and photos of the faculty and some students; photo.
23 Schaefer is new president of Faculty Men's Club
College Eye 43:32, p.5
Roster of new officers.
24 Extension classes are being held
College Eye 43:8, p.5
Classes offered in several locations to help with certificate renewal.
25 Language staff attends meeting
College Eye 43:6, p.8
Will attend language teaching conference in Iowa City.
26 Church night theme to be college religion
College Eye 43:1, p.4
Speakers will talk about role of religion in college.
27 Languages
Old Gold 0:0, p.54
Brief description of the department; photo.
28 Professors author many new books
College Eye 41:28, p.7
A collection of all materials written by Teachers College faculty is kept in the Dean of Faculty's office.
29 Dr. Shaefer to speak about trip to Germany
College Eye 41:5, p.8
30 Dr. Schaefer returns from trip to Germany
College Eye 40:39, p.1
Made two month visit.
31 Language
Old Gold 0:0, p.32
Brief description of the department; photo.
32 Faculty Senate members chosen
College Eye 40:24, p.6
Roster of new EPC, Committee on Committees, and Faculty Senate members.
33 Instructional Staff
Old Gold 0:0, p.58
This page lists and shows some of the Instructional Staff; photo.
34 Lillehei, Schaefer co-editors of two language books
College Eye 39:22, p.7
35 Schaefer proposes reunited Germany to insure peace
College Eye 39:11, p.3
Professor Schaefer expresses his views.
36 Marriage course is considered by committee
College Eye 39:3, p.3
Drafting prospectus for the course.
37 Dr. Schaefer comes from Germany; believes America best country
College Eye 38:37, p.2
Profile of Professor Schaefer.
38 Carlquist talks to language group
College Eye 38:35, p.5
Will speak on Mexico.
39 Faculty
Old Gold 0:0, p.112
List of faculty; photo.
40 Frenchman records conversation for use of French classes
College Eye 37:41, p.4
Professor Schaefer will use them in class.
41 Faculty
Old Gold 0:0, p.62
Photos of the faculty.
42 Faculty men elect Denny president
College Eye 37:5, p.1
Roster of other officers.
43 Dr. Schaefer heads linguists
Alumnus 29:3, p.2
Elected to office in Iowa chapter of American Association of Teachers of German.
44 Our faculty--their hobbies and interests
Old Gold 0:0, p.57
Faculty members discuss their hobbies.
45 Faculty
Old Gold 0:0, p.54
Faculty listed; photo.
46 German teachers name Schaefer as secretary
College Eye 36:32, p.1
For Iowa organization.
47 Faculty
Old Gold 0:0, p.58
Faculty; photo.
48 Campus speaks
College Eye 35:26, p.2
Survey on question of the value of learning a second language.
49 Branch schools completed six-week session July 13
College Eye 34:37, p.4
News from branch summer schools.
50 President Price visits Sheldon branch school
College Eye 34:32, p.1
Scheduled to speak in Sheldon.