Schlicher--Raymond J. (Extension Director)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 206 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Elderhostel draws people from around state and beyond to University of Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1995:455, p.1
Fifty-three people came to UNI for Elderhostel, a week-long program offering courses for people over 60 years old; list of attendants.
2 Death claims two former administrators: Raymond J. Schlicher
Northern Iowa Today 74:2, p.24
Dr. Schlicher, former head of Extension, dies December 18, 1990; photo.
3 Services Friday (December 21) for Dr. Raymond J. Schlicher, emeritus dean of continuing education at University of Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1990:261, p.1

Memorial services announced for retired UNI Dean.

4 'Golden Class' celebrates with special reunion events on campus.
Public Relations News Release 1989:663, p.1
The class of 1940 celebrated its "Golden Reunion," with 81 class members and a number of their spouses returning from all parts of the country. Highlights of the weekend cited.
5 UNI inducts six into Hall of Fame
Northern Iowan 86:13, p.24
Brief profiles of Dan Boals, Pete Spoden, Mike McCready, Ray Schlicher, Howard Pigg, and Gene Lybbert.
6 'Golden class' celebrates with special reunion events on campus.
Public Relations News Release 1988:486, p.1
List of the members of the class of 1939, who attended the reunion. Mentioned in the article is events that took place over the weekend.
7 53 participate in UNI's 1987 Elderhostel
Public Relations News Release 1987:434, p.1
Fifty-three participants from thirteen states attend the Elderhostel program, directed by Professor Raymond Schlicher. Activities include the attendance two plays at the Waterloo Community Playhouse and Old Creamery Theatre.
8 UNI offers 'Law', 'Big Band' and 'A Little Known Land' for Elderhostel July 5-11
Public Relations News Release 1987:264, p.1
Elderhostel, a continuing education program for adults over the age of sixty, features no-credit courses on Romanian Culture, the history of the legal system, and big band music.
9 UNI Elderhostel program to offer courses on American music heritage, religious history, Afghan society, July 6-12
Public Relations News Release 1986:453, p.1
Those who are at least sixty years old or whose spouse/companion is at least sixty years are invited in attend; they will take classes, participate in outside activities, and live and eat in the dorms.
10 Schlicher sees need for organ donations
Northern Iowan 81:39, p.10
Professor Schlicher makes strong case.
11 Council to discuss sports cuts today
Northern Iowan 77:50, p.1
Considering dropping men's and women's gymnastics, field hockey, and baseball; working against background of Title IX complaint.
12 UNI loses three deans
Alumnus 65:3, p.8

Deans Nitzschke and Hoops resign; Dr. Schlicher retires.

13 Senate changes emeritus eligibility
Northern Iowan 76:39, p.3
Retiring faculty may now be granted emeritus status regardless of age; title will be Professor Emeritus; Senate, department head, dean, provost, and president will approve.
14 Older students: a new part of the college scene
Northern Iowan 75:61, p.2
More and more older students are returning to school thanks to programs like Elderhostel.
15 Elderhostel workshop
Northern Iowan 75:58, p.3
Elderhostel will be held at UNI for the third consecutive year.
16 Administration helps initiate change
Old Gold 0:0, p.8
President Kamerick has helped bring new and modern facilities to university campus. Board of Regents set up standards for general admission requirements for the purpose of fees; photo.
17 Advisory staff named
Northern Iowan 75:7, p.14
President Kamerick establishes an Athletic Advisory Council which will concern itself with athletic policies and practices; list of members.
18 Adult student luncheons
Northern Iowan 74:16, p.6
Ray Schlicher and O. R. Schmidt will speak.
19 Side by side
Alumnus 62:3, p.8
Brief history of relationship between UNI and Cedar Falls; photo.
20 UNI Regents review
UNI Century 3:4, p.2
Approve MBA, BA with minor in design, MA in teaching English at community colleges, and BA with interdisciplinary minor in environmental perceptions; additional $490,000 for Dome budget; change of title for extension director.
21 UNI wins Central awards
UNI Century 3:1, p.8
UNI wins NCC All-Sports Trophy; individuals honored.
22 New program aids Iowa schools
UNI Century 1:4, p.4
First of UNI Teacher Education Centers opens in Spencer.
23 Summer grads can find jobs
Northern Iowan 69:58, p.1
Professor Schlicher talks about job prospects.
24 Extra get-together for mature students planned for today
Northern Iowan 69:42, p.4
Professor Schlicher will make presentation.
25 Summer extension courses scheduled around state
Northern Iowan 68:53, p.4
Will teach twenty-six classes at fourteen locations.
26 Winter Fete focus: next year; McCready 'cleans up' for this year's heroics
Northern Iowan 68:41, p.9
Winter sports banquet held; athletes received team honors; photo.
27 UNI to Offer 24 Extension Classes During Spring Semester
Public Relations News Release 1972:223, p.1
Exntesion class listings.
28 Chartered Life Underwriter (CLU) Course to Be Offered at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1972:224, p.1
CLU exam preparation program is being sponsored by the Extension Service.
29 Witham Inducted into NCC Hall of Fame
Public Relations News Release 1972:179, p.1
Dr. Witham has become the sixth UNI representative to be inducted into the North Central Conference Hall of Fame.
30 Executive Housekeepers Attend Institute at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1972:157, p.1
An Institute for Executive Housekeepers is being held Nov. 17-20 at UNI; list of participants
31 UNI officials named to regents committee
Northern Iowan 68:10, p.5
Edward Voldseth and Ray Schlicher named to extension committee.
32 Two UNI Officials Named to Regents Committee
Public Relations News Release 1972:78, p.1
Dr. Voldseth and Dr. Schlicher were named to three-year terms on the six-member Iowa Board of Regents Committee.
33 UNI Prof Appointed Headstart Regional Training Officer
Public Relations News Release 1972:72, p.1
Betts Ann Roth succeeds Helen Nemetz Rose in her role as Head Start officer.
34 UNI Extension Service to Offer Beginning Portuguese Course
Public Relations News Release 1972:4, p.1
Begins Oct 5. in Room 108 of the New Admin Building.
35 In memoriam: Milo Lawton, 1915-1971
Alumnus 56:3, p.33
Tribute to Mr. Lawton and his contributions to UNI; photo.
36 Session Scheduled for CLU Candidates at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1971:751, p.1
A pre-registration session for residents interested in preparing for the Chartered Life Underwriters (CLU) professional exams is scheduled for Aug. 3 in the New Admin Building.
37 UNI to Offer 49 Extension Classes during Fall Semester
Public Relations News Release 1971:728, p.1
List of courses and extension locations for the fall semester.
38 UNI Summer Session Extension Courses Scheduled
Public Relations News Release 1971:639, p.1
Course listing and locations.
39 Special Education Workshop to be Offered in Council Bluffs Through UNI Extension
Public Relations News Release 1971:612, p.1
Special two-week workshop being offered during the summer in Council Bluffs through Extension Services.
40 UNI to Offer Intensive Summer Extension Course in Russian in Des Moines
Public Relations News Release 1971:580, p.1
The five week course will meet daily from 8:30 a.m. to Noon Monday-Friday in Room 111 at Lincoln High School.
41 UNI to Sponsor Spring Cheerleading Workshop
Public Relations News Release 1971:463, p.1
300 Iowa junior and senior high school cheerleaders and their advisors are attending the UNI campus Saturday for a one-day cheerleading workshop.
42 UNI to Continue Community Class in Elementary Arabic
Public Relations News Release 1970:362, p.1
The course is taught by Suzy Michaels in Room 16 of Wright Hall every Wednesday from 7:30-9 p.m. starting Feb. 17 and ending May 26.
43 Chartered Life Undrwriter Course Being Offered at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1970:358, p.1
"Life Insurance Law and Company Operations" is being taught Tuesdays in Room 102, Seerley Hall.
44 UNI Extension Service to Offer English Course at State Center
Public Relations News Release 1970:327, p.1
"Structure of English" will be offered at State Center during the spring semester by the extension service.
45 Ground School Flight Training Course to be Offered at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1970:295, p.1
An eight week evening course on flight training will be offered by the UNI extension service.
46 UNI to Offer 29 Extension Classes during Spring Semester
Public Relations News Release 1970:269, p.1
The courses are offered to in-service education of teachers or individuals planning to earn university credit; list of courses
47 UNI Extension Class at Marshalltown to Begin Dec. 3.
Public Relations News Release 1970:214, p.1
Professor Freitag will be teaching "History and Philosophy of Vocational-Technical Education," in Marshalltown.
48 UNI Extension Class at Fort Dodge to Begin Dec. 1
Public Relations News Release 1970:216, p.1
Professor Freitag will be teaching an extension class in Fort Dodge called "Trade and Technical Course Construction."
49 UNI to Host Cheerleading Workshop
Public Relations News Release 1970:92, p.1
Cheerleading workshop to be held at Price Lab School fieldhouse for junior and senior high school cheerleaders.
50 University Extension Service to Offer Beginning Arabic Course
Public Relations News Release 1970:68, p.1
Suzy Michael will oversee the course, which will be held in Room 16 of Wright Hall from 7:30-9 p.m. on successive Wednesdays throughout the semester.