Schlicher--Raymond J. (Extension Director)
Displaying 1 - 50 of 206 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Elderhostel draws people from around state and beyond to University of Northern Iowa Public Relations News Release 1995:455, p.1 |
Fifty-three people came to UNI for Elderhostel, a week-long program offering courses for people over 60 years old; list of attendants. | |
2 | Death claims two former administrators: Raymond J. Schlicher Northern Iowa Today 74:2, p.24 |
Dr. Schlicher, former head of Extension, dies December 18, 1990; photo. | |
3 | Services Friday (December 21) for Dr. Raymond J. Schlicher, emeritus dean of continuing education at University of Northern Iowa Public Relations News Release 1990:261, p.1 |
Memorial services announced for retired UNI Dean. |
4 | 'Golden Class' celebrates with special reunion events on campus. Public Relations News Release 1989:663, p.1 |
The class of 1940 celebrated its "Golden Reunion," with 81 class members and a number of their spouses returning from all parts of the country. Highlights of the weekend cited. | |
5 | UNI inducts six into Hall of Fame Northern Iowan 86:13, p.24 |
Brief profiles of Dan Boals, Pete Spoden, Mike McCready, Ray Schlicher, Howard Pigg, and Gene Lybbert. | |
6 | 'Golden class' celebrates with special reunion events on campus. Public Relations News Release 1988:486, p.1 |
List of the members of the class of 1939, who attended the reunion. Mentioned in the article is events that took place over the weekend. | |
7 | 53 participate in UNI's 1987 Elderhostel Public Relations News Release 1987:434, p.1 |
Fifty-three participants from thirteen states attend the Elderhostel program, directed by Professor Raymond Schlicher. Activities include the attendance two plays at the Waterloo Community Playhouse and Old Creamery Theatre. | |
8 | UNI offers 'Law', 'Big Band' and 'A Little Known Land' for Elderhostel July 5-11 Public Relations News Release 1987:264, p.1 |
Elderhostel, a continuing education program for adults over the age of sixty, features no-credit courses on Romanian Culture, the history of the legal system, and big band music. | |
9 | UNI Elderhostel program to offer courses on American music heritage, religious history, Afghan society, July 6-12 Public Relations News Release 1986:453, p.1 |
Those who are at least sixty years old or whose spouse/companion is at least sixty years are invited in attend; they will take classes, participate in outside activities, and live and eat in the dorms. | |
10 | Schlicher sees need for organ donations Northern Iowan 81:39, p.10 |
Professor Schlicher makes strong case. | |
11 | Council to discuss sports cuts today Northern Iowan 77:50, p.1 |
Considering dropping men's and women's gymnastics, field hockey, and baseball; working against background of Title IX complaint. | |
12 | UNI loses three deans Alumnus 65:3, p.8 |
Deans Nitzschke and Hoops resign; Dr. Schlicher retires. |
13 | Senate changes emeritus eligibility Northern Iowan 76:39, p.3 |
Retiring faculty may now be granted emeritus status regardless of age; title will be Professor Emeritus; Senate, department head, dean, provost, and president will approve. | |
14 | Older students: a new part of the college scene Northern Iowan 75:61, p.2 |
More and more older students are returning to school thanks to programs like Elderhostel. | |
15 | Elderhostel workshop Northern Iowan 75:58, p.3 |
Elderhostel will be held at UNI for the third consecutive year. | |
16 | Administration helps initiate change Old Gold 0:0, p.8 |
President Kamerick has helped bring new and modern facilities to university campus. Board of Regents set up standards for general admission requirements for the purpose of fees; photo. | |
17 | Advisory staff named Northern Iowan 75:7, p.14 |
President Kamerick establishes an Athletic Advisory Council which will concern itself with athletic policies and practices; list of members. | |
18 | Adult student luncheons Northern Iowan 74:16, p.6 |
Ray Schlicher and O. R. Schmidt will speak. | |
19 | Side by side Alumnus 62:3, p.8 |
Brief history of relationship between UNI and Cedar Falls; photo. | |
20 | UNI Regents review UNI Century 3:4, p.2 |
Approve MBA, BA with minor in design, MA in teaching English at community colleges, and BA with interdisciplinary minor in environmental perceptions; additional $490,000 for Dome budget; change of title for extension director. | |
21 | UNI wins Central awards UNI Century 3:1, p.8 |
UNI wins NCC All-Sports Trophy; individuals honored. | |
22 | New program aids Iowa schools UNI Century 1:4, p.4 |
First of UNI Teacher Education Centers opens in Spencer. | |
23 | Summer grads can find jobs Northern Iowan 69:58, p.1 |
Professor Schlicher talks about job prospects. | |
24 | Extra get-together for mature students planned for today Northern Iowan 69:42, p.4 |
Professor Schlicher will make presentation. | |
25 | Summer extension courses scheduled around state Northern Iowan 68:53, p.4 |
Will teach twenty-six classes at fourteen locations. | |
26 | Winter Fete focus: next year; McCready 'cleans up' for this year's heroics Northern Iowan 68:41, p.9 |
Winter sports banquet held; athletes received team honors; photo. | |
27 | UNI to Offer 24 Extension Classes During Spring Semester Public Relations News Release 1972:223, p.1 |
Exntesion class listings. | |
28 | Chartered Life Underwriter (CLU) Course to Be Offered at UNI Public Relations News Release 1972:224, p.1 |
CLU exam preparation program is being sponsored by the Extension Service. | |
29 | Witham Inducted into NCC Hall of Fame Public Relations News Release 1972:179, p.1 |
Dr. Witham has become the sixth UNI representative to be inducted into the North Central Conference Hall of Fame. | |
30 | Executive Housekeepers Attend Institute at UNI Public Relations News Release 1972:157, p.1 |
An Institute for Executive Housekeepers is being held Nov. 17-20 at UNI; list of participants | |
31 | UNI officials named to regents committee Northern Iowan 68:10, p.5 |
Edward Voldseth and Ray Schlicher named to extension committee. | |
32 | Two UNI Officials Named to Regents Committee Public Relations News Release 1972:78, p.1 |
Dr. Voldseth and Dr. Schlicher were named to three-year terms on the six-member Iowa Board of Regents Committee. | |
33 | UNI Prof Appointed Headstart Regional Training Officer Public Relations News Release 1972:72, p.1 |
Betts Ann Roth succeeds Helen Nemetz Rose in her role as Head Start officer. | |
34 | UNI Extension Service to Offer Beginning Portuguese Course Public Relations News Release 1972:4, p.1 |
Begins Oct 5. in Room 108 of the New Admin Building. | |
35 | In memoriam: Milo Lawton, 1915-1971 Alumnus 56:3, p.33 |
Tribute to Mr. Lawton and his contributions to UNI; photo. | |
36 | Session Scheduled for CLU Candidates at UNI Public Relations News Release 1971:751, p.1 |
A pre-registration session for residents interested in preparing for the Chartered Life Underwriters (CLU) professional exams is scheduled for Aug. 3 in the New Admin Building. | |
37 | UNI to Offer 49 Extension Classes during Fall Semester Public Relations News Release 1971:728, p.1 |
List of courses and extension locations for the fall semester. | |
38 | UNI Summer Session Extension Courses Scheduled Public Relations News Release 1971:639, p.1 |
Course listing and locations. | |
39 | Special Education Workshop to be Offered in Council Bluffs Through UNI Extension Public Relations News Release 1971:612, p.1 |
Special two-week workshop being offered during the summer in Council Bluffs through Extension Services. | |
40 | UNI to Offer Intensive Summer Extension Course in Russian in Des Moines Public Relations News Release 1971:580, p.1 |
The five week course will meet daily from 8:30 a.m. to Noon Monday-Friday in Room 111 at Lincoln High School. | |
41 | UNI to Sponsor Spring Cheerleading Workshop Public Relations News Release 1971:463, p.1 |
300 Iowa junior and senior high school cheerleaders and their advisors are attending the UNI campus Saturday for a one-day cheerleading workshop. | |
42 | UNI to Continue Community Class in Elementary Arabic Public Relations News Release 1970:362, p.1 |
The course is taught by Suzy Michaels in Room 16 of Wright Hall every Wednesday from 7:30-9 p.m. starting Feb. 17 and ending May 26. | |
43 | Chartered Life Undrwriter Course Being Offered at UNI Public Relations News Release 1970:358, p.1 |
"Life Insurance Law and Company Operations" is being taught Tuesdays in Room 102, Seerley Hall. | |
44 | UNI Extension Service to Offer English Course at State Center Public Relations News Release 1970:327, p.1 |
"Structure of English" will be offered at State Center during the spring semester by the extension service. | |
45 | Ground School Flight Training Course to be Offered at UNI Public Relations News Release 1970:295, p.1 |
An eight week evening course on flight training will be offered by the UNI extension service. | |
46 | UNI to Offer 29 Extension Classes during Spring Semester Public Relations News Release 1970:269, p.1 |
The courses are offered to in-service education of teachers or individuals planning to earn university credit; list of courses | |
47 | UNI Extension Class at Marshalltown to Begin Dec. 3. Public Relations News Release 1970:214, p.1 |
Professor Freitag will be teaching "History and Philosophy of Vocational-Technical Education," in Marshalltown. | |
48 | UNI Extension Class at Fort Dodge to Begin Dec. 1 Public Relations News Release 1970:216, p.1 |
Professor Freitag will be teaching an extension class in Fort Dodge called "Trade and Technical Course Construction." | |
49 | UNI to Host Cheerleading Workshop Public Relations News Release 1970:92, p.1 |
Cheerleading workshop to be held at Price Lab School fieldhouse for junior and senior high school cheerleaders. | |
50 | University Extension Service to Offer Beginning Arabic Course Public Relations News Release 1970:68, p.1 |
Suzy Michael will oversee the course, which will be held in Room 16 of Wright Hall from 7:30-9 p.m. on successive Wednesdays throughout the semester. |