Schluter--William Charles (Class of 1915)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 78 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 The Prowl
Alumnus 23:3, p.13
New stadium planned; will bring seating to 8000; will include locker and equipment rooms; shower, storage, and rest rooms; indoor running track; seasons highlights and previews; MVP winners.
2 Dr. William C. Schluter
Alumnus 17:1, p.31
Died on September 5, 1932 at his home in Philadelphia; L. M. Jepson wrote a tribute in memory of Dr. Schluter.
3 W. C. Schluter
Alumnus 15:3, p.27
Professor of finance at the University of Pennsylvania is the author of an article entitled "The Bank for International Settlements: Its Place in the Gold Monetary Organization", which appeared in the April issue of "The Journal of Business."
4 Dr. W. C. Schluter
Alumnus 15:3, p.28
Wrote articles appearing in "The Bankers Magazine" of March, 1931, and in the June 1930 issue of the "Corporate Practice Review." He is professor of finance at the University of Pennsylvania.
5 Advisory Board
Old Gold 0:0, p.189
Old Gold advisory board members and assisting staff; roster of past editors, business managers, and art editors back through 1907; photos.
6 Track; 1921 track squad
Old Gold 0:0, p.149
Members, records; photo.
7 Track protégés give promise of record breakers; there are over seventy men out for track; Captain Perry leads group
College Eye 13:27, p.1
Track records held by T. C. alumni.
8 William C. Schluter
Alumni News Letter 4:4, p.4
William Schluter summered in Iowa and studied at State Teachers College Library.
9 W. C. Schluter
College Eye 12:2, p.8
Spent the summer in Cedar Falls.
10 William C. Schluter
Alumni News Letter 4:1, p.6
William C. Schluter has received an appointment at Wharton School of Finance, Pennsylvania University. He married childhood sweetheart Lena Penningroth who is caring for her elderly parents.
11 William C. Schluter
College Eye 11:6, p.2
William C. Schluter will teach at the Wharton School, Pennsylvania University.
12 William C. Schluter
Alumni News Letter 3:3, p.4
William C. Schluter is instructor in foreign trade at A. E. F. University in Beaune, France.
13 From "over there"
College Eye 10:23, p.4
Notes from Casper Schenk, W. C. Schluter, and John R. Brown.
14 W. C. Schluter
Alumni News Letter 3:2, p.3
W. C. Schluter, Army of Occupation, is now in Plaidt, Germany.
15 "We shall soon see Germany a democracy" says W. C. Schluter; former I. S. T. C. student, member of Army of Occupation, describes conditions
College Eye 10:13, p.1
Outlines views of conditions in postwar Germany.
16 From W. C. Schluter
College Eye 10:8, p.2
Tells of military service in France.
17 Army and Navy news 3
Alumni News Letter 2:3, p.2
W. C. Schluter now in medical department of 4th Infantry of American Expeditionary Forces.
18 Track
Old Gold 0:0, p.185
Synopsis of the 1917 season with new track records; photo.
19 Rex Haight
College Eye 9:17, p.7
Has enlisted in the Navy and has been visiting friends here.
20 Brief Reports 12
Alumni News Letter 2:1, p.1
W. C. Schluter passed doctorate examination and completed his dissertation at Columbia University. He plans to to report to Camp Yaphank, to join the United States Army.
21 William C. Schluter, 1915
College Eye 9:7, p.2
William C. Schluter has finished the requirements of the Ph. D. and has been drafted into the Army.
22 William C. Schluter, 1915
Alumni News Letter 1:1, p.1
Received special fellowship at Columbia University.
23 Official
College Eye 8:27, p.6
News notes concerning Iowa education, Teachers College administration and faculty, and alumni.
24 Bill Schluter
College Eye 8:2, p.8
Is working towards a doctorate at Columbia University.
25 Mr. W. C. Schluter
College Eye 7:28, p.8
Is planning on pursuing a doctorate.
26 Jokes
College Eye 7:19, p.4
Humorous quips, some of which feature Teachers College personalities.
27 The library note
College Eye 7:4, p.4
Humorous look at notes passed between men and women in the library.
28 Mr. Schluter
College Eye 7:2, p.7
Left for Columbia to obtain his master's degree.
29 Social Science Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.154

Brief overview of the purpose of the club; roster of officers; photo.

30 B. A. officers
Old Gold 0:0, p.167
Roster of officers of the Class of 1915; photo.
31 Philo
Old Gold 0:0, p.85
Drawing of a man walking a dog; review of the years events; Oratory, Triangular and Basketball teams, photo.
32 Bachelor of Arts
Old Gold 0:0, p.21
Photos of graduates.
33 A tale
Old Gold 0:0, p.168
Poem about the Bachelor of Arts students.
34 Since Bill Schluter
College Eye 7:1, p.8
Many students speculating about William Schluter's new haircut.
35 Track Team
Old Gold 0:0, p.186
Results from four meets in 1914 season; photo.
36 Teachers College Letter Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.202
Overview of the club; roster of officers and members, divided by sport; photo.
37 Mr. W. C. Schluter
College Eye 7:1, p.8
Will attend Columbia University next year.
38 Societies
Old Gold 0:0, p.69
Drawing of a man and a woman; poem about being in college.
39 The Old Gold staff
Old Gold 0:0, p.211
Roster of the staff and advisory board members; photo.
40 Mid-Winter play "Stop Thief"
Old Gold 0:0, p.226
Character list; synopsis of the play produced on February 1, 1915; photo.
41 Things we would like to know
College Eye 4:28, p.8
Campus gossip.
42 Stop Thief scores big hit; capacity house greets first appearance Friday evening; six hundred at second rendition Monday evening
College Eye 4:18, p.1
Review of student performance of "Stop Thief."
43 A. B. senior notes
College Eye 4:17, p.5
News of senior students.
44 Midwinter play will be January 29; popular farce, "Stop Thief," will be presented by elocution department
College Eye 4:15, p.2
Bertha Martin works to prepare students for upcoming performance; cast is announced.
45 Y. W. C. A. gives spread; entertain those who aided in serving at annual banquet
College Eye 4:8, p.1
Social gathering events described.
46 A. B. class assumes shape
College Eye 4:5, p.2
Officers have been elected.
47 A. B. class hold jolifification; enjoy a breakfast at the golf links Saturday
College Eye 4:5, p.2
Review of events at breakfast.
48 Old Gold staff is chosen; Roy Abbott is chosen editor by a vote of 88 to 77; Will Schluter elected business manager
College Eye 4:5, p.1
Small portion of senior class voted in Old Gold elections.
49 Announcement
College Eye 4:2, p.4
Students announce their candidacy for Old Gold positions.
50 Word has come to us
College Eye 4:2, p.1
Bill Schluter has been at the train station eight different times this week.