Schmitt--David W. (Class of 1916)

Displaying 1 - 36 of 36 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Lieut. David Schmitt
College Eye 9:13, p.8
Spent the holiday in Cedar Falls with his mother.
2 Our honor roll
College Eye 9:7, p.1
Roster of men from Teachers College who are enlisted in military service.
3 Company B departs
College Eye 9:3, p.4
Roster of men leaving for training in Camp Cody, New Mexico.
4 Orios
Old Gold 0:0, p.222
Group photos with officers and mottos given.
5 Young Men's Christian Association
Old Gold 0:0, p.290
Members of the Cabinet; photo.
6 The basketball team
Old Gold 0:0, p.249
Team members and highlights of the 1915-1916 season; photo.
7 Teachers defeat Wisconsin Normal; Badger five prove strong opposition
College Eye 7:13, p.1
T. C. won, 28-24; nine hundred fans attended.
8 Athletic Board awards letters; fourteen men win honor letters in football
College Eye 7:12, p.1
Letter winners for football listed.
9 Teachers win last game; last year's champions lose, 24 to 0.
College Eye 7:11, p.1
Detailed description of game.
10 Our athletic system
College Eye 7:11, p.4
Gives advice to the football team.
11 Teachers hold Morningside; both teams equally crippled. T. C. failed to show usual fight.
College Eye 7:10, p.1
Morningside won, 20-9.
12 Teachers Ellsworth
College Eye 7:10, p.4
Wants students to attend the game.
13 Teachers shatter Wisconsin Normal; Captain Short and Fields out of the game; final score 82-0
College Eye 7:9, p.1
Gives enthusiastic account of game.
14 Old Gold staff chosen; H. J. Whitacre, editor. A. S. Tostlebe, Business manager
College Eye 7:8, p.1
There were many candidates for the Old Gold staff.
15 Teachers win from U. I. U.; score 61-19; game featured by good offensive work, both sides poor on defensive
College Eye 7:7, p.1
Surprised Upper Iowa with student support for the football team.
16 St. Joe beat Teachers; after hard fought game the final score is 13 to 10.
College Eye 7:5, p.1
School spirit stayed strong even though T. C. lost the game.
17 Dubuque Germans beat Teachers: score 25-7; Butler plays strong game
College Eye 7:3, p.1
Recap of the game; photo.
18 Announcements
College Eye 7:2, p.2
Students announce their candidacy for staff positions on the Old Gold.
19 What audiences say
College Eye 7:2, p.2
Tributes to the work of Raymond Robins.
20 Teachers College Letter Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.202
Overview of the club; roster of officers and members, divided by sport; photo.
21 Football
Old Gold 0:0, p.195
Review of the year; profile of Coach Allen Berkstresser; short profiles on all the players; photo.
22 Basketball team
Old Gold 0:0, p.193
Review of the 1914-1915 season; photo.
23 Orio
Old Gold 0:0, p.151
Illustration of a castle on a hill; brief overview of the society past and present; winter triangular team; photo.
24 Juniors
Old Gold 0:0, p.173
Photo collections; humorous quotes; poem about the juniors.
25 Young Men's Christian Association
Old Gold 0:0, p.214

Review of the past year's work; photo.

26 Athletic Board meets; approves spring track and baseball schedule; basketball letters awarded
College Eye 4:26, p.1
Basketball letters awarded; track and baseball schedules approved.
27 Conference at Ellsworth
College Eye 4:24, p.1
I. S. T. C. was represented at YMCA President's Convention in Iowa Falls.
28 The Y. M. C. A.
Quarterly News Letter to the Alumni 0:0, p.1
Organization had good year under president Rex Haight. Officers for coming year given.
29 Y. M. C. A. conference at Ellsworth; advisory board and student delegation will attend annual meeting, March 26-7-8
College Eye 4:23, p.5
Presidents Conference will be attended by I. S. T. C. students and faculty.
30 Schmitt chosen Y. M. C. A. president; will succeed Rex Haight whose term expires in March
College Eye 4:20, p.2
Brief profiles of newly elected Y. M. C. A. officers.
31 Basketball; two weeks' practice shows good lineup of material. Basketball schedule partially completed
College Eye 4:13, p.1
Season schedule is announced.
32 Basketball practice commences; four men from last year's squad report for work; good lineup of new material; game scheduled with Beloit College
College Eye 4:11, p.1
Discusses possible season match-ups and a review of players; roster of participants.
33 Football
Old Gold 0:0, p.194
Review of 1913 season; photo.
34 Orios
Old Gold 0:0, p.321
Description of society; roster of officers and members; photos.
35 John R. Mott makes profound impression on students of state university
College Eye 3:28, p.462
Spoke at University of Iowa.
36 Training School gives program in German
Normal Eyte 19:27, p.426
Students sang songs and recited verses.