School Yells

Displaying 1 - 44 of 44 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Rho Epsilon Rho will sponsor yell contest
College Eye 27:26, p.1
Looking for new yells.
2 Council reviews local problems; ten problems advanced at first council meeting for discussion
College Eye 24:10, p.4
Most significant problem seems to be student control of Commons; brief note of other problems.
3 School songs and yells
Fifty Years at the Teachers College 0:0, p.191
Brief history of songs and yells.
4 The song
College Eye 8:4, p.4
Songs and yells submitted to the College Eye will be handed over to the yell leader.
5 The Junior Class
College Eye 7:6, p.7
Met at the home of Sylvia Ufford to practice yells.
6 B. A. class organizes
College Eye 3:3, p.52
Senior class elects officers and practices class yells.
7 News of College Eye
College Eye 1:7, p.6
Anonymous student claims that other students are saying the wrong words to pep yells.
8 College cheer
Old Gold 0:0, p.6
Text of the college cheer by John Edgar Hays.
9 Ossoli
Old Gold 0:0, p.179
Description of the Ossoli literary society with officers, colors, and a group photo, also gives creative works from members of the group and some quotes.
10 Class of Nineteen Ten
Old Gold 0:0, p.37
Colors, flower, yells, and officers for the class of 1910.
11 The Neotrophian Society
Old Gold 0:0, p.102
Overview of the society, with colors, mottos, yells, and a brief history of the society; photo.
12 Chresto
Old Gold 0:0, p.111
Officers, colors, and yells for the Chresto society.
13 Alpha
Old Gold 0:0, p.120
Officers, color, and yell for the Alpha society.
14 Eulalian
Old Gold 0:0, p.147
Description of the Eulalian literary society, includes group photo, officers, colors, yells, photo of the basketball team, a brief history of the Eulalians, and a photo of the society mascot.
15 Athletics
Old Gold 0:0, p.285
Information on the sports at Iowa State Teachers College, includes summaries of all football games, the gymnastics season, baseball, basketball and the women's physical training; includes group pictures and schedules.
16 Aristo
Old Gold 0:0, p.167
Summary of the Aristo group for the year 1910, includes officers and a group photo, also has a brief history of the club.
17 Cliosophic
Old Gold 0:0, p.135
Description of the Cliosophic literary society, includes group photos, officers, goings on of the society for the year, basketball rosters, program for an open session, and photo of the Clio-Orio orchestra.
18 Editorial
Normal Eyte 20:6, p.103
New school yell needed after change in name of the school; contest continues.
19 Athletics; wanted--a college yell.
Normal Eyte 20:3, p.48
Contest for best cheer to be held; $5 prize.
20 Yells
Old Gold 0:0, p.359
Sample of school yells.
21 Untitled
Normal Eyte 19:5, p.65
Students encouraged to create school songs and yells.
22 Class yells
Old Gold 0:0, p.105
Sentiments of graduation.
23 Yells and class songs
Old Gold 0:0, p.344
Yells and class songs presented. Drawing by Denny.
24 Normal Songs and Yells
Old Gold 0:0, p.263
Drawing of a student and lyrics.
25 Normal songs and yells
Pedagog 0:0, p.139
Words to songs and yells.
26 A lack of school spirit
Normal Eyte 16:32, p.497
Believes that ISNS should get more excited about school songs and yells.
27 Those awful yells
Normal Eyte 14:35, p.556
Examples of two college yells.
28 Commencement
Normal Eyte 12:35, p.545
Women's literary societies unite for march across campus for Commencement celebration.
29 The ballgame
Normal Eyte 8:29, p.407
Provided opportunity to practice yell and show colors.
30 How do you like our new yell?
Normal Eyte 8:28, p.390
Text of the yell.
31 At a meeting of the students
Normal Eyte 8:28, p.385
New school colors and yell adopted; colors will be purple and gold.
32 We do not believe we overestimated the opinions
Normal Eyte 8:27, p.372
Seems to be popular support for new school colors and a new school yell; committees formed.
33 New yell; new colors
Normal Eyte 8:26, p.357
Believe it is time to select new yell and colors.
34 Ha! Ha! Ha!
Normal Eyte 6:5, p.57
Cheer of basketball club.
35 At the beginning of the year
Normal Eyte 4:34, p.533
Still seeking school colors and a school yell.
36 The question has been repeatedly asked
Normal Eyte 4:13, p.197
Believes school should officially adopt school colors and school yell.
37 Upon their return from the Arbor Day picnic
Normal Eyte 3:31, p.248
Training School children give the school yell.
38 Haw! Haw! Haw!
Normal Eyte 3:30, p.239
School yell.
39 The air echoed again and again
Normal Eyte 3:29, p.232
Students shout the school yell.
40 The regular spring meeting
Normal Eyte 3:29, p.229
Term dues will be expended for gymnasium equipment; Field Day set; baseball and football teams placed under supervision of executive committee of Association.
41 Hi! Hi! Hi!
Normal Eyte 3:26, p.207
Students should know the school yells.
42 The college yell
Normal Eyte 3:18, p.138
Finds college yells silly and animal-like.
43 Yell
Normal Eyte 2:10, p.80
Believes school needs a college yell; seeks contributions; offers possibility.
44 Normalite! Normalite!
Normal Eyte 1:19, p.150
A school cheer.