Schregardus--William F. (Class of 1900)

Displaying 1 - 27 of 27 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 William. F. Schregardus
Alumni News Letter 3:3, p.7
William F. Schregardus and wife, Effa Reed, live in Texas. He is Plant Superintendent for Southwestern Telegraph and Telephone Company.
2 W. F. Schregardus
College Eye 1:3, p.48
Construction engineer at the New York Telephone Company.
3 Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Schregardus
Normal Eyte 18:3, p.43
Their only child died last summer.
4 After completing his course in the University of Michigan
Normal Eyte 17:16, p.251
William Schregardus will go to New York.
5 We gladly insert the following communication from Ann Arbor, Mich.
Normal Eyte 16:11, p.171
Group of ISNS alumni at University of Michigan organizes.
6 June 21, 1905, was the nuptial day
Normal Eyte 16:6, p.89
Effa Reed married William Schregardus.
7 Will Schregardus, Geo. Crary, Albert Colegrove, and E. C. Smith
Normal Eyte 15:15, p.231
The four alumni spent time together in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
8 W. F. Schregardus
Normal Eyte 14:11, p.166
W. F. Schregardus is studying engineering at the University of Michigan.
9 W. F. Schregardus
Normal Eyte 13:27, p.422
Resigned position in Rockwell City.
10 The schools at Rockwell City
Normal Eyte 13:11, p.171
W. F. Schregardus is principal there.
11 A large number of alumni
Normal Eyte 12:35, p.554
Many alumni attended Commencement.
12 The following is taken from the Rockwell City Advocate
Normal Eyte 12:34, p.534
William Schregardus has been promoted to principal and Bessie Mereness will be second assistant.
13 Bessie Mereness and W. F. Schregardus
Normal Eyte 12:27, p.421
Will continue at Rockwell City.
14 W. F. Schregardus, C. E. Burton, Lura Bidlack, and Fannie Dickey
Normal Eyte 12:12, p.185
Spent Thanksgiving in Cedar Falls.
15 W. J. Schregardus
Normal Eyte 12:6, p.89
Principal at Rockwell City.
16 The elections for this week
Normal Eyte 11:34, p.836
More students have found jobs.
17 In general; candidates for graduation in June
Normal Eyte 11:32, p.783
Roster of members of the June 1901 graduating classes.
18 Wm. F. Schregardus
Normal Eyte 10:17, p.413
Is enrolled at Normal.
19 Mr. Jesse Gundy and Wm. Schregardus
Normal Eyte 10:2, p.35
Took bicycle trip.
20 Philo hall; Aristo-Orio debate
Normal Eyte 9:32, p.758
Summary of debate on the Boer War.
21 The Normal Eyte election
Normal Eyte 9:30, p.715
William Schregardus will be editor-in-chief; Emma Shoudy will be local editor; William Magee will be business manager.
22 Editorial
Normal Eyte 9:30, p.707
Professor Fullerton is compiling a songbook; new Normal Eyte staff elected; praise for Mary Arnold even though she did not win the oratorical contest.
23 The June classes
Normal Eyte 9:15, p.357
Elected officers.
24 Orio Society
Normal Eyte 9:10, p.239
Happy with debate performances.
25 Orio Society
Normal Eyte 9:3, p.64
Account of recent program.
26 Autobiography
Normal Eyte 8:29, p.401
William Schregardus tells about emigrating from Europe to America.
27 Wm. Schregardus
Normal Eyte 8:8, p.112
Father sick.