Schwandt--Lynn C. (Laboratory School Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 47 of 47 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Price Lab School and Northern University High School will honor dignitaries at Fall Festival
Public Relations News Release 2008:174, p.1
The event will honor outstanding alumni, extraordinary emeriti, and "fabulous friends" from the school. The event will be held at the UNI Commons Ballroom.
2 The faculty adopts a constitution
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.415
Detailed account of the negotiations among faculty, administration, and the Regents over the proposed faculty constitution; photo.
3 Northern Iowa to host 27th Annual Fall Mathematics Confrence for 750 teachers.
Public Relations News Release 1988:58, p.1
Keynote speakers selected because they are reconginzed authorites on using technology, specifically the effective use of microcomputers in the classroom setting. Fifity-seven session and a keynote speaker are scheduled.
4 Directories may arrive next week
Northern Iowan 83:20, p.4
Lynn Schwandt talks about the delays in receiving the campus directories.
5 Directories late, but coming soon
Northern Iowan 82:15, p.4
Programming error and desire for accuracy delay production.
6 Professors develop math disks
Northern Iowan 81:34, p.7
Lynn Schwandt and Don Wiederanders develop disks that help students learn math in Microcomputer Curriculum Project.
7 UNI's budding Silicon Street
Alumnus 68:2, p.13
Mathematics Learning Center develops software; photo.
8 Offers financial advice
Northern Iowan 80:27, p.2
Lynn Schwandt talks about changes in TIAA-CREF.
9 Afghanistan to computers, course offer alternative
Northern Iowan 79:27, p.7
Continuing Education offers eight non-credit courses and three television courses.
10 Faculty members prepare students, peers for microcomputer world
UNI Century 11:1, p.4
Description of methods used at PLS to integrate computer use into classrooms; photo.
11 Computer programs designed for students
Northern Iowan 78:27, p.6
Lynn Schwandt and Don Wiederanders design computer programs to teach mathematical concepts.
12 'Herd' use encouraged
Northern Iowan 78:11, p.1
The UNI telephone directory is being distributed this week.
13 Computers used to teach math, vocabulary at price lab school
Public Relations News Release 1980:461, p.1
Students at the Price Lab School are starting to learn math, and vocabulary through computer programs.
14 UNI prof sees NASA's Pioneer contact Venus
Alumnus 64:1, p.5
Lynn Schwandt participates in conference.
15 Conf. set for Friday: UNI hosts Ed. Confab for first time
Northern Iowan 74:14, p.7
Many faculty will participate in conference on educational effectiveness.
16 It could be yellow pages or bust
Northern Iowan 74:11, p.9
Lynn Schwandt talks about the production of the student/staff directory.
17 Wants equip and money
Northern Iowan 74:3, p.2
A faculty member would like both salary and equipment needs met..
18 Computers
Northern Iowan 73:44, p.10
Professor Schwandt talks about computers at several recent presentations.
19 UNIKIT--a tale of tinker toys and computers
UNI Century 5:2, p.3
Professor Lynn Schwandt develops computer program to help secondary school students become familiar with computer use; photo.
20 Regents approve leaves; 15 faculty granted
Northern Iowan 72:45, p.3
List of faculty and their projects.
21 Salary appropriation request presented
Northern Iowan 71:52, p.1
Lynn Schwandt argues for $670,000 salary appropriation for UNI faculty.
22 Computer workshop to be held Aug. 6-17
Northern Iowan 69:58, p.4
Professor Schwandt talks about concepts and programming.
23 Math Conference aims to keep teachers up to date
Northern Iowan 69:4, p.4
24 Computer workshop to be offered
Northern Iowan 68:45, p.3
Professor Schwandt will direct summer workshop.
25 Two UNI profs to lecture at Denver math conference.
Northern Iowan 68:37, p.8
Professors Schwandt and Immerzeel will attend meeting.
26 The many-faceted Price Lab School
Alumnus 57:1, p.7
Detailed look at teaching, research, and special programs at Lab School; photo.
27 UNI prof leads computer workshop
Northern Iowan 68:20, p.4
Professor Schwandt will teach programming.
28 UNI Prof Attending National Meeting in Detroit
Public Relations News Release 1972:158, p.1
Lynn Schwandt will be discussing the UNIKIT student computer programming system developed at UNI at a national meeting in Detroit.
29 Price Lab School
Public Relations News Release 1972:130, p.1
General information about the history and current happenings at Price Lab School, now celebrating 90 years in operation.
30 Hoobler Named President of UNI Education Association
Public Relations News Release 1972:115, p.1
James Hoobler was named president of the UNI Education Association for the 1971-73 biennium.
31 UNI Faculty Members to Participate in ISEA Convention
Public Relations News Release 1972:86, p.1
12 UNI faculty members and a UNI grad student will participate in the 117th annual Iowa State Education Association (ISEA) convention Oct. 21-22 in Des Moines.
32 UNI Lab School to Hold 21st Annual Camp for Eighth Graders
Public Relations News Release 1972:43, p.1
Oct. 5-8 at Camp Wahpaton near Janesville.
33 UNI Host Tenth Annual Secondary Mathematics Conference
Public Relations News Release 1972:39, p.1
The conference will be held Oct. 9; schedule and participants
34 Computer Language Workshop at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1971:771, p.1
19 educators are participating in the third annual Computer Language Workshop which is being offered Aug. 9-20 on the UNI campus; list of workshop participants
35 Educational Association sponsors meeting for public employees
Northern Iowan 67:44, p.8
36 UNI Education Association to Sponsor Meeting for Public Employees
Public Relations News Release 1971:517, p.1
The meeting is regarding the proposed Public Employment Negtiation Act (PENA) and will be held in Room 120 of Seerley Hall on April 13th.
37 Summer Workshops Announced by UNI
Public Relations News Release 1970:361, p.1
8 regular summer workshops, 2 regular courses, and 5 post-session courses and workshops will be offered this summer at UNI.
38 UNI Prof to Attend Educator's Meeting in Des Moines
Public Relations News Release 1970:343, p.1
Lynn Schwandt will represent the UNI Educator Association at a meeting in Des Moines.
39 UNIKIT System Provides Computer Training for Secondary School Students
Public Relations News Release 1970:270, p.1
Lynn C. Schwandt developed UNIKIT and it is now being used in 10 junior high and senior high schools in Iowa to train students in the use of the computer.
40 UNIEA Elects Two New Officers
Public Relations News Release 1970:142, p.1
The UNI Education Association (UNIEA) has elected Dr. Caryl Middleton and Julia Rozendal to the positions of vice-president and secretary. Lynn Schwandt is to be a delegate to the Iowa State Euxcation Association (ISEA) assembly.
41 Computer Language Workshop
Public Relations News Release 1969:734, p.1
17 Iowas are participating in the workshop, being held for the second time at UNI.
42 Computer Language Workshop
Public Relations News Release 1969:719, p.1
The workshop is being held for the second time at UNI. The workshop introduces computer programming, concepts and the UNIKIT programming system.
43 AAUP discuss 'Unionism'
Northern Iowan 65:33, p.3
Professors discuss history and strategy.
44 End demonstrations of computer teaching aid
Northern Iowan 64:29, p.1
Used to provide students with drill and practice.
45 SCI prof wins Shell Award
Alumnus 51:2, p.6
Lynn Schwandt will study at Stanford.
46 Shell Merit Award given Schwandt
College Eye 60:41, p.3
Will use award for a year of study at Stanford University.
47 Many alumni among Lab School faculty
Alumnus 49:3, p.20
List and brief sketches of new staff members.