SCI Foundation
Displaying 1 - 25 of 25 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Foundation receives grant Alumnus 52:3, p.23 |
To be used by accounting faculty for advanced study. | |
2 | Alumni telefund drive pays for 11 new bells College Eye 63:42, p.12 |
Hope to raise enough money for 32 bells. | |
3 | SCI Foundation reports on 'telefund' campaign Alumnus 52:1, p.5 |
Eighteen percent of $32,000 Campanile campaign raised. | |
4 | SCI Foundation receives $1000 gift for Campanile Alumnus 52:1, p.6 |
C. B. McDonald Trust is benefactor. | |
5 | Church bequests $10,841 to SCI foundation College Eye 63:26, p.3 |
College Hill Interdenominational Church suggests that income from the bequest be used to bring speakers to campus or to support religious activities. | |
6 | Contact area alumni for telefund drive College Eye 63:21, p.8 |
Will attempt to raise money for additional Campanile bells. | |
7 | Anthony assumes new post Alumnus 51:4, p.4 |
William V. Anthony will assist Milo Lawton; will be responsible for fund-raising and Foundation projects; photo. | |
8 | Pledges for Campanile project over $5000 Alumnus 51:4, p.12 |
Foundation board endorses project to buy new bells and keyboard. | |
9 | SCI Foundation appointees Alumnus 51:4, p.12 |
Appoint investment advisors. | |
10 | Former student names SCI Fund in estate College Eye 63:8, p.3 |
Mary Schackelford, formerly Mary Jensen, left estate money to the SCI Foundation Alumni Scholarship Fund. | |
11 | Four Iowans appointed to SCI Foundation College Eye 63:5, p.8 |
Fred Koch, LeRoy Redfern, Hoyt Messerer, and James Barron appointed. | |
12 | Assistant of Alumni Affairs is appointed College Eye 63:1, p.4 |
William V. Anthony will be in charge of fundraising for the SCI Foundation. | |
13 | Three profs receive grants for research College Eye 60:58, p.3 |
Professors Sage, Goss, and Grant receive grants from the SCI Foundation for summer work. | |
14 | Art Dickinson memorial fund established College Eye 60:54, p.4 |
Foundation will build and use funds for athletic scholarships. | |
15 | An EYE in-depth report: alumni give $110,000for student aid, esthetic projects College Eye 60:35, p.2 |
Discusses the SCI Foundation and its purpose and projects to provide scholarships to students through donations from alumni. | |
16 | An editor's note: Use 'ballot' for Campanile's $25,000 tintinnabulations College Eye 60:28, p.2 |
Questions whether or not the new bells for the Campanile is the best project that the Foundation could undertake. | |
17 | SCI Foundation report Alumnus 49:1, p.12 |
1962-1963 financial report. | |
18 | SCI Foundation to purchase tract of land for biological project College Eye 57:16, p.3 |
Will purchase 75 acre tract along Snag Creek north of Cedar Falls for $6500; will use Matala memorial funds. | |
19 | Japanese music instruments displayed in Music Building College Eye 57:13, p.10 |
Professor Bock assisted in SCI Foundation purchase. | |
20 | Musical instruments from Japan have been ordered College Eye 56:39, p.4 |
SCI Foundation will pay for Japanese instruments. | |
21 | Contributions for class fund encompass 87% of seniors College Eye 56:32, p.1 |
Class will decide later how to use the money. | |
22 | SCI's first seniors to begin soliciting for 25-year fund College Eye 56:29, p.6 |
Hope to secure pledges for the future. | |
23 | Consider the College Alumnus 47:1, p.1 |
Outlines needs and uses of gifts to College. | |
24 | College foundation purchases land College Eye 53:15, p.6 |
SCI Foundation purchases two-acre prairie near Butler Center Cemetery. |
25 | SCI Foundation purchases tract of Iowa prairie Alumnus 46:4, p.10 |
Two acres north of Parkersburg near Butler Center Cemetery will be named after Joseph Clay; photo. |