Scott--Clifford Haley (Class of 1959)

Displaying 1 - 27 of 27 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Merchant scholarships to 3 SCI Graduates
College Eye 58:27, p.4
Robert Dalziel, Jerry Janssen, and Clifford Scott win awards.
2 Purple Key Honors Outstanding Seniors
Old Gold 0:0, p.116
Students are recognized for excelling in scholarship by achieving a 2.6 grade point average, and who have been active in academic and extracurricular activities; this is the highest award a student can receive at Iowa State Teachers College; photo
3 Popularity
Old Gold 0:0, p.79
A photograph of a popularity winner; photo.
4 Alpha Chi Epsilon Wins Inter-Fraternity Sing
Old Gold 0:0, p.214
Alpha Chi Epsilon had activities which included the "Boilermaker's Brawl," pinning ceremonies, parties with all of the sororities, the thrill of winning the Homecoming Inter-fraternity serenade competition, and many other events; photo.
5 OLD GOLD Popularity Contest
Old Gold 0:0, p.77
The most popular personalities are determined in a contest held each year; this year's OLD GOLD Popularity winners were: Leilani Onomura, Joy Tubaugh, Max Huffman, and Cliff Scott; photo.
6 International Affairs Members Attend Mock UN Meeting
Old Gold 0:0, p.173
The purpose of the International Affairs Organization is to gain a better acquaintance of the social, cultural, political, and international affairs of the world; they are affiliated with the Collegiate Committee of the United Nations; photo.
7 Fall Lecture Concerts- Benny Goodman
Old Gold 0:0, p.55
Benny Goodman, the "King of Swing" wowed the audience with a performance at TC on his clarinet; the Mark V performed their arrangements, backed by the Goodman organization; the Playboy certificate in the Jazz Poll was awarded to him by Cliff Scott; photo.
8 Dad's Day
Old Gold 0:0, p.50
Dad's Day was originated in 1929 by former President O. R. Latham; the Dad of the Day award to given to Clifford H. Scott, based on his son Cliff's achievements; a full course dinner and a chapel service were other events of the day; photo.
9 Greeks have show, dance; royalty, sing
College Eye 50:27, p.4
Preview of Greek Week Variety Show; photo.
10 Scott named Wilson Fellow
College Eye 50:23, p.7
Clifford H. Scott is Woodrow Wilson Fellow.
11 C. Bruce named Old Gold Beauty
College Eye 50:20, p.1
Brief profiles of beauty and popularity contest winners; photo.
12 Down with socialism!
College Eye 50:18, p.3
Argues (sarcastically) that those who would want a college-owned bookstore are socialists on their way to communism.
13 Goodman first attraction in Lecture-Concert Series
College Eye 50:5, p.1
Benny Goodman Orchestra will play; photo.
14 Mr. Scott is 'Dad of Day'; honor dad for Cliff's activities
College Eye 50:4, p.1
Mr. Scott, father of Cliff Scott, will be honored; photo.
15 Sigma Theta Epsilon
Old Gold 0:0, p.200

Photo of the men's division of the Wesley Foundation; photo.

16 College Players Develop Acting
Old Gold 0:0, p.226
Brief description of College Players, a group for anyone interested in dramatic productions; photo.
17 International Affairs Reorganizes
Old Gold 0:0, p.231

Brief description of the International Relations Club; photo.

18 Chis highlight Mexican Christmas
Old Gold 0:0, p.256
The Christmas dance with their sister sorority, Delta Delta Phi, was a wonderful evening. It promoted better brotherhood among the members and helped prepare them for social life; photo.
19 Wesleyans Train for Church Service
Old Gold 0:0, p.200

Description of the Wesley Foundation, a Methodist Church organization that has two divisions which are Kappa Phi for women and Sigma Theta Epsilon for men; photos.

20 Letters to the editor
College Eye 49:19, p.6
Addition of political parties to campus elections has made process more democratic.
21 Cliff Scott to visit New York and Washington
College Eye 49:19, p.7
Will attend Christian Citizenship Seminar; photo.
22 Letters to the editor
College Eye 49:14, p.2
Social Program Council introduces letters to Santa Claus by students Kay Rayment and Cliff Scott.
23 Alpha Chis Feature Summer Stag Party
Old Gold 0:0, p.254
Alpha Chi Epsilon sponsored a Homecoming float with their sister sorority Delta Delta Phi, which was awarded second prize; they actively participate in intramural athletics and donate blood as a service project each fall and spring; photo.
24 International Relations Reorganizes
Old Gold 0:0, p.230
The purpose of the International Relations Club is to stimulate its members with active interest in all world affairs; this year, the club wrote a letter to Prime Minister Nehru of India, which received various responses; photo.
25 College Players Star Through the Year
Old Gold 0:0, p.225
Each year, members of the College Players have the opportunity to participate in the group's four major dramatic productions presented by the Department of Languages, Speech, and Literature; they also get to participate in scenery and costume; photo.
26 Methodist Groups Train Christian Youth
Old Gold 0:0, p.200
The Methodist Church on campus is Wesley Foundation; one of the divisions is Kappa Phi, which is a national religious organization open to all Methodist women, and the other is Sigma Theta Epsilion, a similar organization for Methodist men; photo.
27 Sigma Theta Epsilon
Old Gold 0:0, p.244
Brief description of the group; photo.