Searight--Roland (Music Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 286 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Symphony orchestra
Old Gold 0:0, p.132

Professor Myron Russell directs the Symphony Orchestra in their quarterly performances; photo.

2 Faculty Concert will be Sunday
College Eye 44:29, p.6

Performance program.

3 Music group will attend meeting
College Eye 44:27, p.8
Six faculty attend music educators meeting.
4 Operas feature all-student casts; tickets go on sale at Crossroads on Monday
College Eye 44:14, p.1
Will produce two one-act operas; preview of the performance; list of cast members..
5 Searight named Chapel Choir director
College Eye 43:34, p.2
For the summer while Professor Mauck is on vacation.
6 Symphony Orchestra
Old Gold 0:0, p.120
Photo of the Symphony Orchestra with a list of the members; photo.
7 Music
Old Gold 0:0, p.152
Brief description of the department with photos of the faculty and the Symphony Orchestra; photo.
8 TC music instructors attend national meet
College Eye 43:23, p.1
9 Four Iowa State Teachers college faculty members are attending sessions of the Music Educators National Conference (MENC) in Philadelphia, PA.
Public Relations News Release 1952:504, p.1
The convention theme is "The Music Education Curriculum in American Schools." Staff members in attendance are Melvin Schneider, Roland Searight, Frank Hil, and Myron Russell. Searight is Iowa chairman of student MENC membership.l
10 Chamber music recital scheduled for Sunday
College Eye 43:18, p.5
Will feature faculty group.
11 A chamber music recital will be presented in the college auditorium Sunday, February 17 at 8 p.m.
Public Relations News Release 1952:446, p.1
The recital, sixth in the series of faculty recitals during the current academic year, will feature Russell Baum, Emil Bock, and Roland Searight of the college music department and Martha Holvik.
12 Special to the Record
Public Relations News Release 1951:167, p.1
An overflow crowd attended the presentation of the oratorio "Elijah" in the men's gymnasium. Roland Searight, college music department, was the conductor.
13 'Elijah' set for Sunday
College Eye 43:9, p.1
Performance preview.
14 Felix Mendelssohn's oratorio "Elijah" will be presented in the men's gymnasium Sunday, Nov. 18, at 4 p.m.
Public Relations News Release 1951:133, p.1
Roland Searight, of the college music faculty, will direct the production which will be open to the public without charge. Soloists for the oratorio are soprano Jane Birkhead, contralto Jane Mauck, tenor Maurice Gerow, and baritone John Powell.
15 Presentation is the first in 18 years
College Eye 43:8, p.1
Performance of "Elijah" will feature faculty and students.
16 Symphony Orchestra
Old Gold 0:0, p.115
Brief description of the group; photo.
17 Postponement of the college presentation of Mendelssohn's oratorio, "Elijah," was announced today by college officials
Public Relations News Release 1950:366, p.1
Originally scheduled for Sunday afternoon, May 20, the oratorio will be performed Nov. 18 as a 75th anniversary commemoration event. The congestion of numerous spring activities amongst students, faculty, and community is the reason for the postponement.
18 The biblical story of Elijah the Prophet will be told in song at the college, Sunday, May 20
Public Relations News Release 1950:360, p.1
The public is invited to the performance of the oratorio, "Elijah" by Felix Mendelssohn, in the Men's gymnasium. Roland Searight, of the college music faculty, will direct the production.
19 The biblical story of Elijah the Prophet will be told in song Sunday, May 20, at the college
Public Relations News Release 1950:350, p.1
Roland Searight will direct the production. Tenor Maurice Gerow prepared the A Cappella choir, the College chorus and the Women's chorus for their roles in the oratorio. The song text is taken from many of the books of the bible.
20 Choruses, orchestra to present oratorio
College Eye 42:29, p.8
Will present Mendelssohn's "Elijah".
21 Dr. Edward Kurtz was honored Tuesday night, April 17, at a dinner party given by fellow musicians and music faculty
Public Relations News Release 1950:320, p.1

The 69-year-old violinist, composer and conductor will retire at the end of the summer quarter. He has been head of the music department since 1934, and a member of that department since 1924.

22 Symphony performance jams ISTC auditorium
Public Relations News Release 1950:291, p.1
Conducted by Maurice Gerow, the 62-voice choir completed its annual three-day spring tour on March 30. Over 1200 persons jammed the auditorium Wednesday morning to hear a one-hour performance by the Symphony orchestra conducted by Roland Searight.
23 ISTC concerts April 4-5
Public Relations News Release 1950:282, p.1
On Wednesday (April 4) the 60-piece orchestra will play a morning concert directed by Roland Searight. The 62-voice college choir will sing its home concert Thursday (April 5) conducted by Assistant Professor Maurice Gerow.
24 Symphony orchestra will present concert
College Eye 42:23, p.3
25 College Symphony to give concert
College Eye 42:17, p.1
Performance program.
26 Symphony to play Tschaikowsky "failure"
Public Relations News Release 1950:191, p.1
Tschaikowsky, a native Russian, couldn't please the Russians. His ballet, "Swan Lake," was withdrawn after its premiere in 1877 because it "failed to please the audience." It was revived after his death.
27 Christmas Season Opens at ISTC
Public Relations News Release 1950:152, p.1
Over seven inches of snow has given the campus a Christmas card setting, certainly appropriate for the round of Christmas events which started last night with the tree lighting ceremony.
28 Messiah to be Given at ISTC, Sunday, Dec. 10
Public Relations News Release 1950:149, p.1
A chorus of 300, a symphony orchestra, and four vocal soloists will be the cast for the annual presentation of Handel's "Messiah" in the men's gymnasium.
29 Music department to give 'Messiah'
College Eye 42:11, p.1
Several groups will perform.
30 ISTC Chamber Concert is Thursday, Nov. 30
Public Relations News Release 1950:138, p.1

A concert of chamber music will be presented in the auditorium by a music department faculty group. Five performers will play the last number, Brahms' "Clarinet Quintet in B Minor, opus 115."

31 Music faculty group to present concert
College Eye 42:10, p.4
32 Choir to present Mozart number
College Eye 42:9, p.3
33 Three play at Drake
College Eye 42:8, p.6
Lavern Hodges, Roland Searight, and Frank Hill will perform.
34 Concert to end Teachers College Homecoming festivities
Public Relations News Release 1950:56, p.1
A mixed Homecoming concert by music department faculty members and three students will officially close the 29th annual Homecoming festivities. Two scenes from "The Mikado" will end the concert.
35 Music faculty planning concert for Homecoming
College Eye 42:4, p.1
Performers and program.
36 Branch School news; members of Teachers College staff to conduct Branch School assemblies
College Eye 41:31, p.5
News from Denison; photo.
37 Faculty
Old Gold 0:0, p.209
List of faculty; photo.
38 Symphony orchestra
Old Gold 0:0, p.93
Brief description of the group and a list of members; photo.
39 String teachers hold conferences
College Eye 41:29, p.6
James Robertson, University of Wichita, will be the guest speaker.
40 Searight cello recital Monday
College Eye 41:17, p.1
Profile of Roland Searight; photo.
41 8 staff members elected to hold offices in ISEA
College Eye 41:9, p.4
Two alumni were also elected.
42 Shenandoah Branch School news
College Eye 40:38, p.4
Department of Music faculty members perform for summer school students.
43 Ritter announces branch school's lecture schedule
College Eye 40:31, p.3
Many officials and faculty will visit.
44 Music Department
Old Gold 0:0, p.34
Brief description of the department; photo.
45 Symphony Orchestra
Old Gold 0:0, p.197
List of members; photo.
46 Music faculty serve as contest judges
College Eye 40:26, p.6
In several high school music contests.
47 Faculty members are attending career days
College Eye 40:25, p.8
Will visit schools around Iowa.
48 Orchestra gives concert Sunday
College Eye 40:24, p.3
Concert program.
49 Hill to show use of radio in music
College Eye 40:21, p.3
At national conference.
50 Baum presents piano recital
College Eye 40:18, p.3
Profile of Professor Baum.