Seerley--Homer Horatio (President of ISNS and ISTC)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 1916 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 The Honors Cottage and our sense of place
Northern Iowan 118:22, p.3
Professor Thomas Connors discusses the Honors Cottage and how it has played a role in the University's history since the beginning; photo.
2 Alumni House, Honors Cottage saved from demolition at BOR meeting
Northern Iowan 118:21, p.1
The Alumni House and Honors Cottage have been saved from demolition for the moment, though it can be brought up again at the next Board of Regents meeting in February; photo.
3 Old Administration Building
Northern Iowan 118:21, p.5
Central Hall, renamed the Administration Building, had a long history at UNI before being torn down in 1984; photo.
4 Presidents House turned Honors Cottage
Northern Iowan 118:19, p.5
The Honors Cottage, first called the President's House, has been home to many different people and clubs, and it currently houses the university's honors program.
5 UNI Museum Herb Hake exhibit
Northern Iowan 114:10, p.5
The UNI Museum displayed the works of Herb Hake on September 24. Hake was an artist as well as a radio broadcaster at UNI. The event displayed some of his works as well as student artists who attempted to recreate his style by creating caricatures of staff and students; photo.
6 Homer Seerley's great-grandson honors heritage with gift to Rod Library
Northern Iowa Today 95:3, p.18
Stan Culley, a great-grandson of President Homer Seerley, will donate a portion of his estate to the Rod Library; believes libraries are a key to learning; photo.
7 Renovations to President's House approved by BOR
Northern Iowan 109:9, p.1
Renovations to President's House totaling $450,000 approved. The building was constructed in early 1908 to accommodate President Homer Seerley and family. Numerous renovations have been made to the house over the years; photo.
8 87 years of Homecoming traditions
Northern Iowan 104:14, p.1
Traditions have come and gone, but the football game, returning alumni, and rambunctious students remain constant; photo.
9 Rod Library celebrates 40 years, one million volumes
Northern Iowan 101:9, p.1

Rod Library to commemorate forty years of operation in its current building as well as the addition of the one millionth volume to its collection; photo.

10 UNI Department of Industrial Technology to celebrate centennial
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
History of the Department of Industrial Technology provided.
11 NU High students to host cemetery walk on Saturday, Sept. 27.
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
Student to portray influential Cedar Falls citizens buried in Fairview Cemetery.
12 More developments that transformed University of Northern Iowa during its 125-year history
Northern Iowa Today 85:1, p.10
Faculty and administrators comment on the historical growth of UNI; photo.
13 More developments that transformed University of Northern Iowa during its 125-year history
Northern Iowa Today 85:1, p.10
Milestones, additions and changes throughout UNI's campus, students, and staff from 1886 to 1976; photo.
14 April 26 investiture planned for University of Northern Iowa President Robert D. Koob
Public Relations News Release 1995:320, p.1
An investiture ceremony for UNI President Robert D. Koob will be held in the UNI-Dome.
15 Eight presidents span University of Northern Iowa's 120-year history
Public Relations News Release 1995:321, p.1
During the 120 year history of the University of Northern Iowa, only eight men have been president.
16 Setting new standards for faculty preparation, professorial rank, and retirement
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.12
President Latham takes initial steps to improve faculty credentials, regularize the system of faculty rank, and define the possibilities for faculty retirement; photo.
17 Latham at the helm
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.6
Biographical sketch of O. R. Latham; his first days on campus; early objectives; photo.
18 Enlarging and beautifying the campus and physical plant
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.44
President Latham's construction and landscaping programs prosper despite the Depression; photo.
19 The rededication of Seerley Hall--if only the walls could talk
Campus News Network 4:3, p.1
Seerley Hall rededication ceremony; photo.
20 Seerley Hall to be re-dedicated September 8; Homer Seeley's grandson to attend
Public Relations News Release 1993:36, p.1
Seerley Hall will be rededicated September 8.
21 Alumni luncheon during University of Northern Iowa's Homecoming October 4 to honor Dr. William C. Lang.
Public Relations News Release 1991:80, p.1
William C. Lang will be honored at a luncheon during Homecoming weekend.
22 Increased needs during a time of economic stress
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.379
Presidents Seerley's efforts to meet generally austere funding from the General Assembly; photo.
23 Changing the leadership
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.82
Analysis of the Board's dismissal of Principal Gilchrist and election of Principal Seerley; photo.
24 The principal-elect
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.90
Detailed sketch of Homer Seerley's personal and educational background; photo.
25 The new administration begins its work
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.95
Principal Seerley realigns relations with high schools and colleges; assumes new title of President; photo.
26 Institutional growth and program expansion to 1890
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.107
Enrollment grows; the Board outlines its authority more clearly; difficulties with the Boarding Department and physical facilities; photo.
27 Actions of the General Assembly--1890-1902; finally significant commitment
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.115
Analysis of the struggles to obtain adequate funding for the Normal School; the millage tax; the Auditorium Building dedication; photo.
28 Meeting educational needs, 1890-1902
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.141
Organization of academic departments, military studies, the Training School; expansion of the curriculum; photo.
29 Administering a burgeoning normal school
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.154
Debate over the mission of the Normal School; disparity in salary for women and men; duties of Board; organization of library services; photo.
30 The promise of the twentieth century; the teachers colleges
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.218
The historical background for the change from normal schools to teachers colleges; photo.
31 The General Assembly and the State Normal School 1904 through 1909
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.237
Detailed discussion of the various inquiries, investigations, and responses associated with defining the appropriate role for the Normal School; attempts to form a unified governing board for the three state schools; photo.
32 Through troubled times (1909-1920)
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.268
The unified Board of Education gets organized; faculty and curricular changes; photo.
33 The Board of Education acts to fulfill its mandate
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.282
Board considers proposal to limit Teachers College to a two year curriculum.
34 The Coordination Plan debated and rescinded
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.295
President Seerley and school supporters attempt to counter the plan to limit the Teachers College to a two year curriculum; they and their political allies manage to defeat the scheme.
35 World War I and the Teachers College; contention in Cedar Falls
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.348
Effects of World War I on the campus, curriculum, and students; detailed look at the student teaching controversy with the Cedar Falls schools.
36 Celebrating a half century of service
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.420
The Campanile project; the 50th commencement; services of the college to the state.
37 President Seerley retires; an assessment
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.428

President Seerley is honored at his retirement in 1928; Professor Lang offers an assessment of his achievement; photo.

38 Continuing common experiences
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.436
The role of the college in regulating behavior; the influence of religion on students and faculty; photo.
39 Other facets of institutional life
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.484
Brief survey of founding and activities of faculty social organizations.
40 Institutional growth; transfer of governance to the State Board of Education (1906 through June, 1909)
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.255
Organization of the school into formal departments; Dean of Women Walker develops guidelines for rooming houses; photo.
41 New history book on University of Northern Iowa to be released Saturday (April 21).
Public Relations News Release 1989:568, p.1
William C. Lang author of "A Century of Leadership and Service," presents the history of the University in a manner that is descriptive as well as chronological in nature. Volume I covers the years 1876 to 1928.
42 What's in a name--such as campus buildings
Northern Iowan 86:3, p.7
A brief look at the people for whom campus buildings are named; photo.
43 Home management program--training better teachers since 1909
Alumnus 66:1, p.16
History of home economics courses and home management facilities at UNI; photo.
44 Leaders from teaching tradition affect national education scene
Alumnus 61:4, p.14
Professor Dreier's analysis of UNI's contribution to the national scene; photo.
45 Seerley lamp donated
UNI Century 4:4, p.2
Letsons donate lamp to UNI Museum; photo.
46 ISNS mission--to train teachers
Alumnus 61:3, p.12
Early days of the school; photo.
47 A glimpse at wonderful days gone by
Alumnus 57:2, p.10
Recalling early days for returning alumni; photo.
48 George Holmes reminisces
Alumnus 56:3, p.7
Mr. Holmes recalls the UNI presidents with whom he has worked and the various challenges that UNI has faced; photo.
49 UNI staff to honor Maucker
Public Relations News Release 1969:462, p.1
Students, faculty, and staff will honor President Maucker and his wife at a special testimonial dinner. The dinner is to be held in University Hall of the Union.
50 Archives preserves treasures of the past
Alumnus 53:3, p.11
Collections and services offered by University Archives; photo.