Sevy--M. Ruth (Physical Education Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 6 of 6 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Leadership, service recognized; three professors receive special honors.
Northern Iowan 76:20, p.5
The Iowa Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance honored three UNI faculty members.
2 Physical Education for Men
Old Gold 0:0, p.24
The Department of Physical Education for Men offers a program of study to prepare students for careers in physical education instruction, coaching, athletic directors, recreational leaders, and health instructors; photo.
3 UNI curriculum guide earns national recognition
Northern Iowan 69:47, p.5
Health education guide developed by Department of Physical Education for Women.
4 UNI News Briefs
Public Relations News Release 1971:484, p.1
Dr. Bultena lead a discussion at the 1971 Iowa Sociological Assocation meeting on March 25; Dr. Paul Kelso receieved a certificate of service; Ruth Sevy recetnly received honor awards
5 Health Curriculum Guide Completed at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1969:657, p.1

The guide was written at the UNI Health Education Institute, and assists in the teaching of health in grades 1-9. It is considered the first of its kind in Iowa.

6 Field Hockey Clinic Saturday
Public Relations News Release 1969:68, p.1
The clinic is for Iowa high school teachers, college teachers, and college students who are interested in learning to umpire.