Shackelford--Chris [Student--]

Displaying 1 - 2 of 2 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Past student activists call for change
Northern Iowan 112:51, p.2

The event "Brave Student Voices" took place in the Commons on April 12 and featured current students activists as well as members of the UNI Seven, including Byron Washington and Terry Stevens; photo.

2 Honors week: Comics, trivia and pomp
Northern Iowan 112:49, p.4

Multiple events will take place during Honors Week, April 11-15. They include: a book discussion of "Enrique's Journey" by Sonia Nazario, hosted by Sigma Delta Pi in Lang Auditorium; a quiz bowl, hosted by the Honors Student Advisory Board (HSAB) in Maucker Union; professor Harry Brod and his class on the topic "Graphic Novels: Narrative Art and Sequential Story Telling" in the Honors Cottage; Phi Alpha Theta's induction ceremony and speaker Chris Shackelford in Seerley Hall; honors Olympics hosted by HSAB; Sigma Gamma Epsilon hosting an earth science museum in Latham Hall; and Phi Sigma Pi hosting a movie screening called "Lift the Blindfold - A Documentary on Homelessness in New York" in the Honors Cottage.