Sharp--Fern Eugene (Classes of 1916 and 1924)
Displaying 1 - 50 of 63 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Fern E. Sharp Alumnus 24:1, p.22 |
Is an attorney at Elkader. His wife is the former Jessie A. Fritz. They have three children, Laura Mae, Eugene, and Betty. | |
2 | Sophomore B. A. Old Gold 0:0, p.103 |
Flower, colors, members, officers; photo. | |
3 | Social Science College Eye 11:31, p.3 |
News from the Department of Government. | |
4 | Sergeant Sharp writes Seerley from France College Eye 10:15, p.1 |
Tells of experiences as a company first sergeant. | |
5 | Brief Reports 22 Alumni News Letter 2:2, p.1 |
Fern E. Sharp enlisted in army. | |
6 | Tern Sharp College Eye 9:17, p.7 |
Has enlisted in the Army and is at Camp Dodge. | |
7 | Fern Sharp College Eye 9:14, p.4 |
Fern Sharp visited Cedar Falls. | |
8 | Macbeth cast Old Gold 0:0, p.204 |
Photos and cast given for the play Macbeth. |
9 | Fern Sharp College Eye 8:23, p.2 |
Fern Sharp visits campus. | |
10 | Photographs of graduates Old Gold 0:0, p.32 |
Photo. | |
11 | Photo Old Gold 0:0, p.158 |
Members of the Philomathean Literary Society; photo. | |
12 | Photo Old Gold 0:0, p.159 |
Members of the Inter-Collegiate Debaters and the Inter-Society Debaters; photo. | |
13 | Social Science Club Old Gold 0:0, p.260 |
Purpose and highlights of the 1915-1916 year; photo. | |
14 | National Society of Delta Sigma Rho Old Gold 0:0, p.279 |
Officers, members, and chapters in the United States. | |
15 | Young Men's Christian Association Old Gold 0:0, p.291 |
Activities of the Y.M.C.A. at Iowa State Teachers College. | |
16 | The Gospel Team Old Gold 0:0, p.293 |
Members of the Gospel Team; photo. | |
17 | Mr. Fern Sharp College Eye 7:19, p.7 |
Spent weekend at home in Edgewood. | |
18 | Colegroves entertain administration class College Eye 7:12, p.7 |
Description of program. | |
19 | Mr. Fern Sharp College Eye 7:8, p.8 |
Traveled to Fairfield. | |
20 | Announcements College Eye 7:2, p.2 |
Students announce their candidacy for staff positions on the Old Gold. | |
21 | Intercollegiate debaters for 1914-15 Old Gold 0:0, p.237 |
Photo. | |
22 | Philo Old Gold 0:0, p.85 |
Drawing of a man walking a dog; review of the years events; Oratory, Triangular and Basketball teams, photo. | |
23 | Gospel Team Old Gold 0:0, p.216 |
Photo. | |
24 | Mid-Winter play "Stop Thief" Old Gold 0:0, p.226 |
Character list; synopsis of the play produced on February 1, 1915; photo. | |
25 | National Society of Delta Sigma Rho Old Gold 0:0, p.235 |
Description of the organization; roster of officers and members; photo. | |
26 | Young Men's Christian Association Old Gold 0:0, p.214 |
Review of the past year's work; photo. |
27 | Juniors Old Gold 0:0, p.173 |
Photo collections; humorous quotes; poem about the juniors. | |
28 | T. C. delegation at Y. M. C. A. convention; eight students represent Teachers College; Fred Smith and Porter are among speakers on program College Eye 4:21, p.5 |
Review of events at Y. M. C. A. conference in Marshalltown. | |
29 | Dramatic preliminary held; contestants are chosen to compete in final contest to be held early in March; cash prizes in finals College Eye 4:20, p.1 |
Many students chose excerpts from Shakespeare or Hugo for dramatic contest. | |
30 | Stop Thief scores big hit; capacity house greets first appearance Friday evening; six hundred at second rendition Monday evening College Eye 4:18, p.1 |
Review of student performance of "Stop Thief." | |
31 | Philos and Alphas hold scintillation College Eye 4:16, p.8 |
Review of literary society's programs. | |
32 | Midwinter play will be January 29; popular farce, "Stop Thief," will be presented by elocution department College Eye 4:15, p.2 |
Bertha Martin works to prepare students for upcoming performance; cast is announced. | |
33 | Philos win Sage trophy; place six men on intercollegiate debate; Aristos four, Orios 2; Orios hold trophy at present College Eye 4:14, p.1 |
Painting donated by Dr. Sage of Waterloo will hang in the Philomathean Hall. | |
34 | Gospel team meets with splendid success; series of meetings at Edgewood, IA; attract capacity house College Eye 4:14, p.1 |
Y. M. C. A. Gospel Team spent eight days in Edgewood, working with the citizens there; photo. | |
35 | Teachers win dual debate; annual Highland-Teachers dual debate results in a victory for the Teachers by a score of 4 to 0 College Eye 4:13, p.1 |
Judges stood in favor of I. S. T. C., 4-2; photo. | |
36 | Work continues on midwinter play; Farce, "Stop Thief," will be presented in the latter part of January College Eye 4:13, p.2 |
Cast announced. | |
37 | Gospel team will work at Edgewood; will conduct a series of meetings during the holiday recess; seven members on team College Eye 4:13, p.2 |
Y. M. C. A. will send a gospel team to Edgewood, Iowa, for the holidays. | |
38 | Debaters break training College Eye 4:13, p.8 |
Professor Samuel Lynch hosted debate team for dinner. | |
39 | Dual debate occurs Monday night; second annual clash between Teachers College and Highland Park; teams are well prepared College Eye 4:12, p.1 |
Students will debate the present jury system in American courts. | |
40 | What some of the students say of "Dad" Elliott College Eye 4:12, p.1 |
Students who have heard A. J. Elliott speak offer their comments on him. | |
41 | Men preparing for Highland debate; bench of judges in place of the modern jury is the question College Eye 4:9, p.8 |
Six men will represent I. S. T. C. at Highland Park debate on December 20. | |
42 | Debating League elects officers College Eye 4:7, p.1 |
Literary societies have chosen their representatives. | |
43 | Juniors not dead yet; are first to appear with class monograms College Eye 4:7, p.7 |
Junior class elects officers and conducts other organizational business. | |
44 | Fourth annual contest in oratorical declamation; Arey first; Zimmerman second; McDonald third; large crowd manifests interest in contest College Eye 4:7, p.2 |
Seven students gave orations. | |
45 | Final declamatory contest Friday; winners in preliminary will compete for cash prizes; first, second and third award College Eye 4:6, p.1 |
Seven presentations will be given. | |
46 | Class of 1916 organized College Eye 4:5, p.5 |
Officers elected. | |
47 | Preliminary declamatory contest is held College Eye 4:4, p.2 |
Sixteen students participated in oratorical contest to determine representatives for finals. | |
48 | Men are chosen for Highland Park debate College Eye 4:1, p.2 |
Preliminary for next fall's Highland Park College debate was held. | |
49 | The Junior College Class Old Gold 0:0, p.138 |
Rosters of class officers and class roll provided; love poem given; photos. | |
50 | Public Speaking and Drama Old Gold 0:0, p.157 |
Illustration of actors taking final bow; description of department; cast of plays announced; photos of dramatic productions. |