Shaw--Douglas J. (Mathematics Faculty)
Displaying 1 - 50 of 68 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | UNI Interpreters Theatre presents Improv at the Interp: Theatre Without a Net! Northern Iowan 119:49, p.4 |
From April 20-22, 2023, UNI Interpreters Theatre will perform a show titled "Improv at the Interp: Theatre Without a Net!" in Lang Hall. This show, directed by Doug Shaw, will be interactive and unscripted; photo. | |
2 | Warlocks, aliens and superheroes welcome at Rod Northern Iowan 118:46, p.1 |
The Rod Library hosts this year's annual RodCon; photo. | |
3 | Math professor brings joy to Cedar Valley through improv Northern Iowan 118:46, p.1 |
Doug Shaw, a member of the mathematics faculty, holds workshops with improv groups on campus; photo. | |
4 | Rocky Horror production features UNI faculty, students Northern Iowan 118:35, p.1 |
The Waterloo Community Playhouse's production of the Rocky Horror Show will be performed February 25-27 and March 3-6. There are multiple people in the production associated with UNI; photo. | |
5 | FTR series celebrates Women's History Month Northern Iowan 117:45, p.4 |
The Hearst Center for the Arts and College of Humanities, Arts and Sciences hosted author Ukamaka Olisakwe via Zoom on March 25 for their Final Thursday Reading Series. Olisakwe spoke about her book, "Ogadinma: Or, Everything Will Be Alright," and African women and marriage; photos. | |
6 | Rock, paper, scissors tournament to take place on Zoom Northern Iowan 117:24, p.5 |
Math professor Douglas Shaw to host a rock-paper-scissors tournament over Zoom; photo. | |
7 | Interpreters Theatre presents "Tales of You and I" Northern Iowan 117:20, p.4 |
The Interpreters Theatre performs "Tales of You and I: An Alumni Storytelling Performance Event," which showcased performances by alumni telling their UNI stories; photo. | |
8 | Doug Shaw shares the comedy of math Northern Iowan 117:8, p.4 |
Doug Shaw led a Zoom meeting with Karen Mitchell called Comedy of Mathematics. Mitchell credits Doug to the production of the event; photo. | |
9 | Douglas Shaw shares how to tell a joke Northern Iowan 117:6, p.5 |
Douglas Shaw shares how to tell a joke with his Monster Puppet in a five-part series on Youtube alongside the Interpreters Theater; photo. | |
10 | UNI professor wins first annual award Northern Iowan 116:3, p.2 |
Dr. Douglas Shaw, Professor of the Mathematics Department, was rewarded the Beverley Funk Barnes Educator Excellence Award. This award goes to educators that go above and beyond for their students and integrate interesting learning methods into their lecture. Shaw is honored to receive this award and plans to continue his service at UNI; photos. | |
11 | Darwin Week Northern Iowan 114:36, p.2 |
Uni Freethinkers and Inquirers annual Darwin Week features lectures from guest speakers and UNI faculty. | |
12 | LTE: a helping hand Northern Iowan 112:41, p.3 |
Professor of mathematics Doug Shaw thanks the student who pushed his car up College Hill. |
13 | He visits every year, but just who is Brother Jed? Northern Iowan 112:14, p.2 |
Student Jacob Madden discusses the evangelical street preacher "Brother Jed". | |
14 | Seventh annual Darwin Week to be held at UNI Public Relations News Release 2014:171, p.1 |
Darwin Week will be held February 9 through 12. This event celebrates science through a series of faculty and visiting speakers. All events will be held in the CME in Maucker Union and are free and open to the public. |
15 | UNI voices: How can students most effectively prepare for finals? Northern Iowan 110:28, p.6 |
Students and faculty answer the question "How can students most effectively prepare for finals?". | |
16 | Half-Masted inspires laughter with 'Armando Diaz' and celebrity guests Northern Iowan 109:26, p.6 |
UNI comedy troupe Half-Masted gives successful show with guest performers from UNI and the community. Introduce "Armando" skit; photo. | |
17 | Bipartisan event celebrates end of election Northern Iowan 109:24, p.1 |
Students celebrate the end of this year's elections with a party in the Maucker Union ballroom. Entertainment and refreshments were included. The event was entitled "Election: 2012: Thank God It's Over Celebration"; photo. | |
18 | Half-Masted hosts Gorilla Theater Northern Iowan 108:47, p.7 |
Actors perform scenes that are completely fictional. The group split into two teams for competition. The result was laughter and applause; photo. | |
19 | 'Funeral' held to protest academic program cuts Northern Iowan 108:45, p.1 |
Students United for Academics sponsored the march. The march began at Seerley Hall and made its way to the Campanile to remember Price Laboratory School; photo. | |
20 | No Shame Theatre provides new, unusual and uncensored fun Northern Iowan 108:18, p.8 |
The Theatre's relaxed atmosphere has only three rules; 100 per cent original, less than five minutes long, and harmless to the performance space and occupants; photo. | |
21 | Half-masted to return to UNI Public Relations News Release 2010:289, p.1 |
The comedy improv troupe will present unscripted shows at Bertha Martin Theatre. The troupe is directed by Doug Shaw and involves UNI students, alumni and members of the community. | |
22 | 'Half-Masted' to perform improv comedy at UNI Public Relations News Release 2010:110, p.1 |
The troupe is instructed and directed by Doug Shaw, a professor of mathematics, and includes a group of students, alumni, and members of the community. They also do private shows and seminars throughout Iowa. | |
23 | President Allen speaks about the changes ahead for UNI Northern Iowan 107:9, p.1 |
During this year's convocation, President Benjamin Allen stressed the desire to have the University in charge of the changes that will be ahead during the next five years. Faculty awards were presented; photo. | |
24 | What debate: Northern Iowan 106:50, p.4 |
Author questions the citation of five persons all on the same side of restricting those under 21 from entering bars in Iowa City as being called a debate. | |
25 | UNI's comedy improv troupe to perform April 15 Public Relations News Release 2009:397, p.1 |
Half-Masted will return with performances directed by Doug Shaw, associate professor of mathematics. The troupe includes students, alumni, and members of the community. | |
26 | UNI to explore possible link between "South Park" and anti-Semitic beliefs Northern Iowan 106:31, p.1 |
Matt Sienkiewicz's lecture will examine "South Park" and how it has uncovered anti-Semitic beliefs in American society. Sienkiewicz's visit was prompted by a survey of students concerning Jewish stereotypes; photo. | |
27 | Half-Masted recruits members for the new semester Northern Iowan 106:31, p.8 |
The Cedar Valley's improvisation troupe has thrived under the direction of Doug Shaw. Many look forward to their show at the end of each semester. The group also participates in seminars, private shows, and workshops; photo. | |
28 | Is there Anything Really Wrong with Offensive Humor? Public Relations News Release 2009:246, p.1 |
As a follow-up to Sienkiewicz's lecture and the recent protest against bias-related incidents at UNI, a panel discussion will take place at noon in Baker Hall. Harry Brod, Melissa Heston, and Doug Shaw, will serve as discussion leaders. | |
29 | Half-Masted to hold auditions Northern Iowan 2008:30, p.7 |
Comedy improvisation group is welcoming new members to their group. Auditions will be held January 26 and 27th in the Elm Room of Maucker Union. | |
30 | Half-Masted brings laughter to the UNI campus Northern Iowan 106:26, p.7 |
A local improv group, Half-Masted, performed four times last weekend. The group is divided into two teams that act out scenes they create on the spot; photo. | |
31 | UNI's Comedy Improv Troupe to perform Public Relations News Release 2009:182, p.1 |
Half-Masted 3.2 will perform at the Communication Arts Center Room 108. A family-friendly matinee will take place at 3 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 5. The troupe is instructed and directed by Doug Shaw, a professor of mathematics, and stars UNI students. | |
32 | Was it really mutually disrespectful? Northern Iowan 106:12, p.5 |
Discussion on Blasphemy Day seen as being conducted in an atmosphere of surprising courtesy. Universities should be places where deep discussions take place and tough questions are asked. | |
33 | Games, puzzles and math to be topic of next Citizen Science talk at UNI Public Relations News Release 2008:492, p.1 |
Doug Shaw, associate professor of mathematics, will explore some games and puzzles that can be analyzed mathematically. "Some of the games have had and will continue to have far-reaching implications in widely diverse fields. | |
34 | Local comedy improv troupe to hold auditions Public Relations News Release 2008:332, p.1 |
The six-year-old troupe, Half-Masted 3.2, is instructed and directed by Doug Shaw, UNI associate professor of mathematics. Members perform a weekly family-friendly show every Friday at 6:30 p.m. at the Cedar Falls Public Library. | |
35 | UNI professor and student team up for comedy show Public Relations News Release 2008:43, p.1 |
Doug Shaw, professor of mathematics, and Jordan Meyer, a senior from Waterloo, are teaming up to perform a comedy show, titled "Doug and Jordan: An Evening of solo improv comedy, performed by two people over the course of about an hour." | |
36 | Half-Master 3.2 will hold auditions Public Relations News Release 2008:42, p.1 |
The Cedar Valley's own special comedy improvisational troupe, is holding auditions in the College Eye Room of Maucker Union. Doug Shaw has performed with several improv troupes throughout the Midwest, including the Impossibles. | |
37 | UNI improv troupe gives free weekly performances at Cedar Falls Public Library Public Relations News Release 2008:36, p.1 |
Half-Masted 3.2, the six-year old comedy improv troupe, will perform a family-friendly show every Friday at the Cedar Falls Public Library. At the end of every semester, it performs a show for mature audiences as well as private shows, and seminars. | |
38 | UNI College of Natural Sciences faculty recognized for teaching and research Public Relations News Release 2007:280, p.1 |
Dorothy Brecheisen, Thomas Kline, John Groves, and Douglas Shaw all received awards for their achievements in teaching and research. | |
39 | UNI mathematics department presents "Integration Bee" contest Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1 |
The "Integration Bee" will be held Monday, April 9 and is open to UNI students, local community college students, and area high school students. | |
40 | News Brief/Calendar of Events Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1 |
An "Integration Bee" will be held Monday, April 9. | |
41 | The UNI Half-Masted 3.2 Improv Troupe presents: Gorilla Theatre 2099 Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1 |
Half-Masted 3.2 will be presenting "Gorilla Theatre 2099" March 29-31. | |
42 | UNI Half-Masted 3.2 Improv Troupe will present "Improvisational Whimsy" Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1 |
The Half-Masted 3.2 Improv Troupe will be presenting "A Wonderful Evening of Improvisational Whimsy for Ladies and Gentlemen," November 16 to 18. | |
43 | UNI mathematics department hosting web-based math contest Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1 |
Iowa and Illinois high school students and UNI students may participate in the Wright Challenge, a web-accessible mathematics contest. | |
44 | UNI Half-Masted 3.2 Improv Troupe will present A Swinging Freestyle Comedy Jamboree! Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1 |
Half-Masted will host an improv show with matinee. | |
45 | UNI math department invites Illinois students to enter math contest Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1 |
Illinois high school students have been invited to test their knowledge in the UNI Wright Challenge, a web-based math contest. | |
46 | University of Northern Iowa offers Web-based math contest Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1 |
All Iowa high school students are eligible to participate in the University of Northern Iowa's Wright Challenge, a Web-based math contest. | |
47 | Improv troupe Half-Masted to perform this weekend Northern Iowan 102:16, p.10 |
Each performance is usually played to a sold out crowd; photo. | |
48 | UNI Half-Masted 3.2 Improv Troupe to present 'Laugh In!' Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1 |
The first of two improvisational comedy shows will be performed in Lang Hall. | |
49 | No-Shame Theatre provides a creative outlet Northern Iowan 102:11, p.10 |
Group allows students to express themselves in a non-judgmental environment; photo. | |
50 | UNI Half-Masted 3.2 Improv Troupe will present 'Gorilla Theatre' Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1 |
Troupe will perform family-friendly show on Thursday thru Saturday. |