Sheldon--Harold Chauncey (Class of 1922)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 50 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Harold C. Sheldon
Alumnus 35:4, p.27
Died on June 29, 1951.
2 Harold C. Sheldon
Alumnus 24:1, p.24
He is superintendent of schools in Beech. His wife is the former Joy Paton, and they have two girls and a boy. Harold took work in vocational guidance at Iowa State College.
3 Supt. Harold Sheldon
College Eye 12:28, p.8
Visited ISTC friends.
4 Among former students
College Eye 12:14, p.8
Many ISTC alumni visited campus at Thanksgiving.
5 The all-school party Thanksgiving night
College Eye 12:14, p.8
Many alumni returned for the party.
6 Harold Sheldon
College Eye 12:13, p.8
Visited friends.
7 Harold Sheldon
College Eye 12:10, p.8
Visited College Hill.
8 Senior B. A.s
College Eye 12:3, p.8
Plan to be full of school spirit; several members of the class have left school.
9 Old Gold staff announces plans
College Eye 12:2, p.8
Editor-elect Harold Sheldon will not be attending college this year; needs new editor.
10 Old Gold
Old Gold 0:0, p.242
Staff, advisory board, and contributors; photo.
11 Student Council
Old Gold 0:0, p.222
Members of the Student Council; photo.
12 Triangular debating team
Old Gold 0:0, p.150
Members of the debate teams; Fred Kaltenbach won the local oratorical contest and represented ISTC at the interstate contest; photo.
13 Cordts wins oratorical; Sheldon second and Davis third
College Eye 11:33, p.1
Anna Cordts took first place with a presentation entitled, "America and the New Era."
14 Senior B. A.'s give reception
College Eye 11:31, p.2
Senior class served as host for banquet at Training School.
15 See Yourself in the Funny Column
College Eye 11:29, p.7
Humorous quotes and anecdotes heard on campus.
16 Let's be definite
College Eye 11:28, p.4
Supports earlier letter that membership in literary societies should be voluntary; editor claims new system should be supported.
17 See Yourself in the Funny Column
College Eye 11:27, p.7
Humorous quotes and anecdotes heard on campus.
18 See Yourself in the Funny Column
College Eye 11:26, p.7
Humorous quotes and anecdotes heard on campus.
19 Debaters receive medals
College Eye 11:25, p.5
President Seerley awarded medals to members of the intercollegiate debate team.
20 Teachers defeat Simpson in debate; Morningside wins over T. C.; Simpson lost to Morningside
College Eye 11:24, p.1
Results of triangular debate are announced.
21 Triangular debate Friday; T. C. vs. Simpson here; T. C. vs. Morningside at Sioux City; Cummins bill discussed
College Eye 11:23, p.1
Professor Barnes will judge Simpson-Morningside portion.
22 See Yourself in the Funny Column
College Eye 11:23, p.7
Humorous quotes and anecdotes heard on campus.
23 Old Gold!
College Eye 11:23, p.7
Candidates announce themselves for Old Gold staff of 1920-1921.
24 A reply to H. Sheldon
College Eye 11:22, p.2
Poem expressing agreement with Harold Sheldon concerning the scarcity of telephones in Bartlett Hall.
25 See Yourself in the Funny Column
College Eye 11:21, p.7
Humorous quotes and anecdotes heard on campus.
26 Why dormitory girls don't get more dates
College Eye 11:20, p.6
Complains that it is nearly impossible to call girls in the dormitory, because the line is always busy.
27 Railroad problem to be debated; triangular debate Mar. twelfth
College Eye 11:20, p.1
I. S. T. C. will face Simpson and Morningside.
28 See Yourself in the Funny Column
College Eye 11:18, p.7
Humorous quotes and anecdotes heard on campus.
29 See Yourself in the Funny Column
College Eye 11:17, p.7

Humorous quotes and anecdotes heard on campus.

30 See Yourself in the Funny Column
College Eye 11:14, p.7
Humorous quotes and anecdotes heard on campus.
31 Harold Sheldon
College Eye 11:13, p.8
Cut wood during vacation.
32 Editorially Speaking
College Eye 11:11, p.4
Praises football team; commends Teachers College for excellent physical training equipment; applauds Des Moines College for good sportsmanship and school spirit; Harold Sheldon criticizes writer for ambiguity in article about proper conduct of Christians.
33 Armistice Day program
College Eye 11:10, p.1
Alphas and Philos give special program.
34 See Yourself in the Funny Column
College Eye 11:7, p.7
Humorous quotes and anecdotes heard on campus.
35 Bachelors Hall news
College Eye 11:4, p.8
News of residents.
36 Harold Sheldon
College Eye 11:35, p.8
Visited Cedar Falls after returning from service overseas; plans to attend in the fall.
37 1920 Sophs
Old Gold 0:0, p.110
Class roster; faculty sponsor; photos.
38 The College Battalion
Old Gold 0:0, p.180
Student roster provided; photos.
39 Oratory & Debate
Old Gold 0:0, p.198
Illustration of a young couple; description of the Forensic League; photos of debaters.
40 Philo debaters
Old Gold 0:0, p.229
Photos of the Philo debaters.
41 Five join Marine Crops
College Eye 9:30, p.3
Five TC men join the Marines.
42 Y. M. C. A.
College Eye 9:27, p.6
Decided to recruit more men to meetings.
43 "Paddle" party a success
College Eye 9:26, p.2
Y. M. C. A. held a mixer in the gym; played games.
44 T. C. baseball prospects good; Prof. Van Oot in charge
College Eye 9:25, p.2
Practice has started.
45 Debaters receive their medals
College Eye 9:24, p.1
Debaters with Coe and Morningside received their medals.
46 Teachers 4--Morningside 2; dual debate means triumph for teachers
College Eye 9:23, p.1
Debated the topic of censorship of the press during war times.
47 Martin Wilson entered service
College Eye 9:22, p.3
Martin Wilson enlisted; Harold Sheldon entertained visitors last weekend.
48 Officers of Battalion
College Eye 9:22, p.2
49 Intercollegiate debaters are selected
College Eye 9:19, p.8
Both men's and women's teams have been chosen.
50 Military drill progresses; past week sees improvement in drill
College Eye 9:4, p.1
Roster of men enrolled in Company B; College Band played; cost of uniform and equipment.