Shoars--Dean A. (Physical Plant Staff)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 154 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Updates coming to UNI pedestrian bridge
Northern Iowan 108:1, p.9
The pedestrian bridge crossing Hudson Road will get a face lift over the next year. The current surface getting very slippery during snow and rain events. New surfaces are being explored.
2 Updates coming to UNI pedestrian bridge
Northern Iowan 107:58, p.1
The walking bridge over Hudson Road becomes very slippery when wet or following the clearing of snow. Several safety concerns will be addressed. Resurfacing will be the first step prior to a planned refurbishing next year.
3 Quad power outage causes issues
Northern Iowan 105:12, p.1
The cause of a six hour power outage affecting Hageman, Noehren, Rider, and Shull Halls, Reducer Center, Gallagher-Bluedorn, and academic buildings remains undetermined; photo.
4 Greek houses undergo revamp
Northern Iowan 104:9, p.1
Alpha Phi and Pi Kappa Delta houses being moved for construction of the parking deck; photo.
5 2007 Cedar Falls RAGBRAI planning committee named
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
More than 30 community members have been named to lead committees involved with hosting RAGBRAI; list of members.
6 Tests find traces of lead in water; drinking fountains in Baker Hall replaced
Northern Iowan 101:10, p.1
Four drinking fountains in Baker Hall were replaced due to a summer water test report showing higher levels of lead and bacteria.
7 UNI resolves IOSHA issues; fines are decreased
Public Relations News Release 2002:526, p.1
UNI's IOHSA infractions are reclassified, lowering fines by 50%.
8 Meeting to address safety citations, university concerns
Northern Iowan 99:55, p.1
UNI administrations will meet with representatives from Iowa's OSHA to talk about employee safety in response to recent violations.
9 Blackout blankets campus, sparks rumors
Northern Iowan 99:43, p.1
Three separate blackouts occurred on Saturday evening, lasting for approximately six hours.
10 Birds prove to be a nuisance for quads residents
Northern Iowan 98:28, p.1
Physical plant is working on ways to scare the birds away from UNI.
11 UNI president makes lead gift to "Students First" campus campaign
Public Relations News Release 2001:77, p.1
Robert D. Koob and his wife Yvonne have made a $100,000 gift to UNI's "Students First" campaign; Rick Young announces that over half of the funds have already been raised.
12 Zarifis named to head Department of Public Safety
Campus News Network 11:17, p.3
Associate director of the UNI Department of Public Safety, Dave Zarifis, is now director.
13 Zarifis named to head UNI Department of Public Safety
Public Relations News Release 2000:342, p.1
Dave Zarifis has been promoted to head of Public Safety; Dean Shoars will head up operations at the Physical Plant.
14 Fire safety
Public Relations News Release 2000:240, p.1
Dean Shoars will give tips on protecting families against a fire in the home.
15 McCollum lot to close
Northern Iowan 97:32, p.1
University planning parking spots around the proposed intermodal transportation center.
16 Media advisory: University of Northern Iowa--on the job Dec. 31
Public Relations News Release 1999:157, p.1
UNI has been preparing for Y2K and has set up a management team to monitor problems on campus.
17 UNI prepared for the millennium; President Koob: We expect it to be a quiet night
Northern Iowan 96:19, p.5
The UNI campus is prepared for the coming of the new millennium.
18 Public Safety welcomes former student
Campus News Network 10:6, p.1
Department of Public Safety hired 1997 UNI graduate Rebecca Stott; photo.
19 Safety precautions emphasized after assault
Northern Iowan 96:16, p.10
Discussion of safety precautions including use of escort services, enrollment in self-defense classes, and avoiding dangerous situations; list of "10 tips to protect yourself"; photo.
20 Power outage on UNI campus
Public Relations News Release 1998:380, p.1
Lightning disrupted power on the west section of campus.
21 UNI vs. Y2K; campus tackles the year 2000 computer problem
Campus News Network 9:6, p.1
UNI continues work on updating systems to eliminate year 2000 problems.
22 Electronic media classes remain in Lang
Northern Iowan 95:3, p.1
Delays in East Gym renovations cause the Electronic Media Division to remain in Lang Hall; photo.
23 UNI vs. Y2K
Northern Iowa Today 27:1, p.1
Survey of UNI efforts to prepare computer systems for the year 2000.
24 Years of experience protecting UNI; Dean Shoars
Northern Iowan 94:44, p.9
Director of Physical Plant and Department of Public Safety juggles many tasks everyday.
25 Jaquith embroiled in classroom taping dispute
Northern Iowan 94:28, p.1
Elaine Jaquith asked to leave class after being accused of tape recording class discussions; photo.
26 Dean Shoars heads Public Safety and Physical Plant
Campus News Network 8:5, p.2
Dean Shoars became director of Physical Plant October 1; photo.
27 PAC progress causes problems
Northern Iowan 94:1, p.5
Performing Arts Center construction creates parking problems; alternate parking sites developed; possibility of bus service considered; photo.
28 Community Coalition issues first report on recommendations
Campus News Network 7:17, p.1
College Hill Community Coalition issued its first report.
29 B lot parking battles with Performing Arts
Northern Iowan 93:29, p.4
Removing 385 parking spots from the Gilchrist B lot for Performing Arts Center construction will put a crunch on parking spaces.
30 Move-in crews lend a hand at University of Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1996:4, p.1
Student volunteers will be helping students to move into the residence halls; list of volunteers.
31 Taking a broad view of facilities planning
Campus News Network 6:20, p.2
Reconstituted Facilities Planning Advisory Committee has broad perspective on University facilities and space; photo.
32 Parking fees to increase this fall
Campus News Network 6:20, p.1
Board of Regents increased parking fees beginning this fall.
33 Parking garages considered, not feasible
Northern Iowan 92:58, p.2
Parking situation shifting with construction of Gallagher-Bluedorn Performing Arts Center; not economically possible to build parking ramp.
34 Visiting teams suffer thefts in UNI-Dome; Winona State, Cornell College football players report thefts from locker rooms
Northern Iowan 92:27, p.1
Visiting football teams lose items to thieves; UNI working on improving security.
35 Maintaining safety on campus
Campus News Network 6:2, p.2
Department of Public Safety is working to keep campus safe for all.
36 New regulation restricts use of skateboards, rollerblades at UNI
Northern Iowan 91:61, p.4
Skateboarding is prohibited; rollerblading allowed only on sidewalks and hard surfaces where bicycles are permitted.
37 University of Northern Iowa prohibits skateboarding on campus, restricts use of roller blades
Public Relations News Release 1994:484, p.1
Board of Regents has approved a UNI policy on the use of skateboards and roller blades on campus.
38 Wheels on campus; skateboarding nixed, rollerblading restricted
Campus News Network 5:18, p.2
Skateboarding is not allowed on UNI owned property and rollerblading/skating is restricted to same areas as bicycles.
39 Public Safety cracks down on parking offenders
Northern Iowan 91:58, p.1
Will now tow cars of habitual offenders.
40 University of Northern Iowa to offer Driver Education Endorsement Program though Continuing Education
Public Relations News Release 1994:418, p.1
Drivers Education Endorsement Program will be offered by UNI.
41 Dealing with Violence in our Communities
Public Relations News Release 1994:344, p.1
Community involvement is key to ending violence says Dean Shoars.
42 'A Community Outlook on Violence'
Northern Edition 3:6, p.13
Seminar held on personal safety.
43 Dealing with violence
Northern Edition 3:5, p.1
Seminar on violence.
44 Shoars receives fire safety degree
Northern Iowan 91:37, p.2
Earns certification in fire safety and prevention; photo.
45 Dean Shoars certified by National Fire Academy
Northern Edition 3:3, p.5
Directory of Public Safety completes course.
46 Dealing with violence in our community
Public Relations News Release 1994:259, p.1
Presenters announced for seminar on violence in our community at UNI.
47 Shoars certified by National Fire Academy
Campus News Network 5:10, p.2
Studies fire safety; photo.
48 University of Northern Iowa Public Safety Director certified by National Fire Academy
Public Relations News Release 1994:232, p.1
Dean Shoars has completed the curriculum and research requirements of the National Fire Academy's Executive Fire Officer Program.
49 Students blamed for problems on College Hill
Northern Iowan 91:17, p.1
Meeting between residents and city officials on parking, trash, and other problems; photo.
50 Northern Iowa has safest campus
Campus News Network 5:3, p.1
Crime at College rates UNI community safest.