Short--Ethel Katherine (Class of 1926)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 65 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Mrs. F. L. Vander Veer
Alumnus 14:4, p.25
The former Clara M. Bedford, of Blue Grass, Iowa, and her daughter, Mrs. John V. Hood, the former Helen D. Vander Veer, attended the marriage of Dr. Joseph Vander Veer to Ethel Short in Cedar Falls.
2 Ethel Short
Alumnus 14:3, p.31
Ethel Short, daughter of Edward Short, of Cedar Falls, Iowa, married Dr. Joseph Vander Veer, of Montreal, Canada, son of F. L. Vander Veer, of Blue Grass, Iowa. He will return to Montreal General Hospital for one more year to study pathology.
3 Alpha Beta Gamma
College Eye 20:15, p.6
Initiation and member travels.
4 Alpha Beta Gamma
College Eye 19:39, p.8
Sorority happenings.
5 Miss Ethel Short
College Eye 18:9, p.8
Will teach in Kansas City, Missouri.
6 Members of musical organizations selected for the summer term
College Eye 18:3, p.1

Roster of glee club members.

7 Alpha Beta Gamma news
College Eye 18:3, p.8
Roster of people who attended recent picnic; Lyla Day taking a Melody Way Music course; Helen Pegg and Ruth Domer visited their homes.
8 Alpha Beta Gamma
Old Gold 0:0, p.278
Members, brief history; photo.
9 Class of 1926
Old Gold 0:0, p.95
Motto, flower, colors, officers; photo.
10 Theta Alpha Phi
Old Gold 0:0, p.147
Members, accomplishments; photo.
11 Alpha Beta Gamma
College Eye 17:26, p.8
Roster of officers; held annual fall dance.
12 Miss Hazel Strayer
College Eye 17:26, p.1
Hazel Strayer went to Florida for the winter; Ethel Short will teach in Kansas City; Peg Fullerton visited her parents; Anne Nagel will teach in Onawa.
13 Edna Wheeler
College Eye 17:26, p.3
Changes in Senior Cabinet.
14 Y. W. divided into many departments
College Eye 17:24, p.1
A look at YWCA quarters and the work of the group.
15 Ethel Short
College Eye 17:24, p.7
Traveled to Kansas City on business.
16 Annual comedy well presented
College Eye 17:23, p.1
Review of "Captain Applejack."
17 Alpha Beta Gamma
College Eye 17:23, p.2
Ethel Short entertained sorority members at bridge party. Jane Corsaut held waffle supper for pledges.
18 Ethel Short
College Eye 17:22, p.3
Joined Viola Nelson and Inez Jennings as visitors at the Gamma Phi house in Ames.
19 Cast for annual comedy announced
College Eye 17:21, p.1
Roster of cast members for "Captain Applejack"; photo.
20 Fifty-fifty crowd at the all-college Halloween party
College Eye 17:21, p.1
Enjoyed games and stunts.
21 Forensic League reorganizes
College Eye 17:19, p.5
Planning for intersociety debates.
22 Personnel of Cecilian Glee Club reported
College Eye 17:18, p.1

Roster of members.

23 Y. W. after needed funds
College Eye 17:16, p.7
Begins fundraising campaign.
24 Girls Geneva conference
College Eye 17:13, p.1
Eight ISTC delegates went to the conference; brief look at activities there.
25 Miss Ethel Short
College Eye 16:30, p.5
Visited Cedar Falls; teaching in Odebolt, Iowa.
26 Ethel Short
College Eye 16:16, p.8
Plans to spend vacation at her home in Cedar Falls.
27 Theta Alpha Phi
College Eye 16:14, p.5
Held initiation of new members.
28 Ethel Short
College Eye 16:13, p.8
Teaching in Odebolt; plans to spend Thanksgiving with her parents in Cedar Falls.
29 Dorice, Charlotte and Catherine Coffin
College Eye 16:8, p.8
Went to Ames with Jane Corsaut and Margaret Carney for the Homecoming activities there; visited former I. S. T. C. students.
30 Ethel Short
College Eye 16:2, p.8
Teaching physical training in Odebolt.
31 Forensic League
Old Gold 0:0, p.198
Names of officers and members; photo.
32 Cecilian Glee Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.210

Names of officers and member; photo.

33 Theta Alpha Phi
Old Gold 0:0, p.312
Names of members of Iowa Beta chapter; photo.
34 Women's Athletic Association
Old Gold 0:0, p.220
Names of officers and managers and brief description of organization.
35 Cliosophic
Old Gold 0:0, p.279
Names of officers and members.
36 Cliosophic Literary Society
Old Gold 0:0, p.280
Photos of members of the Cliosophic Literary Society.
37 Theta Alpha Phi
Old Gold 0:0, p.313
Photos of members.
38 Mid-Winter Play
Old Gold 0:0, p.194
Cast members for "Rollo's Wild Oat"; photo.
39 Alpha Beta Gamma
Old Gold 0:0, p.320
Names of members.
40 Alpha Beta Gamma
Old Gold 0:0, p.321
Photos of members.
41 Ethel Short
College Eye 16:1, p.8
Plans to teach physical education in Odebolt.
42 Cecilian Glee Club
College Eye 15:31, p.1

Photo of women singers.

43 Annual oratorical contest is big success; thirtieth annual contest draws big audience; Miss Gladys Lynch wins first honors
College Eye 15:19, p.1
Highlights of the contest; descriptions of the orations.
44 Cast for mid-winter play--"Rollo's Wild Oat" is announced; 1001 laughs guaranteed in farcical production; will be given two nights
College Eye 15:18, p.1
Preview of the play; roster of cast members.
45 Annual original oration contest to take place Friday evening; contestants are authors of own creations; winner over all will represent State Teachers
College Eye 15:18, p.1
Contest open only to women.
46 Annual declamatory contest next Friday; prizes of $25, $15, and $10 are offered
College Eye 15:12, p.1
Speakers and their topics.
47 Contestants chosen for declamatory contest; finals will occur in about three weeks
College Eye 15:8, p.1
Roster of performers and their topics.
48 College Forensic League is organized; societies will debate teachers annuity bill
College Eye 15:8, p.1
Consists of representatives from the literary societies; roster of officers.
49 Alpha Beta Gamma
Old Gold 0:0, p.278
Members; photo.
50 Cliosophic
Old Gold 0:0, p.247
Members, honorary members, officers, motto, flower, and colors of the Cliosophic Literary Society; photo.