Sievers--Kristen M. (Class of 1991)
Displaying 1 - 12 of 12 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Running Club blazes a new trail, hosts Homecoming race October 17 Northern Iowan 95:9, p.14 |
Panther Pacers Running Club is in its third successful year; Club will host a 5K cross country race at Homecoming; photo. | |
2 | Conference labeled a success Northern Iowan 87:45, p.3 |
Thanks those who helped with PRSSA conference. | |
3 | PRSSA conference called a success Northern Iowan 87:44, p.7 |
UNI chapter wins nine awards. | |
4 | UNI to host PRSSA conference Northern Iowan 87:42, p.8 |
Will hold regional conference; outline of program. | |
5 | Public relations students to confer on University of Northern Iowa campus Friday through Sunday (March 1-3) Public Relations News Release 1990:369, p.1 |
Central District of the Public Relations Student Society of America will meet at UNI. Speakers will include: Douglas Newsom, Paul Johnson, Ronald Solberg, and Forrest Mattix. | |
6 | Cooperative education gives University of Northern Iowa students hands-on experience Public Relations News Release 1990:121, p.1 |
UNI students earn money, experience, and credit through the UNI Cooperative Education Program. | |
7 | University of Northern Iowa student is runner-up for national publication editor. Public Relations News Release 1989:567, p.1 |
Kristen Sievers was named runner-up editor-in-chief of The Forum, the national newsletter of the Public Relations Student Society of America at the PRSSA National Assembly in Phoenix. | |
8 | University of Northern Iowa gives 100 students on-the-job experience through spring co-op placements. Public Relations News Release 1989:398, p.1 |
List of those participating in the program and their hometown. Also listed is the position, firm and town the individual is placed. |
9 | A celebration 'rock around the clock' is planned for the University of Northern Iowa homecoming, Oct 18-22. Public Relations News Release 1989:161, p.1 |
Variety of activities listed. Students will be painting the windows of College Hill merchants. "Rock around the Clock" dinner to be held in all dining centers, featuring hula hoop, bubble gum, and limbo contests. Homecoming golf outing at Beaver Hills. | |
10 | UNI Homecoming 1989 for Oct. 18-22. Public Relations News Release 1989:161, p.1 |
Selling Homecoming 1989 buttons to University of Northern Iowa Prsident Constantine Curris are Homecoming committee member Kristen Sievers and American Marketing Assiocation student represevtive Kandis Peters. | |
11 | Students serve on 1989 homecoming committee at the University of Northern Iowa. Public Relations News Release 1989:105, p.1 |
List of those serving on the 1989 Homecoming committee. Homecoming activities include a dance, parade, window painting, a new pep rally format, and overall positive promotion of Homecoming. | |
12 | Looks like we might have to operate Northern Iowan 86:6, p.1 |
Kristen Sievers donates blood; photo. |