Sigma Alpha Epsilon

Displaying 1 - 50 of 243 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Pride Cry keeps homecoming tradition alive on Monday night
Northern Iowan 118:10, p.4
The Panther Pride Cry kicked off the 2021 homecoming festivities on Monday, with Alpha Sigma Tau and Pi Kappa Alpha winning the competition, allowing them to perform at the Pep Assembly later in the week; photo.
2 Panther Portrait: SAE Car Wash
Northern Iowan 117:48, p.5
The Sigma Alpha Epsilon (SAE) fraternity hosted a car wash; photos.
3 Filmmaker to speak on sex trafficking
Northern Iowan 114:34, p.4
Alum Vanessa McNeal returns to campus to discuss her new film "GridShock."
4 May the odds be ever in FSL's favor
Northern Iowan 112:54, p.1

Fraternity and Sorority Life (FSL) held Greek Week April 17-24. Events included performances, talent shows, contests, and service activities; photos.

5 ADPi's lone survivor
Northern Iowan 112:24, p.4

Alpha Delta Pi's "Survivor" event, based on the television show, was held in Maucker Union on November 16; photo.

6 Hoping for happily ever after
Northern Iowan 112:14, p.1

Homecoming week's kick-off Pride Cry event was held at Lawther Field on October 12. The week's theme is "Once Upon a Time." Pride Cry finalists included the Student Admissions Ambassadors (SAA), Connecting Alumni to Students (CATS), Noehren Hall, Alpha Delta Pi and Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Dance Marathon and Camp Adventure. The Homecoming Court was also announced, including Molly Norman, Emily Thompson, Camryn Wrage, Alicia Hornfeck, Natalie Rork, Kantinka Kyeremateng, Jamal White, Kody Gafkjen, Archie Hardin, and Robert Orman.

7 Coffin carriers
Northern Iowan 111:54, p.3
SAE will be holding their Paddy Murphy Coffin Carry for the first time in five years.
8 Greek chapter of the week: Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Northern Iowan 110:40, p.4
The fraternity Sigma Alpha Epsilon is recognized for being involved in the community. Their philanthropic events on campus every semester are one of the many great things about the fraternity.
9 UNI students pump up the pep for Homecoming
Northern Iowan 110:14, p.1
The finals of the pride cry were held at the Homecoming Pep Rally. Student Admissions Ambassadors/Connecting Alumni to Students won. Dance Marathon came in second, while Alpha Delta Pi and Sigma Alpha Epsilon came in third; photo.
10 Alpha Chi Epsilon reunion hosted in Hawaii
Northern Iowa Today 96:3, p.30
Alpha Chi Epsilon, now Sigma Alpha Epsilon, group from the 1960s got together in Hawaii; photo.
11 Alpha Phi keeps hearts pumping
Northern Iowan 110:8, p.4
The Alpha Phi sorority sisters put on their Third Annual Cardiac Arrest week, raising funds for their women's heart health charity, the Alpha Phi Foundation. They planned a week of free activities as well as a blood drive.
12 Pride Cry kicks off Homecoming
Northern Iowan 109:16, p.1
Nine teams compete; three teams selected for finals on Friday; teams must sing fight song and another song as well as dance; Homecoming Court announced; photo.
13 News in photos: Miss Iowa visits SAE blood drive
Northern Iowan 108:27, p.2
Photos from the SAE annual blood drive held in the Commons Ballroom; photo.
14 News in Photos
Northern Iowan 108:11, p.1
Sigma Alpha Epsilon sponsors first fall blood drive. They also won the blood drive challenge with forty-two members donating blood; photo.
15 Sigma Alpha Epsilon sponsoring blood drive
Northern Iowan 108:8, p.2
Brad Meek states that this is the first fall blood drive for Sigma Alpha Epsilon. The blood drive will be held in the West Gym on September 29 between 10:00am and 5:00pm.
16 Greek rush week
Northern Iowan 108:1, p.16
Sororities have a formal four day rush period. Fraternities hold informal rush, which includes events for those interested in fraternal life. Leadership opportunities and friendships are positive elements of Greek life.
17 'Walk a Mile in Her Shoes'
Northern Iowan 107:51, p.8
Bright red high heeled shoes were the item of the day for UNI men as they showed their support for promoting sexual assault awareness on campus; photo.
18 Panther Portraits
Northern Iowan 107:17, p.7
Scenes from the Pride Cry held during the Homecoming weekend; photo.
19 Panther Portraits
Northern Iowan 106:15, p.6
Scenes from Panther Pride Cry; photo.
20 Panther Portraits
Northern Iowan 105:35, p.9
Scenes from the blood drive and trial of Trevor Boeckmann and Anthony Palomo for allegedly breaking campaign rules; photo.
21 UNI Homecoming Weedend reunions
Public Relations News Release 2008:124, p.1
Several organizations will hold their alumni reunions and socials during the weekend of Oct. 10 - 11. List follows.
22 Get involved, go Greek
Northern Iowan 104:54, p.
Joining sororities or fraternities helps students get involved and meet new friends.
23 Panther Portraits
Northern Iowan 104:50, p.5
Scenes from leisure time and the blood drive; photo.
24 Crying out with Panther pride
Northern Iowan 104:14, p.4
Panther Cry pep rally well attended; photo.
25 Panther Portraits
Northern Iowan 104:1, p.2
Campus scenes; photo.
26 Gurneys, needles, blood? Oh my!
Northern Iowan 103:10, p.9
Goal reached in blood drive held at the Performing Arts Center; photo.
27 NISG hammers out budget, deals cuts
Northern Iowan 101:51, p.1
Lists the amounts of money that were awarded to various student organizations.
28 Tuesday, Feb. 8
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
Blood drive will take place; Vitalii Kantor will present lecture; energy seminar to take place at the CEEE.
29 SAE recognized as Outstanding Chapter
Northern Iowan 101:32, p.2
The UNI chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon received the Outstanding Chapter Award on October 23, 2004.
30 Myth vs. reality: binge drinking
Northern Iowan 101:3, p.7
Part one of a three part series focusing on binge drinking on college campuses; photo.
31 Cadets reach out to community
Northern Iowan 100:43, p.9
UNI ROTC wishes to plan joint Big Brothers Big Sisters event with Sigma Alpha Epsilon in order to increase publicity and activism.
32 Increased awareness raises blood drive goal
Northern Iowan 99:50, p.13
Sigma Alpha Epsilon and American Red Cross will sponsor blood drive in Maucker Union tomorrow.
33 SAE blood drive takes place today
Northern Iowan 99:33, p.9
Sigma Alpha Epsilon will sponsor Red Cross blood drive in the Maucker Union Expansion.
34 Homecoming committee, fraternity join forces
Northern Iowan 99:8, p.13
The Homecoming committee and Sigma Alpha Epsilon are sponsoring a blood drive on campus; students, faculty, and staff are strongly encouraged to give.
35 Panther Tracks
Northern Iowan 97:54, p.16

News and features on ROTC; photo.

36 From brothers to soldiers
Northern Iowan 97:43, p.11
Seven members of Sigma Alpha Epsilon joined the Iowa National Guard and UNI's ROTC.
37 Seven members of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity inducted into UNI Reserve Officer Training Corps and Iowa Army National Guard
Public Relations News Release 2000:288, p.1
List of seven SAE members who were inducted into ROTC and Iowa Army National Guard.
38 UNI fraternity members join ROTC as a group
Public Relations News Release 2000:265, p.1
Seven members of Sigma Alpha Epsilon will join UNI ROTC and the Iowa Army National Guard.
39 Untitled
Northern Iowan 96:35, p.1
The Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity house is now occupied; photo.
40 Construction resumes on new SAE residence
Northern Iowan 96:14, p.4
Financial complications have been resolved and construction on SAE house resumed September 28.
41 Breaking the silence
Northern Iowan 96:14, p.1
Construction resumed September 28 on Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity house; residents hope to move in early next year; photo.
42 Homecoming '99 builds lasting memories
Northern Iowan 96:13, p.11
Photo spread on Homecoming '99, "Millennium of Memories", shows students kissing at the Campanile, a bonfire, the SAE fraternity at the parade, and other events and activities; photo.
43 Sigma Alpha Epsilon sponsors blood drive
Northern Iowan 96:6, p.3
Fraternity is sponsoring blood drive with National Red Cross Tuesday in Maucker Union.
44 '98-'99 A year of wet and wonderful memories
Northern Iowan 95:55, p.3
Events from past year include the new UNI-Dome roof leaking, Performing Arts Center construction, new NISG leaders, Al Gore speaking in Waterloo, President Koob cooking omelets for seniors, and stalled construction on Sigma Alpha Epsilon house; photo.
45 Midwest keeps blood supply flowing; Heartland supplies most blood in U.S.
Northern Iowan 95:35, p.1
Red Cross states that 11% of the people in the Midwest donate blood compared to national average of 5%; SAE blood drive will be today in Union.
46 Blood drive today
Northern Iowan 95:23, p.3
SAE blood drive will be today in Union.
47 Greeks open door to new fraternity
Northern Iowan 95:23, p.1
Pi Kappa Phi fraternity will organize on UNI campus in the fall of 1999; dates given for establishment of other UNI fraternities.
48 SAE construction at standstill
Northern Iowan 95:19, p.2
Construction on the new Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity house is on hold until funding comes through; photo.
49 Blood flows in Union
Northern Iowan 95:8, p.1
Sigma Alpha Epsilon sponsored blood drive with Red Cross this week; 197 units of blood collected; photo.
50 Greek fall grade report--fall 1997
Northern Iowan 94:39, p.2
Grade point averages of students in the Greek system.