Silvey--Herbert M. (Research Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 66 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Memorial service scheduled
Northern Iowan 92:57, p.1
Service will be held for Herb Silvey, who died May 23, 1996, in Mesa, Arizona.
2 Acknowledgments--Volume II
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.0

Professor Lang.'s daughters thank those who assisted in the preparation of the UNI centennial history.

3 Efforts to evaluate and improve the teaching-learning process
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.189
The college studies the effectiveness of its teaching; cooperation with other institutions; photo.
4 Acknowledgments
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.
Professor Lang credits those who helped him in the research and writing of the centennial history.
5 Students brave snow to attend conference by CSCU on assessment
Northern Iowan 78:48, p.9
6 Tiernan's role expanded
Alumnus 60:1, p.12
Takes over duties of Bureau of Research and Examination Services; will continue former duties; photo.
7 Exploring cooperative exchange
Northern Iowan 71:17, p.11
Brief history and purposes of CSCU.
8 New duties for Tiernan
Northern Iowan 71:11, p.5

Don Tiernan will direct data processing as well as Bureau of Research and Examination Services; will replace Herbert Silvey, who retired as head of BRES; photo.

9 Museum program on polished rocks
Northern Iowan 70:21, p.9
Professor Herb Silvey will present program.
10 Field service conference begins Sunday
Northern Iowan 68:52, p.10
Many UNI faculty will be featured on program.
11 UNI to Offer Extension Class at Charles City
Public Relations News Release 1969:261, p.1
Extension class offering.
12 IBM machines purchased to correct final exams
College Eye 59:15, p.1
Procedures for using new score sheets.
13 On glaciers, mountains, riverbanks eight staff members pursue rocks
College Eye 59:15, p.3
Professors talk about the hobby of collecting and polishing rocks and minerals.
14 SCI students rank high, soph-senior tests prove
College Eye 56:21, p.4
Professor Silvey talks about the results of the tests.
15 Iowa JC group to hold meeting here Monday
College Eye 56:14, p.1
Administrators will address group.
16 Sophomore-Senior testing Thursday
College Eye 52:26, p.4
All sophomores and seniors are required to test.
17 ISTC to offer ACT tests Feb. 25
Public Relations News Release 1960:213, p.1
High school seniors are administered the American College Testing program in the Women's Gymnasium. Professor Herbert M. Silvey directs the program.
18 ISTC to offer extension course(s) here
Public Relations News Release 1960:197, p.1
Twenty extension courses are offered during the spring semester for credit toward a bachelor's or master's degree and certificate renewal for teachers. Classes and instructors listed.
19 ISTC research study shows high rating
College Eye 52:6, p.2
Herb Silvey has produced statistics which show that ISTC ranks very high among teachers colleges whose graduates go on to advanced degrees.
20 ISTC ranks high
Public Relations News Release 1960:53, p.1
Professor H. M. Silvey compiles statistics from national studies on the number of students receiving doctorates in education, the arts, social science, and humanities.
21 Phi Delta Kappa Holds High Standards
Old Gold 0:0, p.179
Phi Delta Kappa is an honorary international fraternity to promote free public education as essential to the development of democracy through the continuing interpretation of the ideals of research, science, and leadership. Activities include speakers and discussions at the monthly meetings.
22 Instruction and Research Plays Vital Part
Old Gold 0:0, p.86
The Division of Instruction and Research supervises registration, courses, transcripts for graduation, and records of grads. It is also in charge of submitting schedules and other administrative purposes. Faculty from all across campus make up the division; Photos.
23 Sophomore-senior test scores available soon
College Eye 51:29, p.1
24 Sophs, seniors take tests April 26-27
College Eye 51:26, p.1
Sophomores will take battery of tests; seniors will take ACT tests that measure general culture and understanding of education.
25 Cheating partly the fault of teachers
Alumnus 45:1, p.8
Professors Rhum and Silvey outline situations in which students might cheat.
26 Instruction and Research Handles Registration Procedures
Old Gold 0:0, p.92
The Division of Instruction and Research has charge of admissions, registration, credits for courses, transcripts for graduation, and records of grades and schedules for every student on/off campus; the Registrar's Office keeps all the statistics; photo.
27 Beta Alpha Epsilon Goes Behind the Scenes at TC
Old Gold 0:0, p.165
Beta Alpha Epsilon had Dr. Herbert Silvey and Dr. Mavis Holmes, as guest speakers from the administrative divisions and various departments tell about their work at TC; this organization is open to all upper elementary and junior high majors; photo.
28 Phi Delta Kappa Honors Faculty Members
Old Gold 0:0, p.166
Phi Delta Kappa is an honorary international fraternity; an individual must be a graduate student with a 3.0 gpa, a faculty member or a nonresident who's been involved in five or more years in successful educational work, and has a Masters Degree; photo.
29 Silvey directs research on testing and teaching
College Eye 50:16, p.5
Lengthy look at the work of Professor Herbert Silvey.
30 Instruction and Research
Old Gold 0:0, p.92
A brief description of the division along with photos of the heads of the departments; photos.
31 ISTC Research Bureau develops driver exam
Alumnus 42:2, p.11
Development of moral attitudes is objective of work.
32 Study peculiarities are uncovered among students
College Eye 49:21, p.1
Report on a survey of study habits of students.
33 New Iowa drivers test developed
College Eye 49:19, p.5
Will emphasize moral obligation in the law.
34 Campus gets PDK chapter
Alumnus 41:3, p.7
Forty-nine students initiated in Delta Beta chapter of Phi Delta Kappa.
35 Instruction and Research
Old Gold 0:0, p.36
Instruction and Research supervises instructional records, the marking procedure, advisory system, admissions and the academic guidance of students; the Registrar's Office and the Library and academic counseling service are also included; photo.
36 Kappa Delta Phi Hears Guest Speakers
Old Gold 0:0, p.208
Kappa Delta Phi is a national honorary fraternity in education open to juniors, seniors, and graduate students; guest speakers included: President J. W. Maucker, Dwight Curtis, Herbert Silvey, Philip Jennings, Daryl Pendergraft, and Marshall Beard; photo.
37 Study habits questionnaire appears soon
College Eye 48:27, p.1
Seeking information in order to make improvements.
38 Sigma Alpha Eta
Old Gold 0:0, p.206
Brief description of the group; photo.
39 Instruction and Research
Old Gold 0:0, p.84
Brief description of the faculty; photo.
40 Administration Photos
Old Gold 0:0, p.75
Photos of Dr. Silvey, Dr. Bernhard, and Dr. Gamet; photos.
41 Education Staff Conducts Five Conferences
Old Gold 0:0, p.82
Description of the Educational Clinic and a list of the conferences that were held over the year; photos.
42 Sophomores will take national tests in March
College Eye 46:21, p.1
Will assist in giving students vocational guidance and in measuring achievement.
43 Extension service announces eight extension classes
College Eye 46:16, p.6
Roster of teachers and locations.
44 Research bureau serves faculty, helps students
College Eye 45:40, p.4
At look at the work of the Bureau of Research and Examination Services.
45 Irving H. Hart
Old Gold 0:0, p.21
Administration; photo.
46 Students and faculty confer throughout USA
College Eye 45:19, p.1
Many faculty and students are travelling to other cities for conferences.
47 Three extension classes offered
College Eye 45:14, p.8
Professors Lamke, Hult, and Silvey will offer courses in outlying towns.
48 Administration
Old Gold 0:0, p.22
Administrators; photo.
49 Sophomore tests given next week
College Eye 44:21, p.1
Designed to assess student achievement and to provide vocational guidance.
50 Adjustment tests face sophomores
College Eye 44:20, p.3
Description of the tests.