Simmers--Charles L. (Class of 1906)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 52 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Charles L. Simmers
Alumnus 28:2, p.32
Died on November 22, 1943, in Rochester, Minnesota.
2 President of two colleges is one of seven who received early training at your alma mater!
Alumnus 20:2, p.11
Survey and roster of alumni who direct or serve in executive position in colleges and universities.
3 25 years ago in the Normal Eyte
College Eye 17:17, p.6
The Lecture and Entertainment Course from the old days.
4 Chas. L. Simmers
Alumni News Letter 6:4, p.5
Charles L. Simmers resigns from his position at the New Hampshire College.
5 Chas. L. Simmers
Alumni News Letter 6:3, p.5
Charles L. Simmers is a professor of Education and Psychology, and serves as head of Teacher Training at the New Hampshire College.
6 Charles L. Simmers
Alumni News Letter 5:2, p.4
Simmers is important at New Hampshire College; his duties are listed.
7 Official
College Eye 7:24, p.5
News of other Normal Schools; news of faculty and alumni.
8 Friends of Charles L. Simmers
College Eye 7:19, p.8
Charles Simmers is a department head at New Hampshire College.
9 Official Notes
College Eye 4:18, p.3
Announces important happenings in education.
10 During the Washington Educational Association
College Eye 1:13, p.6
W. Nelson held a reception for all Iowa teachers present at the event; list of I. S. T. C. alumni.
11 C. L. Simmers
College Eye 1:3, p.48
Received his master's degree from the University of Michigan.
12 C. L. Simmers
Normal Eyte 21:22, p.379
Will receive his master's from the University of Wisconsin.
13 Charles Simmers
Normal Eyte 21:11, p.188
Student at the University of Wisconsin; Mrs. Simmers, the former Anna Walker, is also a student there.
14 Iowa-Normal Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.235
Association for Normalites who attend the University of Iowa; photo.
15 Virgil Simmers
Normal Eyte 20:10, p.181
Is enrolled at university of Wisconsin; his brother Charles is teaching there.
16 Official
Normal Eyte 20:3, p.38
Commencement addresses will be published as conclusion of work of Board of Trustees; many alumni are teaching at colleges and universities.
17 Orio
Old Gold 0:0, p.237
Year in review, officers, debate and musical groups; photo.
18 First annual dinner; Normal Club at the State university banquets at Iowa City
Normal Eyte 19:20, p.313
About seventy attend, including President Seerley and President MacLean of the University of Iowa.
19 The normal school
Normal Eyte 18:12, p.190
Some alumni attended last week's debate.
20 November
Old Gold 0:0, p.275
Chronological look at school year month by month.
21 The marriage of two former Normalites
Normal Eyte 17:18, p.284
Anna M. Walker married Charles Simmers.
22 Chas. Simmers
Normal Eyte 17:3, p.42
Vacationed in Canada; studying at University of Iowa.
23 The Orio Society
Pedagog 0:0, p.92
Brief history of the organization; photo.
24 Student portraits
Pedagog 0:0, p.21
Student portraits; photo.
25 Margaret Bowes, Margaret Kelly, John Hilliard
Normal Eyte 16:31, p.495
Went to oratorical contest.
26 Society
Normal Eyte 16:17, p.265
All of the societies express sadness over I. G. Long's death; Philos hold annual banquet in honor of Alphas.
27 Society
Normal Eyte 16:15, p.230
Orios tell how their members are going to spend the upcoming vacation; Clios gave performance of scenes from William Tell; Philos gave a skating program.
28 Schiller program; Clio public session at Normal auditorium
Normal Eyte 16:13, p.204
Biography of Schiller will be given, along with a play describing the life of William Tell.
29 Ames debaters chosen
Normal Eyte 16:5, p.65
John Cherny, Charles Mantle, and Deforest Ferris selected; Clarence Steelsmith is alternate
30 Our lecture course
Normal Eyte 16:4, p.51
Description of acts set to perform for the Normal Lecture Course.
31 Ames will be met
Normal Eyte 15:34, p.529
Three of the six men taking part in the preliminary debate will be chosen to face Ames next fall.
32 The Orio Society
Normal Eyte Annual 0:0, p.42
Group formed from overflowing societies; excels in literary work; photo.
33 Orios
Normal Eyte 15:22, p.349
Describes the events of the recent Orio meeting.
34 Orios
Normal Eyte 15:19, p.301
Describes the events of the recent Orio meeting.
35 Friday evening, January 20th
Normal Eyte 15:17, p.271
Occurred the forth annual reception and banquet for the Xanho fraternity.
36 Ames debaters chosen; Johnson, Colegrove, and Mantle capture places on team-Hayes alternate
Normal Eyte 15:5, p.65
After a preliminary debate, the team members who will face Ames were chosen.
37 Republicans organize; political pot begins to boil at Normal
Normal Eyte 15:5, p.67
The Republican students gathered to develop a Republican Club; new officers were elected.
38 Now for Ames; each society chooses two debaters
Normal Eyte 14:35, p.553
Orios select Dallas Johnson and Charles Simmers; Philos select Carl Misseldine and Tom Conley; Aristos select H. G. Hayes and Carl Hoyt.
39 Triangular debate; Philos, 4; Orios, 4; Aristo, 1
Normal Eyte 14:33, p.521
Brief account of the debate.
40 Orio
Normal Eyte 14:18, p.280
Many debaters presented their arguments.
41 Orio
Normal Eyte 14:16, p.250
Alumni visit the Orios.
42 The first open session
Normal Eyte 14:11, p.175
The Cliosophic society gave their first open session.
43 Second team 12, Ellsworth College 5
Normal Eyte 14:10, p.157
W. S. Hicks scores final touchdown.
44 The Xanhos
Normal Eyte 14:6, p.94
The Xanhos held a reception at the Odd Fellows hall.
45 Pigskins christened; our long-haired warriors win
Normal Eyte 14:5, p.76
Normalites defeat Eldora and Waterloo.
46 Orio
Normal Eyte 14:3, p.42
Orios deliver program on the irresistible Irish.
47 Orio
Normal Eyte 14:2, p.27
New members are eager to step into the places of men not returning.
48 Society
Normal Eyte 13:33, p.522
Philos enjoy music and papers; Aristos hear papers; Chrestos enjoy Scotch program; Shakes hear Shakespearean program; Orios presented mail program.
49 Society
Normal Eyte 13:30, p.474
Orios hear papers; Philos enjoy music; Ossolis hold literary program; Neos give athletics program; Chrestos hold debate; Aristos give agricultural program.
50 Society
Normal Eyte 13:25, p.393
Philos heard papers; Aristos enjoyed costume program; Orios held railroad program.