Simmons--Cody Lee (Student--2009)

Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 More UNI students taking extra year to graduate
Northern Iowan 109:36, p.1
Students are taking more time to graduate. They need to work more hours and therefore must take fewer credits. Double majors in particular take extra time.
2 Students, faculty speak out on world language program closures
Northern Iowan 108:46, p.1
World language and culture degrees will include only a Spanish B. A. and a Spanish Teaching B. A. French, German, and Russian were dropped due to budget constraints.
3 Are more students leaving the Hill to go downtown
Northern Iowan 108:37, p.1
The Barmuda establishments on College Hill have seen a decline in business during the recession, but their downtown businesses have seen an increase. The Hill is turning into a younger crowd, since several establishments allow entry at 18; photo.
4 NISG promotes Diversity First Initiative
Northern Iowan 106:19, p.1
Northern Iowa Student Government met with Cedar Falls city council candidate, filled election commission openings, learned of an upcoming diversity retreat, and approved a resolution on Veteran's Day observance.