Singer--John A. (Student--1896-1898)
Displaying 1 - 10 of 10 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Ancient history pictures stir memories, C. W. Roadman avers Alumnus 20:3, p.6 |
C. W. Roadman remembers the early days of the school. | |
2 | John A. Singer Normal Eyte 17:35, p.560 |
In dry goods business in Idaho. | |
3 | John Singer Normal Eyte 17:18, p.282 |
In dry goods business in Spokane. | |
4 | Johnnie Singer Normal Eyte 15:12, p.188 |
Is head clerk in the silk department of "The Fair" in Chicago. | |
5 | Band concert Normal Eyte 7:30, p.13 |
Review of recent performance. | |
6 | Orio Normal Eyte 7:23, p.15 |
Account of recent meeting. | |
7 | Society Notes Normal Eyte 7:13, p.151 |
Text of Professor Colegrove's address on temperance; Professor Wright addresses YWCA; statistics on women's participation in religious matters; description of recent Philo, Aristo, and Orio meetings. |
8 | Athletic Association Normal Eyte 6:33, p.447 |
Officers elected; school track records. | |
9 | Society Notes Normal Eyte 6:20, p.235 |
Description of recent society programs. | |
10 | Following is the instrumentation and roster Normal Eyte 6:14, p.158 |
Roster of players for the Mandolin Club and the Orchestra. |