Smith--Anita P. (Lawther Hall Director)
Displaying 1 - 22 of 22 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Administrative reorganization A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.201 |
President Maucker seeks to resolve matters of faculty governance and authority; organizes and establishes administrative lines for units in Division of Field Services. | |
2 | Name new Associate Dean, Librarian Alumnus 37:3, p.5 |
Marian McBrair is new associate dean of students; Donald O. Rod is head librarian; photo. | |
3 | Inter-sorority and fraternity king and queen Old Gold 0:0, p.216 |
Donald "Tex" Humphreys and Marilyn Gabby were crowned king and queen of the Inter-Sorority and Fraternity dance by Anita Smith and Dr. William Dee. Music was performed by Howie Curtis, Sam Young, and Barbara Bagley; photo. | |
4 | Cedar Falls Women's Housing Unit Old Gold 0:0, p.117 |
Joan Arthur acts as president of the Women's Housing Unit, with Joanne Gamet and Jane Haffner serving as officers. Associate Dean Anita Smith is the group advisor. | |
5 | Administration Old Gold 0:0, p.26 |
Administrators; photo. | |
6 | Maucker serves freshmen students College Eye 44:21, p.1 |
Administrators honor scholarship winners. | |
7 | Dean Bender becomes new dean of students Alumnus 36:4, p.3 |
New office is part of reorganization of student services. | |
8 | And so to school again College Eye 44:1, p.5 |
The registration process; photo. | |
9 | Administration changes staff; Bender, Smith to new posts College Eye 44:1, p.6 |
Paul Bender is Dean of Students; Anita P. Smith is Associate Dean of Students; follows retirement of Sadie Campbell. |
10 | Chimes Old Gold 0:0, p.158 |
Brief description of the group; photo. | |
11 | Lawther Hall Old Gold 0:0, p.78 |
Brief description of the resident hall; photo. | |
12 | Junior chimes Old Gold 0:0, p.138 |
Brief description of the group; photo. | |
13 | Lawther Hall Old Gold 0:0, p.60 |
Brief description of the dormitory; photo. | |
14 | As I See It College Eye 40:36, p.2 |
Encourages students to take classes in psychology, since they may also serve as personal counselors to their students. | |
15 | Anita Smith new Lawther director College Eye 40:31, p.2 |
Replaces Joan Smith. | |
16 | Lawther discusses drama, manners College Eye 40:19, p.6 |
17 | Social usage lessons held at girls' dorm College Eye 40:16, p.7 |
Discussion of manners. | |
18 | Smith and Smith hold discussion in Lawther College Eye 40:14, p.5 |
Discuss good manners. | |
19 | McElroy has charge of Lawther musicale College Eye 40:12, p.7 |
20 | Lawther has fireside sing after the game College Eye 40:12, p.7 |
21 | Lawther starts year's activities College Eye 40:1, p.8 |
Held meeting at Hartman Reserve to get acquainted and to make plans. | |
22 | Anita Smith is new sophomore counselor College Eye 40:1, p.3 |
Brief profile. |