Smith--Daryl Dee (Tallgrass Prairie Center--Director)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 150 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 'Prairie Rendezvous' event to honor retiring professor
Northern Iowan 116:4, p.4

A Prairie Rendezvous will be held on September 14 at 10:30 am to celebrate the career of Dr. Daryl Smith. Smith was a professor at UNI and created the Tallgrass Prairie Center in 1973. At the Rendezvous, the Tallgrass Prairie will be renamed the Daryl Smith Prairie; photo.

2 UNI to host Ecological Restoration Seminar on Rochester Cemetery
Public Relations News Release 2012:68, p.1
University of Northern Iowa's Tallgrass Prairie Center will host Peter Kollasch as part of the Ecological Restoration Seminar Series. The management perspectives of the Rochester Cemetery will be the topic of discussion.
3 UNI's Tallgrass Prairie Center receives additional funding for Prairie Power Project
Public Relations News Release 2011:116, p.1
The Tallgrass Prairie Center receive another grant to finalize a study that uses prairie seeds for energy production.
4 Prairie center gets a face-lift
Northern Iowan 108:14, p.1
Tallgrass Prairie Center renovations include remodeled graduate offices, conference center, research labs, an expanded shop area, greenhouse, and updated storage facility; photo.
5 UNI Tallgrass Prairie Center to hold open house
Public Relations News Release 2011:65, p.1
An open house will be held for UNI's Tallgrass Prairie Center to showcase new renovations and building expansion.
6 Black plagues UNI campus
Northern Iowan 107:46, p.
Plague caused by viewing Rebecca Black's music video, "Friday"; photo.
7 North American conference at UNI to explore all aspects of prairies, from scientific investigation to artistic inspiration; Aug. 1 - 5f
Public Relations News Release 2009:484, p.1
Four keynote speakers will present during the conference: Reed Noss, Mark Ackelson, John Price, and Daryl Smith. Participants can choose from among a number of sessions that cover prairie management, prairie restoration and reconstruction.
8 'Introduction to the Tallgrass Prairie,' a UNI teacher's workshop, draws 17
Public Relations News Release 2007:769, p.1
The workshop, which included field trips to the campus prairie, the Cedar Hills Sand Prairie near Finchford and an all-day trip to the Hayden Prairie in southern Howard County, drew 17 participants from Iowa and Wisconsin.
9 UNI CNS offers two summer science workshops for teachers, June 30 through July 3
Public Relations News Release 2007:734, p.1
UNI's College of Natural Sciences will offer two summer science workshops for teachers called 'Investigating Inquiry Science Instruction' and 'Introduction to the Tallgrass Prairie.'
10 Six UNI professors receive Regents Award for Faculty Excellence
Public Relations News Release 2007:419, p.1
Biographical profiles of Mohammad Rawwas, Katherine van Wormer, Lucille Lettow, Charles Holcombe, Melissa Beall, and Daryl Smith.
11 Focus on the environment
Northern Iowan 104:32, p.1
Focus the Nation, a national teach-in event, was well attended. Global warming discussed.
12 Speakers scheduled for global warming teach-in on January 31 at UNI
Public Relations News Release 2007:378, p.1
Several speakers will be present for Focus the Nation, a teach-in event for global warming solutions.
13 UNI Tallgrass Prairie Center to host open house September 19
Public Relations News Release 2007:148, p.1
Visitors will be able to learn about the Tallgrass Prairie Center's programs, projects, view the facilities, meet the staff.
14 Annabeth Gish available for interviews March 8.
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
Biographical profile of Annabeth Gish.
15 UNI-produced award-winning film coming to PBS on Sunday, April 1
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
Daryl Smith was the executive producer and co-producer of "America's Lost Landscape: The Tallgrass Prairie."
16 PBS to air tallgrass documentary
Northern Iowa Today 91:1, p.
Will show "America's Lost Landscape: the Tallgrass Prairie"; photo.
17 UNI honors outstanding faculty for teaching, research, and professional service
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
Paul Shand, Daryl Smith, and Syed Kirmani received awards for their outstanding teaching, research, and professional service.
18 Classes at Lake Okoboji available for UNI students; Lakeside Laboratory offers photography, ecology, prairie ecology, astronomy, archeology
Northern Iowan 102:47, p.1
A look at programs offered at the Lab; UNI faculty and others teach there; astronomy will be available for the first time; photo.
19 UNI Roadside Vegetation Center takes root with new name 'Tallgrass Prairie Center' reflects organization's mission
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
New name reflects organization's mission of providing research, techniques, education and source-identified seed for restoration and preservation of native vegetation systems.
20 Professor beats National Geographic for documentary about prairie grass
Northern Iowan 102:28, p.12
Daryl Smith receives honors for work involving native vegetation.
21 UNI announces curriculum for new 'Lifelong University'
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
Non-credit courses will be offered this fall for members of the community.
22 'Tallgrass Prairie' film wins awards from Iowa Motion Picture Association
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
Documentary received four awards of excellence and three awards of merit.
23 Prairie documentary, edited by Marshalltown native, to air on IPTV March 11.
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
"America's Lost Landscape: The Tallgrass Prairie" was edited by UNI alum Clayton Condit.
24 UNI and New Light Media prairie documentary to air on IPTV
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
"America's Lost Landscape: The Tallgrass Prairie" will be shown on IPTV.
25 Monday, Feb. 21
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
"Eyes On the Prize" documentary to be shown; "America's Lost Landscape" will be shown; Yawo Atttivor will perform at KUNI.
26 'America's Lost Landscape: The Tallgrass Prairie' shows viewers the grass from the past
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
Film was produced by UNI professor Daryl Smith.
27 UNI's Native Roadside Vegetation Center director produces film on Iowa's prairieland
Northern Iowa Today 89:1, p.19
Professor Daryl Smith produced "America's lost landscape: the tallgrass prairie; photo.
28 UNI professor debuts documentary film
Northern Iowan 101:26, p.1
Daryl Smith and David O'Shields examine the tall grass prairie ecosystem in their jointly-produced film.
29 UNI's prairie film to make Des Moines debut
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
Daryl Smith's documentary will be shown on December 6 at the IPTV studio in Des Moines. Actress Annabeth Gish serves as narrator for the film.
30 UNI to co-sponsor 18th Annual Roadside Conference in Harlan Oct. 7-8
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
Conference is titled "Roadside Management and Mulch More"; will discuss effective seeding practices for ditches.
31 UNI changes venue for premiere of 'America's Lost Landscape' documentary
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
Film will be shown Friday, April 30 in the Gallagher-Bluedorn Performing Arts Center.
32 UNI and New Light Media to premiere prairie documentary narrated by Annabeth Gish
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
"America's Lost Landscapes: The Tallgrass Prairie" will be shown Friday, April 30, and is co-produced by UNI professor Daryl Smith.
33 UNI Prairie Preserve celebrates 30 years
Northern Iowa Today 88:1, p.17
Founders of Preserves honored.
34 UNI Prairie Preserve to celebrate 30th anniversary Sept. 27
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
Celebration to mark the occasion and honor those involved with the founding to be held in the CEEE rotunda.
35 Native Roadside Vegetation Center at UNI to be dedicated Friday, Aug. 29
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
The funding for the center was provided by a federal appropriation and the University matched the appropriation with 35 acres of land.
36 Wilderness woes
Public Relations News Release 2002:563, p.1
Importance of President Bush's decision to open 2.6 million acres of wilderness to development.
37 Center making Iowa roadsides traveler-friendly
Northern Iowan 99:37, p.9
Native Roadside Vegetation Enhancement Center focuses on reducing spraying and mowing to create beautiful roadside scenes; photo.
38 Smith devoting career to prairie restoration, Vegetation Center
Northern Iowan 99:37, p.9
Profile of professor Daryl Smith; photo.
39 Isolated wetlands meet their enemy
Public Relations News Release 2002:256, p.1
Dangers of developing wetlands will be discussed.
40 GLOBE Iowa Workshop to be held at UNI
Public Relations News Release 2000:339, p.1
Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment will take place on April 1-7 at UNI; the workshop is open to all Iowa teachers.
41 Daryl Smith: a guide on the side
Northern Iowa Today 84:1, p.14
Profile of Professor Daryl Smith; photo.
42 Creating prairies for tomorrow
Northern Iowa Today 83:1, p.12
$760,000 in federal funds will be used to design and construct Native Roadside Vegetation Enhancement Center on campus; history of program at UNI; photo.
43 Awards/honors/service: Daryl Smith
Campus News Network 9:9, p.
Daryl Smith received an achievement award from the Iowa chapter of Nature Conservancy.
44 University of Northern Iowa biology professor Daryl Smith awarded for environmental service, leadership, and contributions
Public Relations News Release 1998:153, p.1
Daryl Smith, UNI biology professor, received three awards for conservation education and participation, and his part in Roadside Vegetation Program.
45 Cedar Prairie Group of the Sierra Club
Northern Iowan 95:11, p.5
Will hold an outing.
46 Roadside program gets boost from Congress
Campus News Network 8:20, p.2
Center will receive $760,000 to develop Iowa native seedstock.
47 Development plans spark controversy
Northern Iowan 94:53, p.1

Students and faculty members question proposed use of preserve land as golf course and retirement community; photo.

48 University of Northern Iowa will celebrate Earth Week April 20-24
Public Relations News Release 1997:307, p.1
Earth Week events include reception for Kathryn Mary Stanaszek, Solar Oven Cook-In, speakers, displays, presentations, and kick off for Rebuild Cedar Valley Program.
49 What's Up
Northern Iowan 94:32, p.2
Schedule of activities and meetings.
50 Will preserve fall to golf course?
Northern Iowan 94:7, p.1
Reactions to possible use of portion of preserves land for golf course.