Smith--Dennis (Classes of 1959 and 1967)
Displaying 1 - 22 of 22 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Musical compositions by Dennis Smith, eclectic composer and teacher Alumnus 63:3, p.25 |
Profile of Dennis Smith, Waterloo band director and composer; photo. | |
2 | UNI Marching Band to Present Concert Public Relations News Release 1970:107, p.1 |
The concert will feature the music performed during halftimes of the 1970 football season. | |
3 | Pops Concert Thursday at UNI Public Relations News Release 1969:421, p.1 |
The UNI Symphonic Band and Concert Chorale will appear together at a Pops Concert in Music Hall. Proceeds will go to the UNI Music Scholarship Fund. | |
4 | PMA will award best DIJ works College Eye 58:11, p.4 |
Will make awards for original compositions and arrangements. | |
5 | Marching Band Performs at Augustana Old Gold 0:0, p.142 |
The Marching Band had been through long hours of practice, halftime shows at football games, Homecoming activities, and parades; one highlight was the presentation of the halftime show at Augustana; photo. | |
6 | Orchestra Helps Promote Campus Culture Old Gold 0:0, p.141 |
The Teachers College Symphony Orchestra hosts a fall, winter, and spring concert; the spring concert is given by student members, who are featured as soloists; the production of the operetta Kiss Me Kate was one of this year's highlights; photo. | |
7 | Local talent presents concert College Eye 50:32, p.3 |
Faculty and students will perform. | |
8 | Cagley, Smith to give recital College Eye 50:29, p.3 |
Performance program. | |
9 | Dimensions in Jazz no. 10 College Eye 50:27, p.5 |
Details upcoming jazz performances; photo. | |
10 | Dimensions in Jazz No. 10 College Eye 50:11, p. |
Two page insert profiling Phi Mu Alpha and the Dimensions in Jazz performance. | |
11 | The Mark V zooms to fame from classroom to Chicago College Eye 50:3, p.7 |
Singing group composed of ISTC students has performed around the Midwest; photo. | |
12 | Symphony Orchestra Old Gold 0:0, p.142 |
Description of the orchestra along with a photo located at the bottom of the page; photo. | |
13 | Concert Band Old Gold 0:0, p.143 |
Description of the Concert Band and photo of the band; photo. | |
14 | Phi Mu Sponsors Ninth Dimensions Old Gold 0:0, p.212 |
Description of the national music fraternity for male students, Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia; photo. | |
15 | Vocal quintet formed, will sing with famed Woody Herman band College Eye 49:31, p.4 |
The Tutors have performed on campus and around the state; photo. | |
16 | Marching Band Old Gold 0:0, p.135 |
Dr. Karl Holvik was the director of the 92 piece Marching Band; the band was led by DeLoy Davidsen, and the twirlers were: Janice Brown, Judith Hawthorne, Nancy Waite, and Ann Hoium; photo. | |
17 | Symphony Orchestra Old Gold 0:0, p.136 |
Dr. Myron E. Russell is the director of the Symphony Orchestra; a concert is given each quarter and the soloists are both students and faculty; the spring concert, however is given by the Teachers College students and the soloists are all students; photo. | |
18 | Concert Band Old Gold 0:0, p.137 |
Dr. Karl Holvik is the director; the 86 members in the band performed for three concerts on January 20, March 2, and May 23; the band also went on tour in March and performed in various cities in Iowa; photo. | |
19 | Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Is Active Old Gold 0:0, p.211 |
Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia is open to all who express some interest in the furtherment of music; the most common events are: the annual jazz concert, the Christmas concert, in co-operation with Sigma Alpha Iota, and the Continental American Concert; photo. | |
20 | Marching Band Old Gold 0:0, p.137 |
Brief description of the group; photo. | |
21 | Symphony Orchestra Old Gold 0:0, p.138 |
Brief description of the group; photo. |
22 | Concert Band Old Gold 0:0, p.139 |
Brief description of the group; photo. |