Smith--Elli [Class of 2018]

Displaying 1 - 1 of 1 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Honors week: Comics, trivia and pomp
Northern Iowan 112:49, p.4

Multiple events will take place during Honors Week, April 11-15. They include: a book discussion of "Enrique's Journey" by Sonia Nazario, hosted by Sigma Delta Pi in Lang Auditorium; a quiz bowl, hosted by the Honors Student Advisory Board (HSAB) in Maucker Union; professor Harry Brod and his class on the topic "Graphic Novels: Narrative Art and Sequential Story Telling" in the Honors Cottage; Phi Alpha Theta's induction ceremony and speaker Chris Shackelford in Seerley Hall; honors Olympics hosted by HSAB; Sigma Gamma Epsilon hosting an earth science museum in Latham Hall; and Phi Sigma Pi hosting a movie screening called "Lift the Blindfold - A Documentary on Homelessness in New York" in the Honors Cottage.