Smith--Glenn D. (Class of 1937)

Displaying 1 - 14 of 14 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Glenn D. Smith
Alumnus 36:2, p.15
Principal of the elementary schools in Rocklin, California.
2 Glenn D. Smith
Alumnus 25:2, p.33
Has been elected industrial arts instructor for the seventh and eighth grades in the elementary school, Yuba City, California. He spent last summer attending classes at Chico State College.
3 Glenn D. Smith
Alumnus 23:3, p.28
Is employed in the office of the Coca Cola Co. in Susanville, Calif. He was a campus visitor recently.
4 Seniors, 1936-'37
Old Gold 0:0, p.245
Senior portraits; photos.
5 A X E elect Norman Manship president
College Eye 28:12, p.3
Roster of officers.
6 Senior class holds first supper meeting
College Eye 28:6, p.4
7 Pep Club pledges six new members
College Eye 28:3, p.3
Roster of pledges.
8 Beulah Tye and Glenn Smith are in charge of arrangements for the annual play night
Public Relations News Release 1935:579, p.1
Special exhibitions of boxing and gymnastics are planned.
9 D. Glenn Smtih has been named to the committee in charge of tickets for the Men's Union dinner
Public Relations News Release 1935:352, p.1
10 Only ten days of practice remain for the Panthers to get ready for the invasion of Cornell
Public Relations News Release 1935:31, p.1

There are no set positions yet, as changes are still being made in the entire make up of the team.

11 The football game against Luther brought an end to Glenn Smith's second season
Public Relations News Release 1934:713, p.1
Smith is known as the best drop-kicker on the squad, but hasn't had a chance to show his ability before the stands.
12 Varsity football squad
Old Gold 0:0, p.127
Schedule, team roster, and 1932 season highlights; photos.
13 Schedule; Freshman Football
Old Gold 0:0, p.137
Schedule of games and overview of the freshman football team.
14 Alpha Chi Epsilon
Old Gold 0:0, p.243
Names of officers and members; photo.